Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 25th 2013: Wreckage found

When the VRC diver released the plane to sink in deep water, he was unaware of the weakened fuselage. It was overstressed when the tail hit the sea. The plane’s long and tortuous descent to the seabed 3000 meters below had snapped the plane in half, spilling out all its contents, including the remains of Kate, the pilot.

The flotsam eventually surfaced. The bright white life raft cases were clearly visible to the search plane. The inflated life raft was shredded on the sharp metal fuselage and remained snagged in the depths.

The report that the plane wreckage had been found, soon reached the ears of the news broadcasters and Sam Leighton. His staff noticed one life raft was missing in the count of cases, compared with the manifest. They thought it possible it was used by the pilot, Max and Anna Short. If that were so, the nearest land would be the island VRC were using. He sent a coded message to Victor Bryson, Conrad Phelps and the other members of the consortium.

‘Plane found near your island. Evacuate immediately.’

Sam knew the crash rescue team would visit the island the following day, which would raise all kinds of problems. The team would be infected, the moment they set foot on the island. They would take the infection back to civilization so could not be allowed to leave, without decontamination and the injections to cure them.

These outsiders could not be disposed of as they would be missed, then more people would visit the island to find them, perpetuating the problem. Alternatively, they would receive the treatment from people on the island, and alert the world to the sinister happenings there.

If that was not bad enough, Carla would go to the island in search of Max and this girl Anna Short. Sam dreaded what Carla would do to the girl, and how she would react to the knowledge that The Organization was behind the research on the island.

Sam was well aware of the controversial ethics involved. The Organization had always relied on the fact that no one would give a shit about ethics and morals, when they needed the only cure on the planet.

He phoned Carla. “Carla, the plane wreckage has been found.  It is possible that Max is alive and well, stranded on Dom Island. Whatever happens, do not go to the island. Let the rescue team do their bit and please keep me informed about the other characters interested in Max.”

“OK Sam, I will see what happens. I expect they will wait for him to be brought back, before they make a move. Then, I will do what is necessary.”

“Thanks Carla, stay in touch.”


Philippe watched the news report and planned an urgent flight to Majuro Atoll. He knew that Carla would be there if she thought Max might have survived. He laid his plans to murder them both - to hell with torturing them, end it now.