Forever Rocking by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


It was now Monday and three in the morning.

Mickey drove his Bel-Air down Troy Schenectady Road. The song See the Funny Little Clown by Bobby Goldsboro played on the radio.

Mickey yawned.

Maureen rested her head on Mickey’s shoulder. She yawned.

In the backseat, Danny yawned. Then Cindy yawned.

Mickey’s eyes started to drift close while he drove down the road. His eyes lids closed shut. The car began to drift off to the left into the other lane.

Mickey’s eyes opened. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on him that he was in the other lane. His eyes widened in a little shock. He quickly moved the car back into his lane. “We need a place to sleep before we hit a tree or another car,” he said.

Danny, Cindy, and Maureen all nodded in agreement while they yawned.

A few minutes later, Mickey turned onto Old River Road that ran parallel with the Mohawk River.

A little while later, he found the perfect spot to pull over for the rest of the night.

He parked with the front end of his car facing the Mohawk River the turned off the engine. He yawned big. “I sure could use my comfy bed right now,” he said.

“Me too,” Maureen said while she cuddled next to him.

Danny and Cindy looked at each other. They just smiled then rested their heads against their door windows and closed their eyes.

It was now 6:50 in the morning, and the sun started to rise on the horizon.

Inside Michael’s Bel-Air, he and Maureen were cuddled in the front seat sound asleep.

In the backseat, Danny and Cindy were both sound asleep and slowly started to lean toward each other.

It was peaceful and quiet in the car.

A light tap on Mickey’s driver’s door window was heard. Everybody still stayed asleep. The light tap turned into a knock on the door window. Everybody stayed asleep. The knock on the window got louder.

Danny woke up to that sound and looked at his window. He jumped up in a panic the second he saw a chubby middle-aged police officer in a black on black uniform with white tie standing next to Mickey’s car door. “Ah, the police are outside the car,” he called out in a bit of a panic.

Mickey, Maureen, and Cindy all woke up and saw the cop standing out beside Mickey’s door with his billy club in his right hand lightly tapping it against the palm of his left hand. He appeared mighty impatient.

Mickey rolled down his window. “Yes, officer.”

Officer Gerry Glass looked down at Mickey with a look that he had power. “Why are you parked here?” he asked.

“Sorry officer, we drove from Buffalo, and I got tired, so, I pulled over to get some sleep,” Mickey replied and got a tad nervous.

“Drove from Buffalo. And where are you headed?” Officer Glass asked while he continued to tap his billy club against the palm of his hand.

“To Cohoes. We’re fans of The Rocking Tones, and hopefully, we can get tickets for their concert at the music hall,” replied Mickey.

Officer Glass quiet tapping his billy club against his hand. “The Rocking Tones,” he said while he took another glance at Maureen, Danny, and Cindy. “I need to see some identifications,” he said, then held out his hand.

Mickey removed his wallet while Maureen opened up her purse.

Danny and Cindy looked worried as they only had their fake reporter identifications on them.

Mickey and Maureen handed Officer Glass their driver’s licenses.

Danny and Cindy hesitated, and Officer Glass noticed, so he glared at the two in the backseat.

Danny removed his wallet and removed his reporters ID.

Cindy handed Danny her reporters ID.

He rolled down his window and handed Officer Glass their ID.

Officer Glass looked at the two identifications. “You don’t have a driver’s license?” he asked Danny and Cindy.

“Not with us, sir. We weren’t planning on driving,” said Danny and started to get really nervous, wondering if the officer would search his pants.

“We’re reporters trying to do a story on The Rocking Tones. We’re hitching rides to their concerts to save money,” Cindy added and sounded sincere.

“Yes, officer, our boss didn’t give us a large expense account for this story,” added Danny.

“I see,” Officer Glass said while he looked at the identifications. “I’ll be right back,” he said then headed off to his squad car parked in the back of Mickey’s Bel-Air.

