Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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December 20th 2012: Star finds a double

During Star’s travels around London following drug dealers, she also looked out for girls of her age who looked like her. It was at Waterloo Station that she saw her perfect double. Anna Short had Star’s build, face shape and skin tone, though she was a short haired blond.

Anna wore a dark grey business suit, white blouse and black patent heels which clicked rapidly across the concourse as she wheeled a small travel bag. Star knew she would never find a better match and had to find where the girl lived at all costs. She was glad that she had used a taxi today and not Bill’s scooter as parking time was always a problem, more so now she had to follow this girl.

Anna climbed into a waiting taxi; Star entered the one behind.

“Follow that cab,” ordered Star.

The driver smiled and said, “I bet you have always wanted to say that.”

Star cursed for being so dramatic and drawing attention to herself; she had to be smart in her thinking.

As Anna’s taxi pulled into the curb in Mayfair, Star’s driver went past and pulled over several cars down. She handed him the fare, rounded up to the nearest pound as a tip, and got out. Her target walked away from her taxi and entered a guarded flat complex. “Damn,” thought Star, “how am I going to find out her name and which flat she lives in?”

Impulsively, Star ran across the road to a sweet shop, bought a fancy box of gift wrapped chocolates, and dashed back to the flats.

Panting slightly with exertion and a flood of adrenaline, she asked the guard to give the box to the girl who had just come in with the travel bag. She had left it in her taxi. The guard took her name and mobile phone number, phoning through to Anna as Star slowly made her way out. Star had hoped Anna would be sufficiently mystified about the chocolates  to contact her. Anna had just entered her second floor luxury flat when the guard rang, explaining about the girl and the package.

“Is she still there, Tom?” Anna asked.

“Yes, I’ll call her back,” replied the guard, and shouted after Star. This was going to be one of those very awkward social moments, she thought. Star had hoped the girl would phone her later, when she could pass it off as a misunderstanding by the guard, but that would not be possible now. With her heart beating furiously, Star spoke into the guard’s phone.

“Hi, my name is Jane Stevens. The taxi driver said you left a package in your taxi, and asked me to give it to you,” fibbed Star.

“Oh, thanks, Jane. I’m Anna Short. I’m afraid it’s not my package. Perhaps I should come down and we can try to find out who owns it,” she offered warmly, becoming curious about Jane.

A few moments later, Anna walked into the foyer. She saw something she recognized and quite liked in Star. Anna beamed at Star-. Star beamed back, delighted at how things were developing.

The guard looked away, bored, as the girls chatted about the package.

“I think we should open it and look for clues. Jane, why don’t you come up to my flat and we can have a coffee while we do our sleuthing,” suggested Anna, excitedly.

“That would be fun,” replied Star, mirroring the girl’s expression. She had read somewhere about body language and verbal response, a classic bonding technique.

Anna’s flat was impressive with open plan lounge, floor-to-ceiling glazing and a beautiful kitchen. It had an internal bathroom and two good-sized bedrooms. Light colored parquet flooring and soft fabric furnishings positively shouted the work of an expensive interior designer. This girl or someone else in her life was financially loaded.

With no clues to go on, the girls decided to eat the chocolates with their coffee. Star mentally noted all that Anna said, guiding the conversation and gaining a broad overview of the girl’s background. She was twenty four years old; the flat was her father’s, who hardly ever saw her these days because of business commitments. Her mother had died some fifteen years ago and Anna was a daddy’s girl, spoilt rotten. There were no close family ties and she had recently broken up with her girlfriend.

“Anna is a rug-muncher,” decided Star. Not that she particularly minded. In fact, women had always treated her far better than men. A good sexual experience was also more likely with a girl, and after all, that was the point of sex, wasn’t it? People had sex because it was pleasurable and children were a by-product, in Star’s opinion.

Anna, a gifted illustrator with a glowing future, worked for an advertising agency in the city. Uninterested in young men, and politically wise with older men and influential women, she had positive support at all levels of her firm.

