Hitchin a Ride by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Later that night in Lenny's apartment, all was quiet.

Rose slept on a sleeping bag by the front door to prevent anybody from escaping.

In the kitchen, Jesse had his head on the kitchen table while he slept. Six empty Budweiser cans were on the table near him, a bag of pot and some joint roaches in a bowl, empty Lays potato chips bags, after he and Frankie smoked pot most of the night. 

Kathy, Joey, and Lenny sat on the couch bounded with duct tape around their ankles and wrists with their hands in front of them.

Frankie sat, with his revolver in his lap, in the lazy boy chair with an eye on them. But his eyelids dropped.  

He opened them when he realized he dozed off. 

His eyelids dropped and closed. He slept.

Kathy, Joey, and Lenny looked around and noticed their kidnappers were all asleep. 

"I don't want to rob a bank!" Lenny whimpered.

"I don't want to go to jail," Joey said then squirmed to free himself. He couldn't.

Frankie slept on the lazy boy chair and didn't hear them talk. In fact, he snored.

Joey thought for a second as he eyed Jesse, Frankie and Rose all sound asleep. "Now's our chance, we need a knife."

Lenny looked in the kitchen.

"The knives are in the drawer to the right of the sink," he told Joey.

Joey got up from the couch. 

He cautiously and quietly hobbled into the kitchen.

He hobbled over to the sink. 

He quietly opened the drawer to the right of the sink. He removed a steak knife.  

He ever so quietly closed the drawer with his butt cheek. 

He and quietly hobbled back to the couch and didn't notice Jesse woke up. Joey only noticed that Frankie and Rose still slept. He had no idea that Jesse's eyes were on his move back to the living room.

Joey handed Kathy the knife. She grabbed the tape and sliced away the duct tape from her ankles. 

Joey took the knife away from Kathy and sliced away the duct tape from his ankles.

Joey bent down and sliced the duct tape from Lenny's ankles. He stood up proud of his accomplishment. 

Lenny's eyes suddenly widened in panic. 

Joey noticed. "What's wrong?" he asked, then immediately sensed the answer. But it was too late. Jesse whacked Joey on the back of his head with his revolver.

Joey's eyes crossed. He dropped to the floor, passed out cold. 

Jesse stood over Joey with his revolver in hand.

Kathy looked at Joey on the floor. She got pissed and jumped in Jesse's face. He quickly pressed the barrel of his revolver hard into her forehead.  She gulped, as she knows she made a huge mistake. She silently prayed that Jesse wouldn't be too pissed and put a bullet in her brain.

"Frankie!" Jesse screamed out, and it echoed in the room.

Frankie jumped up out of the lazy boy chair, startled. 

He looked around dazed then saw Jesse with his revolver in Kathy's forehead. 

Lenny remained on the couch, scared while he eyed Joey on the floor passed out.

Jesse's voice woke up Rose. She sat up on her sleeping bag to see what was going on. She watched.

Frankie rushed over to Jesse with his revolver in hand.

"You're screwing up on your watch. Get more duct tape," Jesse scolded Frankie.

"Sorry," he said, then rushed off to the kitchen.

Jesse stayed with revolver aimed at them.

Frankie returned with a roll of duct tape.

Jesse snatched the roll from Frankie's hands. 

He unrolled some tape and bounded Joey's feet. 

He unrolled some more tape and bounded Joey's wrists. 

He did the same for Kathy and Lenny.

Jesse looked at Rose. "You're on watch," he ordered.

Jesse went over to the sleeping bag by the door. He lay on it and closed his eyes. 

Frankie went down the hallway. He slept in Lenny's bed in his bedroom.

Joey, Kathy, and Lenny relaxed on the couch, and within a few minutes, they slept.

It was eight in the morning, and everybody was awake in Lenny's apartment. 

In the kitchen, Rose placed the dirty dishes from breakfast into the sink. She looked at them and wasn't about to waste her time doing house chores. But she knew she would after she gave birth. 

At the kitchen table, Jesse and Frankie cleaned their revolvers.

In the living room, Kathy, with Joey's head rested on her shoulder, and Lenny sat ducted taped on the couch.

 "My head is killing me," Joey said. 

Kathy looked at the huge knot at the back of his head. She kissed his cheek, then placed Joey's head on her shoulder. 

He smiled as he loved her attention.

"How are we going to get out of this? I don't want to be a rump ranger in prison," Lenny asked concerned.

"I don't think we're going to prison," Kathy responded.

Joey and Lenny looked at Kathy. It dawned on them, and they got scared.

