Forever Rocking by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


An hour had passed, and everybody was settled in their rooms.

Tom and Kenny had also arrived with the two Chevrolet vans and were relaxing asleep in their rooms with a couple six-packs of Budweisers.

Roger was still out driving around Cambridge with his Corvette.

Danny walked out of his room.

He walked over to the room next to his and softly knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Cindy appeared inside the room.

“Let’s talk,” Danny said.

Cindy stepped inside, and Danny entered her room.

“I’ve been doing some thinking, and something is going on with the manager Roger,” he told Cindy the second he stepped inside her room.

“I was thinking the same thing, based on something Sig mentioned about a money issue with the band,” she replied.

“Yeah, I overheard Delmar mention to Carter that he believes Roger’s squandering away their money. And Delmar agreed by responding that that will be taken care of in Chicago. I believe it has something to do with this Kent Sommers,” he told her.

Cindy went to reply, but her phone on her bedside table rang, so she closed her mouth.

Danny had his suspicions while he watched her walk over and pick up the phone.

“Hi Sig,” she answered the call then listened for a few seconds. She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Sure, I’ll be right over,” she replied then she hung up the phone.

“What did he want?”

“To chat a little. He’s lonely in his room,” Cindy replied.

“I bet he’s lonely,” Danny said under his breath.

“What did you say?”

“Oh nothing,” replied Danny.

Cindy noticed that Danny looked a little jealous. And she kind of liked that fact. “This will work out, as I can do some fact-finding on Roger,” she replied while she walked over to her room door.

Cindy opened the door and looked at Danny, ready for him to leave.

Danny walked over and stepped outside her room.

Cindy stepped outside and closed her room door.

Danny watched while Cindy walked over and knocked on a door, three rooms down.

That door opened, and Cindy stepped inside.

While Danny walked away, the horrible imaginary sounds of Cindy’s moans of ecstasy and Sig having sex in a little while filled his head.

Danny went back inside his room. He sat on his bed and sulked.

Two hours had passed, and Danny started to doze off on his bed.

A knock was heard on his hotel room door.

Danny jumped up off his bed and rushed to the door. He opened it and saw Cindy standing outside. He opened up the door, and she stepped inside his room.

“Something is going on with Roger and the handling of the band’s profits from the concerts. Sig stated that they haven’t received their share in two months. I had to promise that I won’t put this in our article,” she said while she walked over and sat down on Danny’s bed.

“So it looks like Roger’s our prime suspect,” Danny said while he walked over and sat down next to Cindy.

“It would appear so,” she replied.

“There’s something about him that I didn’t like the second I met him,” said Danny.

Cindy nodded in agreement.

There were a few seconds of silence between them. Danny had the urge to ask her if she had sex with Sig but figured it was none of his business. After all, they were not boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though he again had that desire in his heart.

“I better go freshen up, the band’s heading off to Kresge Auditorium to practice for tonight’s concert. We leave in an hour,” she told Danny then got off his bed.

Danny watched Cindy while she walked off to the door.

He lay back down on his bed and went into deep thought while Cindy left his room.

Later on that day, there was a knock was on Danny’s door while he relaxed on his bed

He got up off his bed, walked over and opened the door, and saw Cindy outside.

“We’re leaving in fifteen minutes to head off to MIT for practice,” she told him.

“I’m ready,” said Danny, then he stepped out of his room and closed the door.

He and Cindy walked away from their rooms.

A little while later, Danny and Cindy were back on the bus with The Rocking Tones. The guys were dressed casually and had their suits in garment bags hung in the closet in the rear of the bus.

Gus drove the bus out of the Holiday Inn parking lot and headed through the streets of Cambridge.

He eventually turned the bus onto Massachusetts Avenue and headed south.

While Gus drove down Massachusetts Avenue, Cindy and Danny looked out their windows. They looked in awe at the 1964 Cambridge.

Then Gus drove the bus onto the MIT part of Cambridge.

Danny and Cindy’s eyes were glued to their windows while they checked out the 1964 MIT campus.

Gus drove a little farther down Massachusetts Avenue.

Danny continued to glance out his window. Then his eyes widened the second he saw Dr. Youngblood, now much younger and more vibrant looking walking down the street. He could not believe his eyes when he saw Dr. Youngblood now with black, unkempt hair and a black beard with a new brown leather attaché in hand. “Did he ever use a comb?” Danny quietly muttered to himself while the bus went past Dr. Youngblood. He lightly chuckled.

Then Danny’s eyes widen even more the second he saw the spot where he remembered the Stratton Student Center being in 2014. But now it was a new building under construction. He recalled how recently he sat outside that building eating his Subway Black Forest, Ham, Egg, and Cheese sandwich and a large coffee and glancing at the Kresge Auditorium.

