Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 26th 2013: Rescuers arrive.

The rescue helicopter was due to take off for Dom Island at first light, but was found to have mechanical trouble and its departure was delayed.

Carla returned to the hangar next morning at 8.00am, wearing dark green trousers and long sleeved shirt, light weight, for the climate and to blend with jungle foliage. She wore rugged footwear, ideal for rough terrain and climbing, and carried a small leather bag across her body, its contents carefully chosen for the mission.

When dressed for action, she pulled back her blond hair into a ponytail, donning a peaked green cap and shades.

Dan Sims eyed her up as she walked towards him, totally focused on what she had planned and not at all the girl he had first met. Without a word, she hopped up into the seat next to Dan, taking in everything around her at a glance. She noticed the four small drums of fuel and a hand pump, secured in the two rear passenger seats.

“I see you have managed to load extra fuel for our return, after all. You know I am lightweight and there are no passengers, so you’ve made up the useful load with fuel. With the fuel we use on the way out, we should soon lose excess weight and cut back on consumption.”

“Yes, Miss Day, very perceptive of you,” Dan confirmed. “I hope that meets with your approval?”

“Yes, thank you Dan. By the way, you checked the terrain for landing, I hope? I see we don’t have pop out floats fitted to the skids - just as well, with their extra weight.”

“Yes, apparently there are large areas of grass on the island, due to the lava being very porous in places. Essentially, there is no water for jungle to grow there.

“And no, we don’t have the floats. It is not necessary and you are quite right, there is a weight penalty. Do you have flying experience Miss Day, you seem very well informed?”

“I am familiar with this particular model, as a passenger, but I have also read the pilot’s handbook.”

Carla slipped on the headset over her cap.  As she flicked the various switches and altered the volume, Dan was impressed at how familiar she appeared with the helicopter.

“You seem to know your way around your aircraft, like it’s routine” remarked Dan, after he had adjusted his headset.

“Well Dan, I don’t believe I have to be stupid, just because I am a young girl. I mean, that would be stupid, wouldn’t it?”

Dan smiled; he really had taken to this feisty bitch. If only his daughter was like her.

He proceeded to do his checks and started the engine. Carla ran through the process in her mind, noting where everything was and how Dan operated her helicopter. It was just the way her brain functioned.

After a five minute warm-up, Dan lifted off.

Carla had calculated it would be best to approach the island out of the sun. Everyone would hear them, but she hoped they would think it was just a news team or more rescuers. With the sun in their eyes, they might not see them land.

She thought that if Max had been captured, she could somehow improvise and snatch him back. By that time, The Organization should have arrived and be able to help her, so they could all escape in the US1.