Forever Rocking by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Danny rushed inside his dorm room on the MIT campus.

He ran up the stairs, all excited about his time travel trip.

He got out on the second floor.

He then rushed down the hallway and got to his room door. He opened up the door and rushed inside.

Danny stopped dead in his tracks the second he stepped inside his room. His eyes widened in a little shock when he saw Bobby naked in bed with a girl. He was on top of her, and she moaned with her feet up in the air. But she was not Cindy. She was that petite cute girl with short black hair.

Danny saw Bobby chatting with before his time travel trip. They were sweaty moving, humping, her toes curled up in the air while under the covers. They did not have a clue Danny was inside the room.

Danny looked embarrassed. He quietly tiptoed backwards to the door.

He quietly left his dorm room and softly closed the door.

Danny walked away down the hallway and could not believe that Bobby was cheating on Cindy. Figures. He muttered to himself and started to hate his roommate.

Danny walked out one of the side exits of his dorm building.

While he rushed away from the building, he did not notice Cindy while she walked into the front entrance.

Danny walked away down the sidewalk.

Once Danny entered the campus library, he headed over to the area that offered free computers and Internet access.

He found an opened computer and sat down with the numerous other students.

He sat down and immediately brought up the Safari program. He typed 'The Rocking Tones' in the search block then clicked on the 'Search' button.

He waited, and it was a long wait.

He saw tons of search results that appeared. He opens the 'The Rocking Tones" Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia link.

The Wikipedia page for The Rocking Tones appeared. He scanned through it and saw that The Rocking Tones died when a bomb blew up their bus during the early morning of October 5th, 1964.

"Shit!" Danny said out loud, and it echoed a little in the quiet library.

Everybody around him gave looks of extreme disapproval for him interrupting their train of thought.

Danny got up from his computer.

He moped away and headed to the doors knowing that his mission was a complete failure.

A little while later, Danny walked down the sidewalk to his dorm building.

He stopped when he got close to the front entrance. He stared at the windows on the second floor. He remembered Bobby and that other girl in heated sex.

He turned around and walked away and headed down the sidewalk.

A little while later, Danny sat alone at a table in the Caffeine Palace. He had a large cup of black coffee while he sat in deep thought.

Then something caught his eye from the windows. He spotted Cindy while she moped past the coffee shop windows to the left. She looked visibly upset.

Danny looked concerned as he had a hunch why she was upset. He grabbed his coffee cup and got up from his seat.

He rushed to the shop doors.

Once Danny got out of the Caffeine Palace, he looked to his left for Cindy. He saw her still moping down the sidewalk.

"Cindy," he called out while he ran after her.

She turned around, still visibly upset.

"What's the matter?" he asked, but he had a hunch on what upset her.

Cindy's lips quivered while she fought from crying.

"Let's sit down and talk about it," he offered while he motioned for them to sit at a nearby bench.

Danny and Cindy walked over and sat down on the nearby bench.

It was quiet between them for a few seconds while students walked up and down the sidewalk.

Then Danny opened his mouth to break the ice. "What happened to get you so upset?"

Cindy looked at Danny and was not sure she wanted to tell him. But something about the sincerity in his eyes made her feel comfortable that he would understand. "I went to Bobby's dorm room to see if he wanted to get something to eat at the Subway. When I got to the door, I heard a female's voice inside the room," she said then she paused while she wiped away some tears that rolled down her cheek. "I heard a female cry out. She cried out Bobby's name. I could tell they were having sex," she said while her eyes welled up and her upper lip quivered some more.

"I'm so sorry, Cindy," Danny said while he placed an arm around her shoulder to show his concern.

"I should have known not to trust a musician. All they want is sex. Maybe he went with this girl because I would not let him have his way with me. I'm not that kind of girl," she said while more tears ran down her cheek. She suddenly got up from the bench. "I got some studying to do for a test tomorrow. Thanks, Danny," she said, then rushed away.

Danny watched while Cindy rushed away down the sidewalk and he could hear her dry.

He got up from the bench and walked off in another direction in deep thought.

Then Danny glanced down at his watch. His eyes widened in a panic. "Crap!" he cried out when he realized he was ten minutes late for his Music Theory class.

He turned around and ran down the sidewalk heading in the direction of the library.

After Danny was finished with his Music Theory class without his books or notebook, he headed off to the Subway for dinner.

After he finished his foot-long roast beef sub, he headed back to his dorm room. He was worn out.

When Danny got in his dorm room, he immediately got on his bed. Bobby was gone gallivanting around the campus, or maybe the band had a gig. Danny did not care, as he loathed his roomie.

Then Danny's eyes closed, and he drifted off to sleep. He started to have a dream.

In Danny's dream, he walked down the side of a two-lane country road in the woods. It was quiet. Some headlights suddenly shone on Danny's face.

The headlights got brighter and larger while the object got closer.

Then Danny realized it was a bus.

He stepped off onto the dirt shoulder of the road and stopped.

The bus whizzed by Danny, almost knocking him down. Then Danny saw the headlights of a red Corvette down the road. The Corvette whizzed past by him at a slower speed.

Then Danny watched while the bus got farther down the road. The Corvette slowed down. The bus suddenly exploded into a huge fireball sending flaming pieces of metal everywhere.

