Forever Rocking by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Monday morning arrived.

Danny spent his entire Sunday in his room finishing up with his book about The Rocking Tones. He could not get the band members out of his mind and also started to wonder how far they could have gone if they were not killed.

He did not talk to Bobby as he was out most of the weekend.

So that Monday morning, Danny was alone in his dorm room since Bobby headed out early to be with his new girlfriend.

Since Danny did not have any classes until the afternoon, he sat on his bed with his Sun Burst Les Paul electric guitar in hand. That book and his talk with his grandmother last night got his creative juices flowing.

He jotted down a chord progression on a piece of paper. He strummed out that progression and was satisfied with the way it sounded.

He thought for a few seconds then jotted down some lyrics.

"We thought we were gone, but that did not last long. Because they rocked and lived on, and we were forever rocking," Danny sang out. He thought about his lyrics and smiled, thinking they were good.

Danny returned to strumming out that chord progression. He smiled while he glances down at the paper.

"We were for...for...for...forever rocking," he sang out and had a singing voice fit for a rock band.

Danny strummed his Les Paul and looked satisfied while he went through the song again.

He stopped strumming and glanced back at his paper then back at his book. He looked inquisitive while he thought about his conservation last night with his grandmother.

He put his pad of paper away in his bedside table.

He then got up and put his Les Paul away in its hardshell case and tucked it away in his closet.

Danny headed out of his dorm room like he was on a mission.

A little while later, Danny entered the library.

While he headed off to the books, he saw Cindy sitting alone at the table studying in the study area.

He started to make his way over to her table.

He stopped, looked at her, then chickened out.

He walked away and headed over to the computers to look up a book.

While Danny looked up the locations for books on the subject of time travel, he would take a discreet glance at Cindy sitting at the table, alone, and looking so sexy. He planned to go for the gold after his search on the computer.

Then he glanced at the computer. His eyes widened up when he saw a book of interest. "He wrote a book on this? Wow," he said when he saw the "Is Time Travel Possible? I Believe It Is," by Dr. Richard Youngblood.

Danny jotted down the location information of that book on a piece of paper provided by the library.

Just before he walked away, he took another discreet glance at Cindy. She was still there studying alone. He smiled while he walked away.

A little while later, Danny pulled Dr. Youngblood's time travel book off the shelf.

He headed back to the study area.

He looked at the table where he saw Cindy earlier. She was gone. He was disappointed but figured there would be another day.

After Danny checked out the book for two weeks, he headed out of the library.

Danny walked down the sidewalk from the library. Then his eyes widened in disbelief when he saw two people kissing on a bench up ahead. He wanted to cry the second he realized that it was Bobby and Cindy who had their lips interlocked in deep passion.

He turned around, stunned. "I'm never going to get laid," he said while he rushed off in the opposite direction.

Danny rushed through campus and headed back to his dorm room.

Once he got back in his room, he sat down on his bed. He thought about seeing Bobby and Cindy together.

He thought about them for five minutes.

He glanced at Dr. Youngblood's book then at Mickey Hanson's book. "Fuck her," he said then decided she was not worth chasing after.

He picked up Dr. Youngblood's book and opened it up to the first chapter. He kicked back on his bed and started reading about time travel.

After an hour of reading Dr. Youngblood's book, Danny's curiosity was eating away at him like cancer. He got off the bed with the book in hand.

He rushed out of his dorm room.

Once he left his dorm building, Danny rushed through campus and headed over to the Department of Physics building.

He entered the Physics building and rushed down the main hallway.

He eventually found the "Dr, Phillip Youngblood, Professor" office. He knocked on the door,

"Enter," called out Dr. Youngblood from inside his office.

Danny opened the door and stepped inside his office.

Danny closed the door behind him.

Dr. Youngblood glanced up from his test papers he was grading. He did not look thrilled with the students' results so far. His eyes lit up over his glasses. "Danny, what a wonderful surprise. What brings you to my neck of the campus?"

Danny held up the book. "I didn't know you wrote a book on time travel."

Dr. Youngblood looked at the book in Danny's hand. "Oh, that was many years ago," he replied.

Danny hesitated for a few seconds. "Is it possible to travel through time, Dr. Youngblood?"

Dr. Youngblood hesitated for a few seconds. "I believe so. Why the sudden interest?"

"Oh, I don't know. I was in the library on Saturday and ran across your book. I read it and found the topic extremely fascinating."

Dr. Youngblood looked at Danny as if he wanted to say something important. He just glanced down at the test paper in his hand.

"Grandma told me that father once stated that you wanted to build a time machine. That would be so cool."

Dr. Youngblood glanced up at Danny. "Listen, I really have to get these test papers graded for this afternoon."

"I understand. Sorry to bother you," Danny said then he placed his hand on the doorknob.

Dr. Youngblood glanced back up at Danny. "Come over to my house tonight at eight. That would be the perfect place to discuss this topic. You'll find this to be extremely interesting," Dr. Youngblood said and looked serious.

"Ah, sure. I'll be there," Danny replied, then opened up the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Danny walked down the hallway, and his curiosity was peeking even higher with why Dr. Youngblood had to see him at his house tonight.

It was a long afternoon for Danny while he sat through his lectures. He saw Cindy once on campus and just gave her a little friendly wave after she waved at him.

Then after his last class, Danny headed back to his dorm. He wanted to get back with reading Dr. Youngblood's time-traveling book.

So he walked down the hallway and headed to his dorm room.

He saw a white sock tied on the doorknob and knew what this meant. Then he heard female giggling inside his dorm room. "Stop it, Bobby. That tickles," Cindy said from inside the dorm room.

Danny shrugged it off as he decided to put the thought of dating Cindy out of his mind. He agreed that it was not meant to be.

Danny headed back down the hallway.

After Danny walked out of his dorm building, he headed back across campus to the Subway. He figured he would eat dinner there and then head out to Dr. Youngblood's house.

After Danny finished his foot-long Turkey and Bacon Avocado sandwich, he still had some time to kill.

So he milled around campus in deep thought about the two books he recently read.