Back at the Denver police station…

Angie sat in the office area, where Detective Tibbets worked. She looked at her cell phone and looked concerned. How come he didn't call? She wondered. Then she decided to try again. She called Joey's cell phone number.

Back at Lenny's apartment…

"I'm taking a shower," Rose told Jesse and Frankie who are at the kitchen table. 

Jesse could care less while he and Frankie continued to clean their revolvers. 

Joey's iPhone was on the table near Jesse.

Rose walked out of the kitchen.

"I like the plan. No loose ends," Frankie replied while he reassembled his revolver.

"Good. That's the only way out of this and still keep our money," Jesse said while he reassembled his revolver.

Joey's iPhone rang. Jesse looked suspicious of it. He picked it up, took the call, and listened. 

On the couch, Joey heard his iPhone. He looked nervous while he watched Jesse answer his phone.

"Joey, Detective Williams here. Are you in Denver? You promised to call me," Angie said from Joey's iPhone.

Jesse looked furious while he turned off the iPhone.

He stormed into the living room and over to the couch where Joey, Kathy, and Lenny sat bounded by duct tape.

Joey looked scared while Jesse hovered over him.

Jesse grabbed Joey by his ear and pulled him off the couch. He got in Joey's face, furious.

"You've been talking to some female detective?" Jesse yelled.

Lenny looked scared to death. Kathy looked pissed with Joey.

"Who the fuck is she?" Jesse said while he twisted Joey's ear.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Joey cried out in pain. "She's a detective from Orlando that's looking for me," he said.

Kathy looked pissed with Joey.

"Why the fuck would you talk to a detective if you're wanted for bank robbery?" Jesse said while he twisted Joey's ear harder.

Joey's knees buckled. "She thinks I'm innocent," Joey cried out in pain.

"What the fuck did you tell her?" Jesse asked.

"You might be doing your next robbery using Lenny," Joey said.

"Does she know about us?" Jesse asked, concerned.

Joey hesitated and looked at Jesse who glared at him.

"She knows about you three," Joey confessed.

Jesse got furious. He punched Joey hard in his stomach. 

Joey buckled over in pain and dropped his knees and hit the floor. Jesse pulled Joey up by his ears. 

Kathy squirmed to get free. She can't.

"Are you cutting a deal with her?" Jesse asked as he hovered over Joey. 

"No!" Joey cried out in pain. Jesse kicked Joey in his side. 

Joey rolled over in pain.

Kathy stormed off the couch and rammed Jesse in his stomach. They both tumbled to the ground. 

Frankie rushed into the living room.

Jesse jumped up, pulled Kathy up by her hair, and slapped her hard. She dropped to the floor.

Joey got up and stormed after Jesse ready to head ram him.

Frankie ran up and whacked Joey on the back of his head with his revolver. Joey dropped to the floor in pain and passed out.

Jesse whipped out his revolver from the back of his belt and aimed it at Kathy's head.

"Give me a fucking reason, bitch! Just one fucking reason to put a hole in that stupid head of yours," he yelled at her.

Frankie aimed his revolver at Joey.

Rose entered from the hallway while she dried her hair with a towel. 

"What's all the ruckus?" she asked curiously. He saw Jesse with his revolver aimed at Joey and got concerned.

"Shit for brains here has been talking to a detective from Florida," Jesse said while he glared at Joey. Jesse thought for a second. Then his eyes widened with the idea that would buy him some time.

"Call her back," Jesse ordered.

Everybody looked surprised.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rose asked with a look of being concerned Jesse had flipped.

"Call her and tell her that you had a flat tire and had to spend the night in…" Jesse thought for a second. "Tell her you stopped just across the border in Colorado," Jesse suggested.

Joey thought for a second and had doubts he could pull this off. But he knew if he didn't, there would be more trouble. He got up the courage and made the call. Jesse leaned and placed his hear close to Joey's iPhone.

"Joey! You didn't call like you promised. I was wondering what happened to you?"

"Sorry about that. I got a flat tire just as we crossed the Colorado border," Joey lied and felt guilty, but he knew he didn't have a choice.

"Where?" she asked from his cell phone. Joey thought for a second. "Burlington," he said. "We're getting ready to leave and should in Denver in about thirty minutes," he told her.

Jesse patted Joey on his shoulder and winked at him as he approved his answers.

"Okay. What about Lenny Roth? I assume he's waiting for you. Maybe I should call him?" she asked.

Joey thought for a second. "Since I got delayed, he went to visit his mother. You can talk with the both of us tomorrow," Joey lied.

