Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 22nd 2013: Carla gets her orders.

Sam Leighton contacted Carla in London with news that they had picked up Max’s trail once again.

“He recently flew from Majuro Atoll. Unfortunately, the plane had been lost at sea but the search for it was already underway. I am hopeful Max will be found alive and well, because the pilot was experienced and was carrying a cargo of life rafts. There was a good chance they would see him bobbing on the ocean, waiting for rescue.”

Carla was overjoyed when Sam said he had arranged for her to be taken to the atoll by The Organization’s Global 8000 Learjet.  “I want you to snoop around and observe newcomers to the atoll, reporting everything back to me. American and UK security forces are already on route to the atoll, to grab Max should he be found alive.”

Carla was well aware of what was at stake. The Organization could not allow Max to be arrested and they wanted him back safe, with them.

Thanking Sam, she packed and set off to catch her private flight. She was excited at the prospect she might soon see Max, but at the same time, distraught that he might be dead.