Gus made a right turn and drove the bus down Amherst Street.

Danny and Cindy watched while the Kresge Auditorium came into view.

Cindy recalled attending a jazz concert by some MIT students a month ago. Seeing that auditorium being built was really weird.

Gus turned the bus to the right and pulled into the parking lot to the west of the auditorium. He parked the bus by the two Chevrolet vans. Roadies Tom and Kenny arrived thirty minutes ago and were in the almost finished with setting up the guitars, amplifiers, microphones, and drum sets.

Gus parked the bus by the two vans, turned off the engine then opened up the door.

The Rocking Tones got out of their seats and headed to the door.

Danny and Cindy got out of their seats and were right behind the guys.

A little while later, The Rocking Tones, Danny, and Cindy were backstage in the Kresge Auditorium.

Kenny walked up to Jackie. “You’re all set up,” he said.

“Okay guys, let’s warm them up,” he said.

The Rocking Tones headed off to the stage.

“Jackie,” a female’s voice came out from the back of the stage.

The Rocking Tones, Danny, and Cindy turned around.

Danny’s mouth almost dropped to the floor the second, he saw Diane his grandmother standing five feet away. She was now in her early twenties and looked so young in her Capri pants and blouse.

“Grandma,” he quietly muttered to himself.

Cindy heard him then she looked at Diane again and realized what Danny meant. She looked in awe at the sight of Diane.

“Diane!” Jackie called out excited to see her. He rushed over and gave Diane a quick kiss on her lips.

Cindy looked at Danny, who stood there with his mouth opened at the sight he just saw.

“How’s my number one fan?” Jackie asked Diane.

“So happy to see you again,” Diane replied.

Jackie turned to Danny and Cindy. “Diane, these are two reporters from the Cambridge Chronicle. They’re tagging along to do a story on the band,” he told her.

Diane looked at Danny and Cindy. “Hi, I’m Diane Portman. I’m the President of The Rocking Tones Massachusetts Fan Club,” she said.

“Ah, I’m Chris Moore, and this is Sally Duke,” Danny said.

Diane walked over and shook Danny’s hand, and that felt really weird for him.

Diane then shook Cindy’s hand.

“We have to go to practice. I’ll talk to you before the concert,” Jackie told Diane and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Danny looked a little suspicious with what he saw and also could not believe his eyes with the sight of his grandmother being so young and attractive. Then he leaned over to Cindy’s ear. “She’s my grandmother. My young grandmother,” he whispered into her ear.

“I know, I heard you earlier,” Cindy replied and looked in awe at Diane.

Then Danny, Cindy, and Diane watched from the side of the stage while The Rocking Tones were positioned with their instruments. Then the band started up with their Banging the Beat song.

While The Rocking Tones rocked with their song, Danny could not help but take occasional glances at his grandmother.

An hour had passed, and The Rocking Tones were finished with their practice. The instruments sounded great, and they sounded tight. They were ready for their concert that would happen in a couple of hours.

Meanwhile, some dinner was brought to the dressing room used by The Rocking Tones. Danny, Cindy, and Diane were their guests and ate along with the guys.

Diane sat next to Jackie on a couch, and they chatted and laughed.

Danny and Cindy sat with Sig on another couch. But Danny could care less this time about Sig and Cindy chatting. He could not keep his eyes of Diane and was still in awe with the sight of his young grandmother.

Roger entered the dressing room. He looked displeased with the sight of Danny, Cindy, and Diane in the room with the members of the band.

“What’s she doing here?” Roger asked Jackie when he walked up to him.

“She’s president of our fan club in this state. You’ve met Diane Portman before,” Jackie replied.

Danny leaned over to Cindy’s ear. “She never told me she actually met Roger and the band before,” he whispered in her ear.

Cindy nodded that she acknowledged his comment.

“If I could have all you people that are not members of this band to please leave the room. We have to prepare for the concert. You can wait and watch somewhere backstage where you’re not in the way of me or the band,” Roger told Danny, Cindy, and Diane and he looked dead serious on their leaving at this exact moment.

Jackie whispered in Diane’s left ear. She nodded in agreement, then stood up.

Danny, Cindy, and Diane headed to the door.

Danny opened up the door. Cindy and Diane left the room.

Danny followed behind them and closed the door.

Danny, Cindy, and Diane stood out by the dressing room door. They suddenly heard Roger yelling.

Then they heard Jackie yelling.

Then they heard Delmar yelling.

All they could hear was yelling and could not make out what they were fighting about.

Danny and Cindy looked at each other.

