Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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June 23rd 2013: Max meets Brander

The moment Brander walked into the restaurant, Max recognized him from a news photo on the internet. He was shown to the table; although both men were wary of each other, they smiled, politely shook hands and sat down. After ordering drinks, they quickly chose and ordered lunch. The meeting was outside normal protocol and both men wanted to see how it would play out.

Max opened the conversation. “I could see my future going down the toilet and decided to change direction. As you well know, money can make this happen and that’s why I’ve intercepted some of your drug money. About one million I believe.”

Brander was visibly shocked at the blunt statement.

Max continued. “That amount of cash is more trouble than it is worth, unless I intend to spend it over a great many years. It is courting disaster, attempting to buy anything over £100 with cash. No one uses bundles of cash these days and very soon, it would be noticed and reported. I cannot bank it either.

“However, I still need money, a lot of it to do all the things I want to do for my family. That is why I’ll be happy to give back the cash in exchange for £10 million of clean money, transferred to this foreign bank account.” Max pushed across a sheet with the account details written on it.

Brander’s face showed extreme annoyance at this preposterous suggestion. Marsh was quite mad.

Max reached into his pocket, and with a wry smile, placed a warrant card on the table for Brander to see. Brander read the name, Detective Inspector J. Marsh, then checked the photo with the man seated opposite him. A frown furrowed his brow and he looked puzzled.

Max continued. “The income you launder through your companies makes £10 million look very small. Do you actually want to lose this ocean of money?

“I can tell you that because of the type of business you operate, routine police and tax investigations have not turned up the slightest hint of illegal activity. One word from me and this will end. Also, it will turn into your worst nightmare and you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison. Just imagine how that will impact on your family.”

It was Brander’s turn to smile, as he thought through his response. “First, you are speaking to the wrong man. The person to blackmail is Yaakov Malenkov, a Russian gangster who has taken control of my businesses by holding my family as prisoners.

“He and his men live in my home. Although we appear free to come and go as we please, there’s always a man with a gun to the head of my two year old daughter. Malenkov will kill you for stealing his money, his men will be waiting for you to walk out of this building and, one way or another, you will die.”

Max countered, “I would have thought Malenkov was smarter than that. I am not in this alone. If my family and I are threatened or killed, the full details of this conversation and what I know as fact will be in the hands of the police and on the news in minutes.”

Max placed his smart phone on the table, showing the recording app was working.

The smart phone rang and Max pushed it to Brander, who picked it up. Star said, “Hello Michael, I am working with D.I. John Marsh. The conversation has been recorded. Many other things are happening behind the scenes, matters that you and Malenkov are not yet aware of. We are only interested in the £10 million of clean funds. We don’t care about you or Malenkov or the business you run. Be smart, pay up and move on.”

Max took the phone from Brander and continued to speak.

“I believe you can present a case to Malenkov where he pays me the £10 million and continues to enjoy his drug income. It’s all or nothing, isn’t it. Who knows, he might get lucky and track me down on some paradise island somewhere and exact his revenge. I also believe you will be well motivated to get his agreement, because you and your family will not remain alive for long once the police raid your home.”

Brander went pale at the thought of Malenkov taking revenge against his family. He and his vicious men would fight to the end, taking everyone down with them. The weapons stored in the house included rocket propelled grenades, high explosives and countless boxes of ammunition.

Max pushed the piece of notepaper closer to Brander. “Think things over. On the paper are my phone number and bank details. Call me when you have his agreement, then I’ll meet him face to face and return the stolen cash.”

The waiter brought the main course and both men started eating, though neither had the stomach for it, under these circumstances.

At the end of the meal, Brander asked, “I don’t suppose you could get rid of Malenkov and his men without endangering my family?”

“Yes, I had that same thought,” replied Max. “A lot depends on how many men are left at your home when Malenkov meets me. If it is just one or two, there are some hard case security people who would come and clean them out for you. If we worked together on this, I think we could get rid of Malenkov and all his men and you could restore your businesses without anyone knowing what has happened.”

Brander thought for a moment before replying, “Ultimately, something will go wrong with Malenkov’s setup. Either the police will find out what he is doing or he will decide he has made enough money and clear out. Either way, I believe my family and I will come off badly. I think we need to take this opportunity to draw him out of my home and dispose of them all.”

Max just smiled. It was an angle he had considered, but without inside help, he could not see how he could make it work. Brander had just become the inside man.

“I will work that into my scheme, but a lot depends on you persuading him to pay,” cautioned Max.

With lunch over and the meeting at an end, the two men shook hands and Brander left.

“It’s time to leave, Star.” Max muttered into the smart phone.

Less than a minute later, the fire alarm sounded and the whole building had to be evacuated. Max had already slipped away to a small cupboard in the basement and remained hidden until late evening.

He had anticipated his adversary would try and follow him as he left the building after lunch. Now they would assume that Max had slipped away in the surge of people escaping the fire.

“How did it go, Max?” Star asked. “I heard what was being said, but faces can tell a different story.”

“Quite well indeed. I think we might actually get away with it!”