Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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December 5th 2013: Hell hath no fury.

Malenkov laid his plans to snatch Anna when she left her father’s house; regardless of who else was with her. He told the two men who had seen Anna Short on the atoll, to watch the house and when the girl showed up, follow her back to her own home. SO15 were spotted by the men, as they were all highly trained ex FSB agents. However, the men remained undetected, because they could observe the house from some distance away.

It was two days later when Star took Philippe back to Anna’s flat. She wanted to show him her home and entertain him there in private. She also needed to pick up her BMW, to show him around London, taking him to all the best restaurants and sights that she could now afford.

Philippe knew she was hooked on him and it would not be long before she would ask him how to find Max and Carla, so she could take her revenge. At the moment though, she was enjoying herself to the full. She was doing with Philippe all the things she had dreamed of doing with Max, once they were safe with their money.

Most people would have travelled around London by taxi, but she loved the BMW and the privacy it offered, as they drove around the sights that night.

The heavy rain had stopped just before they finished their meal. Star paid and they waited outside the restaurant for her car to be brought around. They both felt romantic. The reflections of the neon lights on the wet surfaces added to the magic of the night. It was bitterly cold but neither of them noticed, they were distracted by each other’s company.

Her car was brought to them and she gave the attendant a generous tip. They drove along to The Embankment, intending to park, then walk, looking at the boats and the lights reflected in the black water. They were both anticipating a long, romantic evening together and a wild night, back at the flat. Neither of them noticed the car carrying three men, or the rider on a powerful motorcycle, following them to the river.

As Star cruised along by the river amongst the sparse traffic, looking for a suitable parking space, the car following them accelerated hard, swung out and pulled alongside. Startled, Star glanced across at the occupants and instantly recognized Malenkov. Before she had time to think, Philippe shouted “STOP” and she hit the footbrake. The anti-lock brakes juddered and stopped the car as the other one shot past. It slewed to a stop across Star’s path. The doors opened as the men jumped out.

“Back up and go around them.” commanded Philippe and she obeyed instantly. The BMW accelerated forward; Philippe pulled her head down with one hand and steered with the other, as shots rang out and smacked into the bodywork.

Malenkov’s aim was deliberately low, he intended to hit the petrol tank, so they would run out of fuel and he could take the girl alive.

When they were out of range, Philippe pulled her upright and let her take over the steering wheel again. The other car was already giving chase, its headlights on full beam, to add menace to their 90Km/hr. pursuit.

“We need help from your father to trap these bastards, whoever they are. Call him on the phone.”

Star reached for the hands free button on the consul just as her headlights picked up the rear of a flatbed lorry. As she swung over to pass it, it also pulled over, blocking her path and jammed on its brakes. There was no way she could avoid a crash and drove right under the overhanging lorry bed.

There was a loud fizzing noise as the wheels of the pursuing car skidded on the petrol slicked road surface, side on to the rear of the BMW. It struck hard, but apart from being stunned, Malenkov and his men were uninjured.

The slim motorcyclist in black helmet and leathers pulled up and threw a full bottle of petrol on the road, under both cars. She removed a flare from inside her jacket, pulled the igniter and then tossed it under Malenkov’s car. It took just a moment to reach the petrol from the bottle and the additional small stream, issuing from the bullet hole in the BMW’s petrol tank.

The motor cyclist pulled away to a safe distance and watched as both vehicles became engulfed in flame.

The lorry driver leapt from his cab and ran to the motorcycle. He stopped and turned, watching the people in both cars thrash and scream for a few moments, then pulled free a spare helmet and climbed onto the pillion seat. With a gentle purr, the motorcycle accelerated casually away.

A petrol tank exploded, sending red and orange flame high into the sky and the stunned onlookers ran for cover.

Demetrio spoke over the coms and said, “I think that killed more birds than we expected, no one got out of there alive.”

“I think Sam will be greatly relieved when he hears you have fulfilled your mission. I will let you tell him, but never mention my part in it-. ever!”

“Whatever you say Carla, whatever you say.”