“I was at their concert down in Philadelphia last month and heard them fighting. There’s some friction going on between Roger and the band. Roger is such a fucking asshole,” Diane told Danny and Cindy.

Danny was shocked by the curse word Diane used. He never heard his grandmother cuss before.

“Well, I’m going to my seat out in the auditorium. It was a pleasure meeting you and good luck with your article. I hope we meet again,” said Diane.

“Me too,” replied Danny.

Diane gave them a warm smile, turned around, and walked away.

Cindy and Danny then turned their sights to the dressing room door where they could still hear Roger and The Rocking Tones arguing.

Then the room got quiet.

The door opened, and Roger stepped outside, looking furious. He looked at Danny and Cindy. “I don’t like it one bit that you’re tagging along. So stay out of my fucking way,” he told them then he stormed away.

“Grandma was right, he is a fucking asshole,” said Danny while he watched Roger storm off.

Cindy nodded in agreement while she watched Roger storm away.

Danny and Cindy looked at the door of the dressing room, where it was again quiet.

“Let’s get over near the stage and wait,” Danny told Cindy.

She nodded in agreement, and they walked away.

Danny and Cindy walked to the stage. They peeked out the curtains and saw that the students of MIT and other kids from Cambridge were starting to get into their seats. They all looked excited about tonight’s rock concert. The auditorium seats appeared to be half empty.

Then Danny spotted Diane sitting dead center in the front row. “I can’t believe I saw my grandmother here in sixty-four,” he told Cindy.

“I’ll have to meet her when we get back home. I mean when she’s your grandmother,” she replied.

Danny nodded in agreement that he would introduce her to his grandmother.

Then Tom and Kenny walked over to the instruments for some final adjustments.

Danny and Cindy walked away from the curtains and headed over to the right side of the stage.

Twenty minutes had passed, and all the auditorium seats were filled with anxious MIT and Cambridge fans of The Rocking Tones.

Tom placed a microphone in the front and center of the stage just behind the curtains.

The chatter of the audience got louder and louder while their excitement was peaking.

Then Danny and Cindy saw The Rocking Tones behind them dressed in their standard suits standing on the other side of the stage. They looked a little nervous yet ready to perform.

The curtains opened.

The audience clapped.

A man walked out from the other side of the stage to the microphone.

“Hello, Cambridge. Are you ready for some jamming rock and roll?” the man said into the microphone.

The audience cheered and clapped.

“All right. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to…The Rocking Tones,” the man said into the microphone.

The audience clapped and cheered louder.

Danny and Cindy watched while The Rocking Tones rushed out to the stage and to their instruments from the other side of the stage.

Some of the girls in the audience screamed.

“I love you, Jackie!” one young girl screamed out.

“Marry me Sig,” a girl with blonde hair screamed out.

“Marry me Sig,” another girl with red hair screamed out

The second The Rocking Tones had their instruments ready they started playing their I’m a Loving Man song. The audience went wild.

Danny looked across the stage and saw Roger standing with Tom and Kenny. Roger had his arms crossed while he watched the band play. He seemed bothered. He turned around and walked away.

“I’ll be back,” Danny told Cindy.

Then he rushed off and headed back off behind the stage.

Danny rushed around behind the stage to get to the other side.

When he got close to the other side of the stage, he got a glimpse of Roger talking into a pay phone that hung on the wall.

He tried to inch his way closer to eavesdrop on Roger’s call. But when he got closer, Roger hung up the phone then walked away.

Danny turned around and headed back to Cindy.

“Where did you go?” Cindy asked Danny the second he walked up to him.

“Spying on Roger.”

“Did you learn anything?”

“No, he made a phone call but hung up when I tried to get closer,” said Danny, and he looked disappointed.

Danny and Cindy continued to watch the rest of the concert.

An hour had passed, and the concert was over.

Danny and Cindy were back on the bus with The Rocking Tones.

The bus ride back to the Holiday Inn was quiet, as the guys were exhausted from their concert.

After Gus parked the bus back behind the Holiday Inn, they all got off.

“Meet me in my room in an hour,” Jackie told the other guys as they still had that phone call with Kent Sommers to do.

The other guys all nodded in agreement then they all headed off to their rooms.

Danny and Cindy headed off to their room extremely curious about this phone call to Kent Sommers.

“Who is this Kent Sommers guy?” Danny said while he and Cindy headed off to their rooms.

“Don’t know. Maybe he’s FBI and Roger’s cooking the books,” she replied.

Danny thought about her theory for a few seconds. “That’s a possibility. Maybe he’ll be arrested in Chicago?”

“That’s plausible,” she replied.

They remained quiet while they walked back and went inside their rooms.