Forever Rocking by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Sunday morning arrived, and the sun started to peek over the horizon.

Way down in northern Virginia, Arnold drove black 1952 four-door Bel-Air car down a two-lane country road.

Four car lengths behind the Bel-Air was that 1960 Buick LeSabre driven by Bruno with Victor in the passenger seat.

They were both heading north to Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, back in NYC, Danny got out of his hotel bed and had to get out of that room.

He took a quick shower then removed his clothes out of the hotel cleaners bag and got dressed.

He then rushed out of the room.

He walked over to Cindy's room and lightly knocked on her door. He waited a few seconds. He knocked on her door again then waited.

A few seconds passed, and the door cracked opened, Cindy poked her head outside and looked sleepy. "What?" she said and looked like she wanted to fall asleep while standing up.

"I just had to get out of Roger's room. Can I wait inside your room?" he asked.

Cindy yawned and opened the door up some more.

Danny stepped inside her room, and she closed the door.

Once Danny was inside, he noticed that Cindy was in her bra and panties.

"You can have the chair," she said while she moped back over to the bed and got under the covers.

She went back to sleep while Danny sat down in the chair of her room.

Danny reached inside his pants pocket and removed his iTravel 2 device. He looked at it and saw the '0 Days – 22 Hours – 30 Minutes Left on iTravel 2 Mission' message. He started to have serious doubts that he was going to be successful. While he looked down at his iTravel 2 device, his eyes began drifting closed. He was soon sound asleep with the device in his hand.

Two and a half hours had passed.

Danny was slumped in that chair sound asleep. His iTravel device was on the floor.

Cindy woke up and headed off to the bathroom. She went off into the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower.

After she showered, she removed her clothes out of the hotel dry cleaners bag.

She got dressed.

She walked out of the bathroom and headed over to Danny. She saw the iTravel device on the floor. She picked it up and saw the '0 Days – 20 Hours – 0 Minutes Left on iTravel 2 Mission' message.

She stared at the iTravel 2 device and started to have her doubts this mission would be a success.

She leaned down and lightly shook Danny.

He stirred a little. She lightly shook him again. He stirred some more then his eyes slowly opened. "Good morning, beautiful," he said without thinking.

Cindy smiled over his morning greeting.

Then it dawned on Danny what he said. "I'm sorry," he said, then sat straight up and got a little red with embarrassment.

"That's okay. We better head downstairs for breakfast with the guys," she said.

Danny got up from the chair.

Cindy handed him the iTravel 2 device.

He looked at it and looked worried while he shoved it back in his pants pocket.

"We're getting closer," said Cindy.

"I know."

"They need to stay off that bus," she said.

"I can't show them the iTravel device without them thinking we're nuts. They'll never believe that we traveled in time from two thousand and fourteen."

"I know."

Danny thought for a few seconds. "Maybe I can do something before the bus leaves the hotel. You know, delay the installation of the bomb at Walter's diner."

"It's worth a shot," she replied.

There was a knock on her door.

Cindy went over and opened it and saw Jackie standing outside.

"Breakfast in ten minutes," said Jackie then he walked off down the hall.

Danny and Cindy left her room and headed off down the hallway.

A little while later, The Rocking Tones, Roger, Tom, Kenny, Gus, Danny, and Cindy sat around a table eating an excellent pancake breakfast.

"I was thinking Chris and Sally, we would love if the both of you would come with us to Chicago for some more stuff for your article," he said.

Roger looked at Jackie then he looked at Danny and Cindy. He got a smirk. "I think that's a grand idea."

Danny and Cindy looked at each other.

Danny swallowed a little hard knowing that was cutting it a little too close for comfort.

Cindy also got a little nervous, knowing it was cutting it a little too close for comfort.

After they had breakfast with The Rocking Tones on the bus to the Ed Sullivan Theater.

It was a quiet ride through the streets of Manhattan while the butterflies started fluttering in the stomachs of the guys. They were nervous about this historic performance. Sig even had the dry heaves a couple of times.

Later on that day, The Rocking Tones were dressed in their golden brown suits and waited inside their dressing room of the theater.

Sig and Delmar paced back and forth.

Jackie sat in a chair with his eyes closed while he tried to relax.

Carter and Burt sat on a couch, and they tried to go through their whole playlist in their heads. A couple of times, they started to forget the songs.

Roger was outside the dressing room, pacing back and forth while he smoked a cigarette. He was a little nervous about what would happen hours from now.

Then a guy with a clipboard in hand walked up to Roger. "They're on in ten minutes," he said then opened up the door of the dressing room. "You're on in ten minutes," he told the guys the second he poked his head inside the room.

The guy closed the door, then walked away.

The dressing room door opened, and The Rocking Tones stepped out.

They walked past Roger without making eye contact.

Danny and Cindy followed The Rocking Tones while they headed over to the staging area for them to wait to go on stage.

It was showtime.

The signal was given for The Rocking Tones to get on the stage and get with their instruments.

Danny and Cindy watched while the guys were ready on the stage with their instruments.