“I hate The Rocking Tones,” Officer Glass muttered to himself while he walked over to his black with white doors 1963 Dodge Polara police cruiser. He opened up his door and behind the wheel. He called his dispatcher to see if there were warrants on the kids or if the Bel-Air was reported stolen.

After a few minutes of waiting the dispatcher replied back that everything was clean.

Back inside the Bel-Air, Mickey, Maureen, Danny, and Cindy got nervous.

Especially Danny and Cindy because they figured they would be locked in a nuthouse for being crazy if they said they time traveled from the year 2014.

Officer Glass walked back up to Mickey’s door. “You can go, but the next time, get a motel room. The residents of Cohoes would love the revenue,” he said then handed Mickey the four IDs.

“Yes, officer. We will,” Mickey replied while he took the IDs.

While Officer Glass walked back to his cruiser, Mickey handed back everybody the IDs.

Danny and Cindy sighed a sigh of relief and never planned on the chance meeting with a 1964 police officer.

Mickey started up his Bel-Air. The song Java by Al Hurt played on the radio.

Mickey looked in his rearview mirror and saw Officer Glass’ cruiser back onto Old River Road then drove off, heading east toward the town of Cohoes.

Mickey backed his car up and onto Old River Road. He drove off and headed east toward Cohoes following Officer Glass’s cruiser.

While Officer Glass drove down the street, he glanced in his rearview mirror to check up on Mickey’s Bel-Air.

“I hate that rock and roll music. It’s going to ruin the country,” he said and hated it when his teenage daughters would repeatedly play those Beatles 45 records. “I want to hold your hand. What a stupid song,” he said, then paused. “I want to hold your hand,” he sang out in a mocking manner of The Beatles while he pulled his cruiser off to the left into the grass for another spot by the Mohawk River.

He watched while Mickey’s Bel-Air drove past him. Then he repositioned his car so he could surprise the speeders on Old River Road.

It was quiet inside Mickey’s Bel-Air while he drove down the road.

“Man, I thought for sure he was going to arrest us,” Mickey said.

“Me too,” replied Danny.

Then Mickey’s stomach growled loudly.

Maureen looked at him. “I guess it’s time to find a place to eat some breakfast.

Danny and Cindy nodded in agreement, as their stomachs also growled a little.

A little while later, Mickey, Maureen, Danny and Cindy sat at a booth inside Jimmy’s Home Style Cooking restaurant on the outskirts of the town of Cohoes. Danny and Cindy were surprised with the prices of breakfast, but then they remembered that they were fifty years in the past and the prices were relative to salaries earned in 1964.

After they had their breakfast, Danny, Cindy talked with Mickey and Maureen out by the Bel-Air in the restaurant parking lot.

The Rocking Tones bus drove down the street to the right and caught Maureen’s eyes. “There they are,” she called out and looked excited.

Danny, Cindy, and Mickey looked and saw the bus.

“Let’s find out where they’re staying,” Mickey said then he opened up his driver’s door.

Maureen, Danny, and Cindy all got inside the Bel-Air while Mickey started up the engine.

He shoved his car in reverse and backed out in the driveway. He shoved his car in drive and stomped on the gas pedal.

The second he got to the entrance of the parking lot, he made a fast turn to the right onto Harrison Avenue. Two car horns blew, and four tires screeched while they missed smacking into the rear of Mickey’s Bel-Air.

Mickey raced his Bel-Air down the street with the rear of The Rocking Tones bus still in sight up ahead.

After numerous turns on other streets, Mickey drove his Bel-Air down Mohawk Avenue. They lost sight of the bus.

“I know they turned down this street,” he said while they searched for the bus.

“It’s over at that Holiday Inn,” Maureen called out the second she saw the bus parked by the rear of the Holiday Inn.

Mickey drove a little farther down Mohawk and turned right into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn.

They parked in near the front office.

