Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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Tom’s reward

Whilst in the barn, Carla had plenty of time to reflect on the current mission at Pharma Inc. and what might have become of Max. She also speculated whether news of the wonder drug had actually reached the competition. She had not seen any evidence that the data was being stolen, for that purpose, so would give it a couple of weeks and then see what Sam wanted her to do.

Max was a different matter. She missed him more than she could have imagined. As a loner, she had been able to move on very quickly from past relationships and had no problem with falling in love with other people, but they were a restriction she didn’t need. Max was nearly always with her and he never let her down. He made no demands of her, why would he, in his eyes, she was perfect in every way. Their relationship was unique, they both craved for the challenge of a mission and the adrenalin rush it brought. They lived by their wits and although often scared to the core, of being caught, injured or dying, they could not live any other way.

Any sensible couple would retire and use their substantial fortune of ill-gotten gains to live out their days in peace and safety. They felt pity for the wealthy, self-absorbed in their shallow and empty lives. True, Carla & Max lived well. They stayed at the best hotels, wore expensive fashionable clothes and, in Carla’s case, loved jewelry. Neither of them owned property or even a car. What was the point? There was no time to use it, and they might be killed at any moment.

This was one of the root causes for Carla’s sexual behavior. If a mission was not going well and she became frustrated by lack of progress or, after a mission, when the adrenaline drained away, she had urges that had to be satisfied. Max understood her selfish needs at those times, but he was no longer available.

Carla saw Tom pull in at the rendezvous. She walked out of the diner and got into his car.

“Hi Tom, am I glad to see you. How is your boss?”

Tom smiled at her, a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, now Jack and his gang had been arrested. It was all over the news. They also made the mysterious girl who stole the cars as some sort of heroine, risking capture by saving the owner’s life. A master criminal with a conscience, what was the world coming too?

“He is recovering well now and glad to be alive. He was upset all his cars were stolen but they will be back in the showroom tomorrow.

“Dad and Mum are looking forward to seeing you. We all owe you our lives.”

“You won’t mind doing a little favor for me then, Tom?” she grinned as she anticipated his reaction.

“If I can, you only have to ask.”

“Pull over and drive down that track, we need a secluded spot.”

Tom was intrigued by her strange request, but anxious as well. When the car stopped, Carla leaned over and kissed him, passionately.

Although surprised, it felt so good. He felt a surge of passion he had never experienced before, a primeval urge that nothing would be allowed to hinder.

“Get in the back,” she whispered in his ear.

He tried to calm down and moved to the back seat. He let Carla pull off his clothes. He watched as she removed hers. She climbed onto him as he lay back on the seat and grasped the hard shaft of his penis-.

From the gasps and increasing tension in his body, she knew he was about to ejaculate. She picked up his pants in readiness. The heavy, wet spurts of semen smacked into them at 35 miles per hour.

Tom felt the wave of orgasm sweep through his body. Nothing mattered, but that.

She continued to work him with her hand, mopping up as his tumescence subsided. It took several minutes before his brain refocused on reality. He was, technically, still a virgin, she had just masturbated him.

Disappointment was now dominating his joyful thoughts. She knew Tom would be both pleased and dissatisfied at what happened, but she had not finished with him.

“I thought you were going to let me into you, Carla. I really hoped we were going to have proper sex.”

“We are, as soon as you have recovered. Remember, you are doing me a favor, not me doing one for you. I knew you would cum in a matter of seconds and I need so much more than that.

“Now you have had your release, you can concentrate on what I need. I want you deep inside me, it must be slow and when I am ready, I want it harder and faster. I will guide you all the way; just make sure you keep going.”

Carla kissed him with renewed passion while stimulating herself, using Tom as before and letting his penis enter deeper and deeper. Soon Tom was fully hard again, thrusting up uncontrollably. She pulled away and told him to stimulate her, just with his fingers.

Tom was not pleased, but did it anyway. Carla was practically screaming with sexual frustration. The boy was only thinking of himself, not her.

“Concentrate on me, Tom, or I will squeeze your balls, hard!”

Tom refocused and paid attention to her.  Carla was desperate for her release; she climbed on him again and let him penetrate her. This time he tried to focus on looking out the window, but found his gaze had returned to her beautiful face, tense with concentration. He was starting to reach orgasm again and Carla knew it, so she grabbed up his pants again and caught the dregs of his cum.

She lowered herself down hard on to him, rocking her hips back and forth. The heat and fullness of his penis caused a wave of deep pleasure inside her. Now she fingered herself as she rocked faster and harder, the pleasure waves building. Within seconds, her whole body was jerking and shuddering as the first orgasm swept through her. She was crying out to him in short whimpering pleas, to help keep up the rhythm. He did his best, though drained, tired and no longer interested in sex.

She continued to ride him hard and frantically stimulate herself at the same time, for several minutes, right on the brink of a king of cums. At last, it hit her and Tom felt her pussy pulse and clasp him as waves of ecstasy surged through her body. She screamed, “cum now Max-. do it now-. now!”

Shocked, Tom stopped forcing into her and Carla realized what had happened. She was left totally unsatisfied, frustrated to the brink of murder and filled with shame. She had practically raped the boy to satisfy her sexual needs and had been unfaithful to Max.

Without a word, she climbed off Tom, used his briefs to clean herself, and threw them in his face.

“We need to go, Tom. I have a lot to do tomorrow.”

They drove back to the Rabinowitz home and quietly went to their rooms, at dawn. Carla showered and prepared to go into work early as she had a backlog of work to clear.

When the taxi came to collect her, she slumped back in the seat and reviewed the mission. It was time to tell Sam she wanted to end it and then she could concentrate on finding Max. Tired and distracted, she failed to realize a car was following the taxi.