Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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Carla has a mission.

Sam spoke again, “While you are here, I have a little job for you, if you feel up to it?”

“It depends. If it is in London, I don’t mind because I could try to find Max.”

“Sorry Carla, it is in New York. One of our companies producing pharmaceuticals is having problems.”

Her heart sank; all she wanted to do was find Max. She could refuse Sam, but he would no longer keep her informed and support her. As pragmatic as ever, she stifled her emotions and focused on his briefing.

“If you remember from your exploits in Egypt, when clearing the tomb there were many jars containing substances that were buried with Nahep. You may also remember, during our preliminary examination, we found many of these had properties that were new to medical science. Since then, we have developed one of them and experimental research is well advanced.

“In certain countries, we have introduced human trials. It would take years of development and testing before we could do these human trials here in first world countries. We are talking about patients who are terminal. With the best modern medicine, they would still have no hope of cure, or even remission. These souls have nothing to lose by taking the medication, but everything to gain.

“Many of the early patients died, because the doses were too small and their illness overtook them. We have good data now on dosage, and 67% of the original patients are still alive. In all those cases, their health is improving, noticeably. The diseases are autoimmune related. AIDS is the obvious one, but many types of cancer take a hold because the immune system is not able to attack the rogue cells. Other diseases like arthritis may not be a condition that kills, but this compound has halted degeneration in all patients, within days.”

In the hope of speeding up the briefing Carla interjected, “so, ignoring the ethics of illegal trials, things are going well. I assume you know someone has stolen the formula and is selling it to another pharmaceuticals company - right?”

“I hope not.” replied Sam, “Though that will happen if we do not act quickly.

“Until recently, the chemists working on the compound had no idea what it could be used for. They analyzed the molecular structure to determine a range of applications and passed the compound to different laboratories for experimentation. For example, if you found a heap of powder on the table, you would first find out what it was; salt, sugar, poison or, as in this case, an unknown fungus. One group experimented to see if it was medicinal, herbicide, insecticide, or just a dead end.

“One of our many independent groups of researchers believed it was a trial drug to stimulate the immune system, and experimented with dose levels in humans.

“Almost everything they tried, worked. No one expected such a spectacular result and suddenly, it was not a routine substance to be tested, but a wonder drug.

“We need to isolate the team involved with the trials and discredit the discovery as far as the outside world is concerned. Another new team will take over and carry on the trials, at a secure laboratory.

“If we just shut down the original team, it will confirm to competitors that we have a wonder drug. They will quickly induce the team members to give up the secret, either with money or by threat of death. We are talking about $billions in profits, so they would go to any lengths to get the formula.

“So, Carla, I want you to sabotage the work of our original team. Do it so that the individuals never suspect tampering and believe they are responsible for the erroneous conclusion, of a wonder drug. This way, they will leave for employment elsewhere, never admitting to being part of a dramatic failure.”

“Yes Sam, I follow your logic. No one applying for a new job would willingly admit to being incompetent. Competitors will reach their own conclusion - there never was a wonder drug.

“I will need technical help, of course, but I see no problem in achieving what you want. It is no different than me sabotaging a competitor.

“I assume I will be a new employee, with access to the team’s work?”

“Yes, I have already submitted your résumé to Human Resources as a lab assistant at the testing company. They need someone to correlate the data on tests with the patient’s falsified records. They will know you as Carla Walters.

“The company has just hired a new chemist to replace Bernard Long, who was recently killed in a road accident. His replacement started two days ago, so you won’t be the only new face there.”

Sam pressed a button under his desktop and moments later, an elderly man shuffled into the office. Sam Leighton offered him a seat next to Carla.

“Carla, please meet Professor Henry Charlton. He is aware that we have someone tampering with the experimental results in our laboratory. He will brief you on what to look for and continue to advise you, throughout your mission. Henry knows the work relates to a drug that stimulates the immune system as it is his field of expertise.

“Henry, please meet Miss Carla Walters, who will be taking up the position of laboratory assistant, correlating test results with patient records.

“On your way out, you will be shown a private office that you can use to brief Carla. You will be given a mobile phone to be kept upon you at all times, for contacting either Carla or myself. We will use it to contact you, as necessary. I would also ask that you keep everything we discuss, just between us.

“Thank you for coming Henry, and you Carla, for taking on the investigation.”

Carla was familiar with Sam’s style of briefing - Henry was not, but Carla soon had him relaxed. In Henry’s mind, he was helping Carla spot tampering, not carrying it out.

Sam could not be sure Henry could keep a secret, particularly if he were tricked or pressured. Experts like Henry were rare and would be the first to contact if a wonder drug had been discovered. It would be pointless for a competitor to just ask him if he knew of the drug or trials, because he would have signed a confidentiality agreement. To blackmail or torture him, however, would get answers, if he knew them.

“Henry, if you wanted to tamper with the test results and patient records, so you were not easily detected, how would you go about it?”

This was Henry’s moment of glory, and he was most thorough in his explanation. Later he explained the tasks Carla would be doing as a lab assistant.