Then Danny and Cindy saw Ed Sullivan at the other side of the stage in his usual stance.

Danny and Cindy looked at the audience and saw lots of young women and teenage girls. They looked but could not see Mickey or Maureen but knew they were in the audience somewhere.

"And here are The Rocking Tones," Ed Sullivan said then looked at the guys.

The Rocking Tones started up playing their Rockers at Heart song.

The seating area erupted into tons of screaming girls while the band started playing.

The Rocking Tones continued to play their song through the screams.

Off to the side of the stage, Roger still looked a little concerned while he glanced over at The Rocking Tones while they rocked their adoring fans.

Danny glanced at the stage exit doors and saw that each entry had two security officers guarding them.

"I can't slip outside," he leaned over and whispered in Cindy's ear.

Cindy looked at the exit doors and nodded in agreement with Danny.

Outside the Ed Sullivan Theater, the NYPD had barricades up to prevent the sixty fans from rushing the bus of The Rocking Tones.

One of those sixty fans was Kimberly Stein, a beautiful blonde young woman.

Again, amongst those fans was Elmer Watson and his flock with their "The Rocking Tones Are Pure Evil," "Sinners!", "Rock and Roll is Music of the Devil" and "Rot in Hell!" signs.

Eight other NYPD officers watched the rear of the GMC Coach bus, Roger's Corvette and the two Chevrolet vans.

Back inside the Ed Sullivan Theater, The Rocking Tones played their She Loves to Rock song. This was their last song, and the girls were still screaming and jumping in their seats.

The Rocking Tones ended their song then did their standard bow to signal the end of their songs. Then they blew kisses at the audience.

The Rocking Tones rushed off the stage all excited about their performance.

Four security officers escorted The Rocking Tones to one of the rear stage exit doors.

The rear stage exit door opened. Jackie, Burt, Carter, and Sig rushed out of the door with Roger, Danny, and Cindy tagging behind them.

The female spectators at the barricade screamed the sight of The Rocking Toners while they walked over to the bus.

The Rocking Toners waved and blew kisses at their screaming fans.

Danny and Cindy looked at the cheering and screaming fans.

Then Cindy's eyes lit up. "There's grandma," she told Danny while she pointed at Kimberly Stein, who was one of the screaming girls. "She's screaming, I never knew," she said then chuckled.

Danny and Cindy looked and suddenly noticed that The Rocking Tones all got on the bus.

They rushed over to the door and went inside the bus while Gus started up the engine.

When The Rocking Tones got inside the bus, they immediately removed their suit coats and ties. They walked them back to the rear of the bus and got to a closet.

Jackie opened up the closet, and the guys hung up their suit coats.

They then walked back and relaxed in their seats along with Danny and Cindy.

"That was fucking great. Now I know how The Beatles felt the first time they appeared on the show earlier this year," Jackie said the second he sat down in his seat.

Back out behind the Ed Sullivan Theater, Tom and Kenny got out of the two vans while Roger walked over to them.

"I want you to drive straight to Chicago," he told Tom and Kenny.

Tom and Kenny looked at each other in a little disbelief.

"We're not following the bus?" asked Kenny.

"No, I really need you in Chicago as soon at you can get there so you can set up the equipment. The concert time got moved up three hours," he told them.

Tom and Kenny thought that was odd, but they always followed orders.

They walked off to the theater stage doors so they can gather up the instruments.

Roger headed over to his Corvette, got inside an started up its engine.

The bus and Corvette drove off after the police opened up the barricade and provided safe passage to the street.

Inside the bus, everybody looked out their windows and saw the sixty fans behind the police barricade.

Gus turned the bus to the left onto the street. Then all of a sudden tomatoes pelted the right side of the bus.

Then everybody on the bus saw Elmer Watson while he held up his Bible. "You sinners will burn in hell!" Elmer yelled out with fire in his voice while the bus passed by him.

"What a kook," Delmar said.

"I know, this nut seems to follow us all over the place," said Carter.

"Roger needs to get some police action on his butt," Jackie added.

Burt and Sig nodded in agreement.

Roger's Corvette followed behind the bus, and some of those rotten tomatoes pelted the windows of his sports car. He was pissed.

The bus and Roger's Corvette continued their drive on down the street.

Elmer watched while The Rocking Tones bus drove off down the street with piercing eyes. "Sinners will all go to hell," he mutters to himself. A few of his followers heard him and nodded in agreement.

It was quiet inside the bus while Gus drove the bus through the streets of New York City. The Rocking Tones were exhausted from their historical performance.

"What's with Roger having us eat dinner so late?" asked Burt.

"This is a first," said Carter.

"That guy is off his rocker," said Delmar.

"Just play along with guys. It will get better once we get to Chicago," said Jackie.

The guys closed their eyes to get some rest.

Danny and Cindy sat in their seats and started to get nervous. They knew that their time was getting shorter and shorter by the minute.

Then after fifteen minutes and Danny felt the guys were asleep, he got up and walked over to Cindy's seat. He whispered into her ear. She nodded that she agreed.