Hashim Khail and Keeper of the Gates by Richard Shekari - HTML preview

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Chapter Five: Eventide.


King Yuri ordered Hashim be treated well. He was taken to a nice room and offered good clothes to wear and good meal but he rejected the food as he was sober.

 As King Yuri and his advisors planned on how Hashim would be assisted to retake his father’s kingdom, Nabil brought some fruits and found Hashim standing by the window.

“You have to eat.” She said. “You’ll need to stay alive, if not for your sake but for the sake of your people…and my people. Yuri is a good man, you need to understand that. But even good men sometimes make the wrong decisions. And a few wise ones get themselves back on the right path when they realise they’ve erred.”

 “Ever wondered how it’ll be like to have a family of your own?” He asked as he turned to her.

“I have a family!” She said, “King Yuri, the people here and my sisters. They are my family.”

“Well, Yuri seem to have a queen, right?” He said.

She nodded.

“We have this beautiful garden in the castle,” Hashim added, “I used to go there a lot. I don’t know if it’s still there, but I think you’d love it.”

“Are you trying to woo me by enticing me with a garden?” She said as she smiled, “You can do better than that!”

“I want you to come with me,” He said. “You’ll love it there!”

“My heart is rooted in this land.” She said.

“I will water the roots with my own hands if you agree to come with me!” He said. “And maybe you’ll find out that my land is more fertile.” He smiled, “Not that I am saying the soil here is bad!”

“You did not just say that.” She responded.

They both laughed.

“I do love to have a garden of my own someday,” she said.

“Does that mean you’re coming with me?” He asked.

“I can’t answer that right now,” she said, “but if King Yuri is giving you an army then he’ll surely ride with you and wherever he goes, my sisters and I go.”

“I know that,” he said. “What I am trying to say is, if this whole thing is over. Would you…”

“I know what you mean!” She interjected. “I don’t know but, I dreamt about you even days before you came.”

 “How can you dream about a man you’ve never met before?” He responded.

“Let’s just say I see things.” She added.

“What was the dream about?” He asked.

“In my dream, you struggled with someone with a dark heart and snatched a crown from him,” she said, “You then took me to a garden but the bridge that led to the garden was broken.”

“My father’s garden has no bridge,” he said, “It’s in the middle of a beautiful orchard. With beautiful flowers and trees that bear exotic fruits.”

“I need to get going.” She responded.

“Please stay.” He said as he walked to her.

“We have a long trip ahead of us tomorrow.” She added, “You’ll need to rest too. Goodnight!” She walked out of the room.

“Goodnight.” He said.