Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The morning sun rose for the start of another day in the Mojave Desert.

Albert and Britney cuddled under the car cover.

Their campfire was nothing but glowing charcoal.

Albert woke up and felt Britney's body. He was still groggy, but the dream he just had about Ginger ran through his mind. He didn't think when he leaned over and kissed Britney's forehead.

"Time to get up sweetheart."

Britney's eyes opened, and Albert cringed when he realized what he just did.

Her eyes widened when she realized he kissed her forehead. "Did you kiss me and call me, sweetheart?"

Albert faced turned red with embarrassment. I'm sorry. I just had a dream about my wife," he said and silently prayed that she believed his story.

Britney smiled. "Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming," she replied.

Albert stood up and stretched.

Britney stood up and stretched.

"Ready for some breakfast?" she asked.

"Sure, I would love a big bacon and cheese omelet," he jokingly replied.

"How about a peanut butter sandwich?" she replied.

"Sure," he replied, starving for something else but that.

"As soon as this is all over, we'll have a nice breakfast in Vegas," Britney replied while she opened up the grocery bag and removed the bread and peanut butter.

They sat down for the next fifteen minutes and ate their sandwiches, and munched on a few pieces of beef jerky.

After breakfast, they folded the car cover, and Albert tucked it under his arm.

Britney removed the bottled water from the grocery bag, opened it up, and took a swig. She handed it to Albert, and he took a swig. She placed the bottle back since the grocery bag.

Albert slung the emergency kit and laptop bag straps around his shoulder.

Britney picked up the grocery bag. She looked kindly at Albert. "Let me lighten your load," she said while she removed the emergency bag and placed the strap around her shoulder.

Albert kicked some dirt on the campfire to make sure it would not ignite.

"Ready to go save the President?" she asked bravely.

"Yeah," Albert replied and tried to hide the fact that he was nervous as hell.

Britney could sense he was nervous. "Don't worry, we'll succeed," she said with a comforting tone.

She picked up her hat, and then Albert picked up his hat.

She walked way putting on her hat. Albert followed putting on his hat.

Back at the Desert Rock airstrip, the Huey was parked on the tarmac while the pilots performed a preflight inspection.

A black Suburban drove and parked near the hangar. Grant got out of the passenger seat with a rifle bag in hand. "Go back and monitor the MGM activities," he told Kirby who sat in the backseat of the SUV.

"Got it," Kirby replied.

"And I want you to stay at the hangar and watch for them," Grant told another thug named Howie who also sat in the backseat in an expensive Italian suit with a Glock 9mm tucked in a holster underneath his suit coat.

"Yes sir," Howie replied while he got out of the back of the Suburban.

Howie rushed to the hangar.

Grant slammed his door shut and rushed over to the Huey and climbed in the back.

The pilots got inside and started the Huey's engine.

The Suburban drove away and headed back to the ninety-five.

The blades soon rotated slicing their way through the air. It wasn't long before the Huey lifted up off the tarmac.

The Huey ascended and headed toward State Road ninety-five. It was again going on the hunt.

Later on that morning, Albert and Britney continued their trek through the desert, and it was heating up fast.

It was quiet, and they were satisfied that they were still undetected. But that soon changed.

The sound of the approaching Huey was heard.

"It's another helicopter," Britney said while she searched the sky and stopped in her tracks.

Albert scanned the sky. His eyes widened the second, he spotted something. "There it is, and it looks just like the one from yesterday," he said the second he spotted it in the sky.

"They're searching for us, and I don't believe they'll give us a friendly ride," she replied while she searched the desert for a place to hide.

All they saw were dirt and tons of it.

The Huey got closer and was way too close for comfort.

Britney's eyes widened with an idea when she saw the car cover under Albert's arm. "Let's quickly hide under the car cover. It's our only chance," she said.

Albert saw the Huey approaching fast about five hundred feet of the ground. He nodded in agreement suggesting they quickly hid under the cover.

Grant had his Remington Model 700 rifle ready to fire from the back of the Huey.

They flew twenty feet to the left of the car cover.

Grant saw the car cover and thought it was some type of desert scrub bush like what was seen yesterday.

From under the car cover, they heard the Huey fly away.

"I think we're safe," Britney said then slowly lifted up the over and peeked out.

She saw the Huey while it flew near SR 95. "Let's go," she said then got out from under the cover.

She looked and saw the Huey become a smaller and smaller dot in the sky.

Albert got out from under the cover and saw the Huey in the sky. "I think it's a UAS helicopter," he said.

"I think you're correct," she said then grabbed the cover.

He grabbed the other end, and they folded it.

Albert tucked the cover under his arm, and they walked away.

Later that day, the Huey flew on the other side of ninety-five at six hundred feet and came upon Taylor's Prius.

"Head back towards Vegas," Grant told the pilot.

The pilot banked the helicopter to the right.

"They have to be out there somewhere," Grant said to himself while he scanned the Mojave Desert below.

The Huey banked and headed back.

Later that afternoon, Albert and Britney were hot and tired from walking.