“How are you going to approach them?” Maureen asked Danny and Cindy while she glanced over her left shoulder at the back seat.

Danny and Cindy looked clueless at each other.

“We haven’t figured out that part yet,” Danny replied.

“We’re going to go get a room at that motel six that the waitress told us about,” Mickey said then he looked and winked at Maureen.

“Do you want to also get a room there?” Maureen asked Danny and Mindy.

Danny and Mindy looked at each other.

“I think we’ll try to get a room here,” she replied and gave Danny a little smile.

“Yeah, we’ll try to get a room here,” he replied.

“Well, if you can’t because the band is staying here, come on over to that motel six on Barton Avenue,” said Mickey.

“If you’re successful, don’t forget to mention us in your article,” said Maureen.

“We won’t,” replied Danny then motioned to Cindy that they should leave.

“Thank you for giving us a ride. You don’t know how much you helped us,” Cindy said.

“Yes, we would have been stuck in Buffalo if you weren’t so kind,” added Danny.

“Think nothing of it, and if you ever make it up to Brooklyn, look us up.

“We will,” replied Danny.

After a few seconds of shaking hands, Danny and Cindy got out of Mickey’s Bel-Air.

Mickey and Maureen watched while Danny and Cindy headed off to the front entrance of the three-story Holiday Inn.

“There’s something about Chris and Sally that seems really odd,” Mickey said.

“I know what you mean, I feel the same but can’t place a finger on it, but it’s almost like they’re little lost or something,” Maureen added.

Mickey thought about the comments for a few seconds. Then his eyes lit up with an idea. “I just an idea for my first mystery novel. It’s about a couple lost on the road, and they’re trying to prevent a murder or maybe trying to catch a murderer,” he replied and thought about what his just said. The more he thought about it, the more he liked that idea. “Yeah, I’ll call it The Lost Couple.”

“I like that idea,” Maureen replied and scooted over to Mickey’s side.

“I’ll start jotting down some plot ideas after we get a motel room,” Mickey replied while he shoved his car in drive and drove away.

Maureen nodded in agreement while Mickey pulled back onto Mohawk Avenue and drove away down the street.

The two Chevrolet G10 vans driven by Tom and Kenny pulled into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn.

They drove around to the rear of the hotel where the bus was parked.

A little while later, Danny and Cindy managed to get two rooms on the first floor with a perfect view of the pool area.

“How are we going to approach them?” Danny asked the second Cindy arrived in his room so they could plan their move.

She sat down on his bed.

Danny sat down next to her.

Cindy digested that question for a few seconds. “I guess I could sit at the pool, read a book and maybe one of them will notice me,” she said and the more she thought about the plan, the more she liked it.

Danny thought about her plan for a few seconds. He frowned a little. “I don’t know, I read that they always have female fans in their rooms. Could be dangerous,” he said.

“We can’t go around knocking on all the rooms of the Holiday Inn. The manager will eventually throw us out on the street,” she replied.

Danny hesitated for a while he gave his approval. “You don’t have a book,” he said and hated that idea.

“Actually, I bought one that was published in sixty-four. I thought it would help with our cover,” she replied.

“Please be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I have you here to protect me,” she said then got up off his bed.

Danny looked jealous with the thought of one of The Rocking Tones flirting with Cindy.

Cindy left the room.

Danny immediately went to the window and peeked out the curtain. He had a good view of the swimming pool area.

A few minutes passed, and Cindy sat in a chaise lounge chair at the pool area. She was alone as it was a little too chilly for swimming in the pool.

She opened up her The Clocks mystery novel by Agatha Christie and started reading.

While he read her book, she would occasionally glance up at the rooms of the Holiday Inn looking for any signs of one of The Rocking Tones peeking at her.

She saw nobody taking a peek of her from any of the rooms. She got a little disappointed.

Thirty minutes had passed, and Cindy was still the only person in the pool area.

Another thirty minutes had passed, and Cindy was still the only person in the pool area.