A substantial flaming piece of the bus flew straight for Danny. He just stood frozen in fear.

Back to reality…

"Ahhhh!" Danny woke up in a panic in his bed. He felt his body for any signs of fire. He was not burning. He then looked at his "The Day They Died Mystery" book on his bedside table. He got up off his bed, grabbed this book then headed to his dresser.

After he grabbed his MacBook Pro off the dresser, he headed out of his dorm room.

A little while later, Danny sat back at a table in the Caffeine Palace.

Danny had his laptop powered up, a cup of coffee and chocolate chip muffin in his hand. He took a drink of coffee then took a bit of his muffin while he glanced at his laptop monitor.

The laptop monitor showed an old newspaper article that had a picture of the burnt and charred bus that once belonged to The Rocking Tones. Danny looked sad while he stared at the picture.

He heard someone walk up behind him but did not think anything about those footsteps.

"My grandmother was a huge fan of The Rocking Tones," Cindy said while she stood behind Danny and glanced his laptop monitor.

Danny's eyes lit up, recognizing her voice. He turned around and saw Cindy with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Please do," Danny replied and was jumping for joy inside.

Cindy sat down in the chair next to Danny.

"How you feeling?"

"Better after a little nap. I decided that Bobby isn't worth it, so I'm moving on with my life."

She took a sip of coffee while she looked at the laptop that had a picture of the charred bus from that explosion. "Why the interest in that band?"

"My grandmother was a huge fan. We would listen to all of their records when I was a kid. I guess that's why I became a fan."

"My grandmother also played them for me when I was young," Cindy said then she took another drink of her coffee.

"Jackie has always been my favorite. I don't know why," he said while he clicked on a thumbnail picture of Jackie off to the right side of the website.

Cindy looked at the larger color picture of Jackie on the laptop after it popped up. "You both have brown eyes," she said then thought about what she just said. "I don't know what that means," she added while she continued to stare at the laptop. "I have to admit, I'm also a huge fan thanks to my grandmother. I actually thought Sid was the cutest," she added then took another drink of coffee.

Danny rolled his eyes.

"My grandmother told me how she was outside the Ed Sullivan Theater and saw them get inside the bus and leave. So I guess, she was one of the few people that saw them before they died," said Cindy.

"It's truly a shame they died when their bus exploded."

"I know. I wonder who wanted them dead?" asked Cindy.

"Well, it's still believed that that religious fanatic down in Alabama was behind it," Danny said. "But after watching an episode of Facts and Lies the other night, I'm starting to have my doubts," said Danny while he clicked on a thumbnail of The Rocking Stones on the stage at the Ed Sullivan show.

"I also watched that show the other night," Cindy said then took another drink of her coffee while she looked at the Ed Sullivan Show picture. "I think that the possibility exists that Elmer Watson was framed. But by who is the big question."

"That's very plausible," replied Danny, then he took a drink of his coffee.

"The only way anybody can find out now is by going back in time," said Cindy then she took another drink of her coffee. "I wonder if they would have been bigger than The Beatles?"

Danny looked at Cindy's eyes. "Do you believe that time travel is possible?"

"Maybe in the movies. Why?" she asked then took another drink of her coffee.

Danny looked over at Cindy. He looked like he wanted to burst with the news of his recent time travel trip. "Do you like adventures?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?"

Danny hesitated and wondered if he should proceed. "This may sound strange, but trust me. I want to show you something in the morning. Something that you will not believe the second you see it. It will blow your mind."

Cindy looked at Danny. "That's clear as mud and sounds a little suspicious. What exactly is it?"

"I can't tell you. You have to see it in person. And you can trust me. I'm nothing like Bobby."

Cindy looked at Danny for a few seconds. "What time tomorrow morning?"

"How about eight. I'll meet you here, and we'll drive over in my car."

"Okay. Tomorrow morning at eight," Cindy replied, then she got up from the table.

Danny watched while she walked to the door. He smiled.

Later that night, Danny was sound asleep with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, back in 1928, Fort Myers, Dr. Youngblood sat on a wooden dock in a chair with Thomas Edison by his side. They had their fishing lines in the water. The fish were not biting, but who cared, as it was so peaceful to sit out there and ponder life.

This was the same scene that Danny saw as an old picture in that library book about Thomas Edison.

Then Henry Ford walked down the dock and up to Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison turned around. "Henry, meet my good friend, Doctor Phillip Youngblood. He's a physics professor at MIT."

Dr. Youngblood stood and looked in awe at Henry Ford.

Henry looked at Dr. Youngblood, then his eyes widened, seeing a familiar sight. "You were that guy standing out in the street in the middle of the night the other day."

Dr. Youngblood looked at Henry and could not believe that Henry Ford in a Model A Ford almost hit him.

"Yeah, that was me, I got a little lost in the dark," Dr. Youngblood said.

"Good thing I didn't run you over," Henry Ford said while he extended out his hand.

They shook hands.

"Thomas, bring your friend over for dinner tonight.

Thomas Edison waved that he would.

Dr. Youngblood watched while Henry Ford walked away down the dock.

Then Thomas's eyes lit up. "Henry, get the camera off my porch and take a picture of us," he called out.

Henry waved that he would do just that while he walked down the dock.