Heku : Book 1 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 - Coming Out


“Keep the blindfold on, Em,” Kyle said. He was leading her carefully down a hallway.

“It's hard to walk… are we close?” she asked, with her hands outstretched.

“Yes… very.”

She felt his hands leave her arm and heard a door open. He led her inside and the warm mugginess of the room seemed odd.

“Ready?” Kyle asked.

“Sure,” she said as he lifted the blindfold.

“Ooh… Kyle!” she gasped as she looked out over the swimming pool. It was full of sparkling blue water and the hot tub bubbled in the corner.

She threw her arms around him, “Thank you!”

“Margaret put a swimming suit in the dressing room. I'll be outside this door if you need me. Just enjoy your swim and don't drown or Chevalier will kill me.” He shut the door with a grin.

Emily ran to the dressing room and undressed. She didn't even complain as she put on the tiny sheer swimsuit and hurried out to the pool, dipped in one toe, and then dove in when she felt how warm it was. The water felt incredible against her skin. She'd always felt comfort from water, and the room was so warm everything was perfect. For over an hour she swam, from one end to the next, feeling the way her muscles strained against the water as she swam laps.

Out of breath, she floated on the water a bit and then eyed the hot tub with its inviting steam. She climbed out of the pool and shook her head as she passed the mirror, “Only Margaret would put me in a see-through swimming suit.” She laughed to herself and crawled into the bubbly water.

The warm jets pounded against her skin and she relaxed, laying her head back against the side of the tub. She breathed deeply, taking in the scent of chlorine and the warm feeling of the air.

Emily raised her head and glanced around, checking to make sure no one was watching. She reached around and untied her top and pulled it off, tossing it to the side. Laying back down, she shut her eyes and relaxed.

She yelped when hands gently caressed her exposed breasts and then she grinned when she saw Chevalier had joined her.

“You really shouldn't sneak up on me,” she reminded him as he pressed against her.

“You really should keep your clothes on.” He grinned and began kissing her neck.

“I thought I was alone,” she said as she shivered, his hands tracing soft patterns in her skin.

He didn't answer. His mouth was pressed firmly to hers.


Scooping up her swimsuit, she handed it to Chevalier and tightened the towel around her, “Take that back and tell her I would prefer a one-piece that you can't see through.”

Chevalier smiled, “No way, I liked that one.”

She smiled and walked toward the door, then felt a hand on her shoulder, “Kyle's out there.”

Emily turned around and looked down at herself, “I'm covered.”

Chevalier stepped back and eyed the towel, “Yes you are, but poor Kyle, you're going to drive him mad.”

“How so?”

“We're men, Emily, it's obvious you are only wearing a towel.”

He'll live… I'm more covered in this towel than in that so-called swimsuit,” she said, pushing on the door. She'd forgotten how heavy the door was when it opened for her.

Kyle gasped and looked away as she emerged and headed for her room. He followed behind her, his eyes on the wall.

“Good Man,” Chevalier thought to himself.

Emily changed quickly back into her jeans and t-shirt and found Chevalier waiting in her room when she emerged.

“Dang,” he said with a laugh.

“What?” She eyed him suspiciously.

“I'd hoped to give that blue dress another go.” He grinned and stood up.

“No chance!” She slapped his arm playfully, “Unless you were the one wearing it.”

“Uh hu.” He grinned and kissed her.

Emily pulled away from him and set out for the door.

“Where are you going now?” he asked. He planned on staying in this evening.

“I have to go feed the cows,” she said, and turned to look at him.

He was instantly in front of her and began kissing her ear, flicking her earlobe with his tongue. She shivered.

“I can have someone do that for you,” he hinted.

She hesitated and pulled away, “Nope, my cows, remember?”

He sighed, “Yes I do.”

“Besides, I'm pretty sure I know what you had in mind, and it can wait.” She grinned and headed out the door.

Emily first headed into Patra's stall, not bothering to wonder who had put her in. She pet the mare and rubbed Patra's expanding middle, “How ya feeling, Patra?”

Kyle smiled. He found it fascinating how she talked to her horse.

“So when is the big event?” he asked, leaning back against the wall.

“Hmm.” She did the math in her head, “7 more months.” She started pouring fresh grain in the trough for the mare.

“So I heard something interesting today…” he began.

She didn't turn to him, but started to brush Patra.

“Rumor has it, in the castle, that you were married before and that Chevalier killed him.”

She turned with a frown, “You knew that already.”

“Yes, but the interesting part is that somehow, so does everyone else now.”

She cringed, “Seriously? Everyone?” She ducked out of the stall and pulled the door shut.

He nodded. “I'm going to talk to Chevalier about it. I don't like people talking about you and especially that. They shouldn't judge.”

Her body suddenly tensed, “What all do they know?”

He shrugged, “I'm not sure.”

“Do they know he... well…” She waited for him.

“I don't think so, no one mentioned it.”

She relaxed some and loaded a bale of hay onto a small four wheeler.

Kyle cringed, “I wish you'd let me at least load the hay for you, it's heavy.”

She smiled and climbed onto the ATV, “Then it would be your cows and not mine.”

He followed behind her as she drove the ATV out to where the cows were grazing, then grabbed her pitchfork and went to work. Kyle's mind began to run through training scenarios for the guards. It didn't do for him to watch her work if he valued his life. His thoughts turned to her too often and as much as he tried to control it, he couldn't.

Emily, I'm going to go talk to Chevalier, you're safe out here,” he reassured her needlessly. She felt safer out here than anywhere else on the island.

Kyle disappeared into the house, and Emily went back to work. She hummed to herself as she fed the cows and looked back proudly as they all ate. She checked their water and poured it out for fresh, then took the ATV back into the barn.

As she put away her tools, a sound in the barn scared her and she turned toward it. She grinned when she saw a barn cat looking at her, “Well, hello.”

She walked over to it and sat down on the clean straw to pet it. It purred loudly and wound itself around her hand, “Keeping the mice away I hope?”

She smiled at the cat, “You need a name