Star said she worked as a courier and was out at odd hours, which seemed to be the best explanation of her working life. Anna showed no interest in Star’s work or anything about her, confirming what a spoilt bitch she really was. She just liked what she saw and worked with that.

Star decided to leave soon after Anna closed in on her personal space, simply to make the poor girl want more. Not because it was any sort of problem for her. In fact she was happy to let Anna make the rules. Star knew that when she left, Anna would start to fantasize about this new relationship. She’d had a taste, and would need to explore it further.

Anna confirmed Star’s mobile number, and set a date for their next meeting: shopping for clothes on Saturday morning.

That evening, Star told Max all about the girl and how she might provide the new identity she needed. Max cautioned her, saying the identity was risky. If Anna took holidays abroad, or Tax officials discovered records of undisclosed bank accounts created by Star, they would soon catch her. She argued that so far, it was her only option, and it would work short term.

To help her, Max made a detailed list, covering the information she needed and the questions she could bring up in conversation to get those answers.

Star continued to develop a close relationship with Anna, visiting her flat in the evenings and going for drinks at the pub; nothing was taboo or off her wavelength. The following Saturday, after shopping and lunch at an exclusive restaurant, Anna made her move on Star in the flat.

On the pretext of trying on the new clothes, Anna pranced round the bedroom provocatively in a flimsy negligee. Star was wearing just her undies, when Anna stood in front of her, face to face, their bodies touching. Star had been expecting a move of this sort. The girl was becoming more sexual, suggestive and excited as the minutes ticked by. The slightest hint of rejection or embarrassment from Star, and Anna would end the relationship.

Star smiled, put her arms around Anna, and gently pulled her closer. Anna kissed Star on the cheek and then sensually on her lips; tongues touched and caressed lips, then entered mouths.

Passion was building as the girls pushed their soft, warm bodies even harder together, each aware of the other’s firm breasts and bullet hard nipples butting and rubbing as they writhed together. The sensation of breasts and bellies smoothly pressing and sliding made their pussies feel full, hot, and wet! Feverishly, each explored the other with hands, sliding passionately over every curve, clutching and squeezing, bringing gasps of delight.

Star gently guided Anna to the bed, slipping off the girl’s panties. She raised the girl’s legs and gently opened them, probing her tongue deep into her hot, wet hairless pussy. Anna gave a little cry of ecstasy, and opened up even wider.

Star traced her tongue up to the clitoris and stimulated it exquisitely. At the same time, she simulated the action of a penis with two fingers moving in and out.

Anna quivered and writhed as the waves of orgasm flooded through her young, supple body. Her gentle cries and moans further encouraged Star, who guided tongue and fingers to their target. Exhausted, Anna finally begged Star to stop. She wanted to reward Star in a similar way, because there was pleasure in giving as well as receiving.

Star was ready, with all pubic hair removed except a short landing strip, and cooperated fully. She had been less than satisfied by Max, having been interrupted by the neighbor’s knocks. There was no fear of such interruption here.

Anna had developed some innovative techniques and she knew exactly how to deliver the pinnacle of pleasure. Star felt she was consumed by total orgasm, never-ending and timeless. Even the most pleasurable sensation had to stop some time, her body and brain over whelmed with exhaustion.

Both girls lay still and in a stupor for about an hour, woken only by the desire to pee, eat and drink anything other than each other’s juices.

While Anna cleaned up in the bathroom, Star explored the girl’s drawers and cupboards, even her laptop. It was plugged in, asleep, with the lid up. She adjusted the power settings so it would never shut down with the lid closed. Then she disabled the log on with password process, in case deliberately switched off. She could restart it now at any time without knowing the password.

A romantic candlelit dinner that evening ended a perfect day for both girls, but for different reasons. They kissed and went back to their respective homes, knowing there would be many more wonderful times ahead.