"I need a short break," Albert said and plopped down in the dirt and set the car cover down.

Britney sat down next to him with the emergency kit and grocery bag.

He unfolded the car cover and placed it over them to block out the scorching sun.

"I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Wendy, being murdered," he said.

Britney thought about the old day. "Wendy and I have been friends since grade school. She moved to San Francisco after her husband was killed in Iraq. She wanted to be closer to her parents. How long did your acquaintance know Bob and Wendy?" she replied.

"My acquaintance, my acquaintance," he stammered then thought for a few seconds. "My acquaintance was my deceased wife," he said without thinking.

"Your wife? Did she tell you about this before she died?" Britney asked curiously.

"No, I learned about it later," he said and realized he screwed up.

"Later, How? You told me she was dead," she asked curiously while her FBI instincts kicked in.

Albert felt caught, and he knew he couldn't tell the truth about that magical website. He felt like he was on the hot seat while the pondered his next response. His eyes widened a little when he came up with something. "Well, it was a Word file she left on the computer."

"A letter?"

"Yes. It was a letter to the authorities, just in case something happened to her," he said.

"Ah," she replied while she thought for a few seconds. Her eyes widened with an idea. "I just thought of some. I need you to get a little proficient with shooting a gun," she said.

Albert looked intimidated. "Why do I need to do that?"

"Just in case something happens to me, I want to make sure you can defend yourself," she replied.

Albert looked nervous, and Britney noticed.

"Don't worry. You won't shoot me. I promise," she said and looked confident.

Britney searched over the area for some targets.

She saw six beer cans twenty feet away. "Let's get some targets," she said then got up and rushed over to the cans.

Albert watched while Britney set up the six cans about a foot apart.

She rushed back and opened the front pocket of the laptop bag and removed one of the revolvers.

She gave it to Albert who reluctantly handled the revolver.

"Take aim with the sight at the end of the barrel at the can and squeeze the trigger," she said.

Albert aimed his revolver at one of the beer cans. He closed both eyes and cringed. He fired a shot and jumped the second it went off.

Britney looked and saw all six cans still intact. She looked back at Albert.

"Don't close both eyes. Aim with one of them and stay calm. An accident won't happen. I promise," she reassured him.

Britney stood behind him. She placed her body up against his backside, chin on his shoulder and a hand on his revolver hand. She helped him aim the revolver. "Stay calm. Aim and squeeze."

Albert fired off a shot and hit one of the beer cans, and it zinged off into the air.

"Good job!" she said while she patted his shoulder.

Albert smiled at the thought of her giving him a compliment.

"Hit it all by yourself, and you get a prize," she said while she stepped a couple of feet away.

Albert aimed and fired off another shot. The beer can zinged into the air.

Albert turned to Britney with a proud smile.

She walked back over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "There's your prize," she said with a warm smile.

"We better get going," she said while she removed the bottle of water from the grocery bag. She opened it up and took a swig. She handed it to Albert, and he took a swig then gave it back. She took the revolver and placed it back in the front pocket of the laptop bag.

Albert touched his cheek and looked guilty for getting a kiss from Britney. But he sure loved it.

He picked up the car cover off the dirt, and they started folding it.

The sound of the Huey caught their attention. They stopped folding the cover and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Shit!" Britney called out when they saw the Huey fly back at them off to the left of SR 95.

They quickly hid under the cover with the emergency kit and grocery bag.

Grant scanned the desert from the Huey, which now flew one hundred feet off the deck.

He glanced at the car cover while the Huey flew past ten feet to the right of the car cover.

He noticed one section of the cover that flapped in the wind. He didn't think anything about it while they flew away.

The Huey was fifty feet from the car cover when Grant's eyes widened when it dawned on him that part of that bush flapped in the air. "Wait! Turn around ASAP," he yelled out.

"What's wrong?" the pilot replied curiously.

"That green item in the desert back there looked strange. I saw another one earlier. It looks like some type of cloth," Grant told the pilot

"Take her down to about fifty feet," Grant yelled at the pilot.

The pilot obeyed and descended.

Taylor and Britney started to stand up, but Albert grabbed her arm and pulled her down into the dirt.

"What are you doing?" she asked a little irritated.

"The helicopter is coming back," he told her.

The sound of the Huey got louder.

They froze still under the cover.

They heard gunfire, and a bullet immediately went through the car cover and zinged in the dirt between them.

They both saw sunlight penetrate through that bullet hole.

"We're sitting ducks under here," Britney yelled from under the cover. She quickly opened up the pocket from the laptop bag and removed the three revolvers. She handed Albert one of them, and she had one in both hands.

"No," he said while he handed the revolver back.

"I'm not going to let those bastards kill us. I need your help," she replied with pleading eyes.

Albert thought about her comment while she clicked the safety off on all the revolvers.

He grabbed the revolver and looked brave, as he knew that he didn't have a choice.

"When we get out there, run in a zigzag pattern. Then when the Huey gets closer, aim at the front and then aim at the engine area under the blades," she quickly blurted out then got out from under the cover.

Albert joined her with the laptop bag strapped around his shoulder.

They ran off in different directions and zigzagged in the desert.

Grant eyed the desert while the Huey banked back around.

Then Grant's eyes lit up when he saw Albert and Britney run in the dirt. "I have them in sight," he yelled out while he pointed in the direction. He took aim with his rifle.

Albert ran his zigzag pattern. A bullet zinged in the dirt by his feet. "Shit, they're shooting!" he cried out.

Britney was fifteen feet away. She stopped and aimed her revolver at the Huey.

From the back of the Huey, Grant took aim with his rifle. A bullet zinged past his head and hit the back wall. "The bitch shot at me!" he yelled out while he immediately ducked down. "The bitch shot at me!"

Albert got pissed and stopped in his tracks.

He aimed his revolver at the Huey while it flew straight at him. He fired a shot.

The bullet went through the front windscreen of the Huey and hit the back wall.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here," the pilot cried out as the bullet just missed his helmet by an inch. He banked the Huey sharply to the right then ascended.

Grant grabbed his seat, afraid he might fall out.

When the Huey leveled out and headed back in the direction of the airstrip, Grant pressed the barrel into the pilot's neck. "If you do that, I'll put a bullet into your neck the second we land at the airstrip and hopefully leave you parallelized," he yelled out.

The pilot knew he didn't have a choice but decided to quit his job the second they landed back at the Desert Rock airstrip.

He straightened the Huey out.

"Give me a clear shot," Grant yelled out while he had his rifle ready.

The pilot banked the Huey to the left.

Britney stood her ground in the dirt and aimed her revolver at the engine area while the Huey banked to the left and descended.

The second she had a clear shot, the fired at the engine compartment. She fired another round then ran off.

Two bullets hit the engine compartment at the same time Grant fired off a shot at Britney.

Britney zigzagged. A bullet zinged inches away from her feet.

Albert got pissed, and he fired off two rounds at the cockpit.

The pilot was scared when another bullet penetrated the windshield and missed his helmet by inches. He knew he didn't have a choice, as Grant would kill him for sure if he tried to fly away. "You better get this bastard," he yelled at Grant while he nose-dived the Huey at Albert.

Albert got intimidated, and he ran his zigzagged pattern.

He tripped on his feet and slammed face-first into the dirt.

Britney saw him and ran to the rescue while the Huey flew twenty feet over Albert's body.

The Huey made a right banked ascending turn to come back around. Grant had his rifle aimed out the cargo door.

"Get up," Britney yelled while she kept her aim on the Huey.

Albert stood up and aimed at the Huey.

They saw black smoke emit from the engine compartment.

"We're causing some damage," she said and felt good about the situation.

The Huey came back at them twenty feet off the dirt.

"It's now or never. Give them everything you got and aim for the pilots," she yelled out while she pointed both revolvers at the Huey. She looked at Albert, who stood an inch from her body. "Get farther away from me. You're making us a larger target," she cried out.

Albert quickly moved ten feet away from her, then aimed his revolver at the Huey.

A bullet from Kirby's rifle zinged between Albert and Britney.

"See what I mean," she cried out while she kept her aim on the Huey.

Another bullet zinged an inch past Britney's head. She kept her ground and didn't flinch.

"Now!" she yelled out.

Albert and Britney fired numerous bullets at the nose of the Huey.

Two bullets hit the pilot in his chest while another one went through his upper lip. The copilot took a bullet in his mouth and three in his chest. They both slumped over dead.

Albert and Britney watched while the Huey flew wildly at them.

"Run!" she screamed out.

They both raced off in different directions to get out of the way of the Huey.

The Huey flew wildly past Albert and Britney.

They watched while the Huey nose-dived and crashed into a bunch of large boulders. It exploded, and they felt the intense heat from the fireball.

"Let's get the hell out of here," she yelled at Albert.

They ran away, leaving the car cover behind.

The Huey was nothing but burning wreckage.

Grant fell out of the Huey with his body on fire. He got up and ran around, screaming in extreme pain while the fire-cooked his flesh.

Albert and Britney stopped and glanced back at the horrific sight. They didn't feel sorry when Grant dropped to the dirt still on fire.

"It's a good thing I gave you a quick lesson," she said while they watch Grant became a crispy critter in the desert.

We better get moving, this will surely attract unwanted attention," she told Albert.

She looked south and saw Vegas off in the distance. A smile grew on her face. "We're almost there," she said while she pointed at it.

Albert looked and saw the city. He smiled.

She removed the water bottle and opened it up and took a swig. She handed it to Albert, and he took a swig and handed it back.

They quickly folded the car cover, and he tucked it under his arm.

She picked up the grocery bag and an emergency kit.

They rushed off in the desert and headed in the direction of Vegas.

Five minutes later, a car that headed northwest pulled over on State Road ninety-five when the driver saw the burning wreckage of the Huey.

The driver, named Henry, immediately turned his car around and raced back to Vegas.