"Okay," Angie replied as she bought his bullshit.

Joey disconnected his call. Jesse snatched his iPhone and shoved it in his back pocket.

"We're moving now," he ordered Rose and Frankie. "Make the note," he ordered Rose.

Rose dropped the towel from her wet hair and rushed over to Lenny's iMac. 

It took a few minutes, but she finally found the Mac version of Word. She opened up the Word file. She typed the robbery note then printed it out.

Jesse thought for a second while he tried to plan ahead. 

He got curious and walked over to Lenny's computer desk. He opened up a drawer, rummaged inside then closed it. 

He opened up another drawer, rummaged inside and smiled as he removed a digital camera. He inserted it in his front pocket.

Jesse walked over to Lenny, removed a pocketknife from his other front pocket. He opened it up and cut away the duct away from Lenny's wrist and ankles.

"Take the paper and put it in your pocket," he ordered Lenny.

Lenny looked apprehensive and hesitated. That pissed Jesse off.

"I said, get that fucking paper and put it in your pocket!" he yelled at Lenny while he grabbed his skinny bicep and squeezed it hard. Lenny cringed in pain while Jesse rushed him over to the printer. 

Lenny picked up the paper from the printer and folded it. 

He shoved the paper in his shirt pocket. 

He looked scared.

"Now, here's what's going to happen," he said. "I want Rose to ride with Lenny and Joey. Lenny drives his car with Joey in the passenger seat. Rose will hide in the back seat," he instructed. 

"I'll have Kathy with Frankie in my car," he said. 

Jesse got in Lenny's face. "If you don't fulfill your obligation, Lenny, the police will find Kathy's dead body, plus pot in your apartment. And then you'll have to worry about a murder charge along with bank robbery," Jesse said with a smirk.

Jesse handed Rose, Lenny's cell phone, and his revolver. "Call Joey's phone when you get the job done," Jesse told her. 

"Want me to go get the Prius?" Frankie asked.

Jesse thought for a second. "No. Go get my GTO. Second thought, leaving it here could connect us. Park that Prius in the Target parking lot. Lock the keys inside it and make sure you wipe it down. I don't want them picking up your prints," Jesse told Frankie.  

"Got it," Frankie said, then ran to the door. He left the apartment.

Jesse thought for a second then his eyes widened with an idea.

"Rose," he called out. 

She walked over to him. 

He handed her his revolver. "I'll be back in a few minutes," Jesse said with an evil smile on his face. 

Jesse walked away and down the hallway. 

He entered Lenny's bedroom.

It was quiet in the apartment while Rose guarded their hostages.  

Joey looked at Rose and stared at her for doing this to him. He gave her some "Why did you do this to me?" eyes.   She saw him stare at her and looked away. She felt a little guilty for the first time since Jesse started her on his crime spree. 

In Lenny's bedroom, Jesse planted two joints in Lenny's dresser tucked in a pair of tighty whiteys. 

Jesse rushed out of Lenny's bedroom and down the hallway and into the kitchen. He took his revolver back from Rose. He winked at her. "Clean up this place. Throw the beer bottles and broken camera in the trash," Jesse said. "We don't want to make this place look too much like we were here," he added.

Rose walked into the kitchen and found the trash can. 

She took the can and walked into the living room and picked up the pieces of a smashed video camera and dumped them into the can. 

She walked the can into the kitchen and placed the beer bottles in the can. 

She removed the trash bag from the can and tied it.

"I'll throw it outside," she said. 

"Good girl," Jesse smiled at her.

Rose walked out of the apartment with the trash bag.

Ten minutes passed, and Rose entered the apartment.

Five minutes passed, and Frankie entered the apartment. "Ready," he told Jesse. "Okay, let's rock," Jesse said.

Jesse walked into the kitchen and grabbed the duffel bag. He reached inside and removed the paper bag. 

He walked over and handed Rose the bag. 

Jesse escorted Kathy. 

Frankie escorted Joey, and Rose accompanied Lenny.

They followed Jesse as he walked out of Lenny's apartment. 

Jesse walked everybody to Lenny's Corolla in the parking lot. He looked at Rose. 

"Don't forget to call," he reminded her. "Don't worry," she replied.

Lenny got in his driver's seat. Joey got in the passenger seat.

"Have this twit take you to the nearest bank," Jesse said. Rose nodded. She understood then got in the back seat.

Jesse and Frankie escorted Kathy to his GTO nearby. 

Jesse opened up his trunk and dropped the duffel bag inside. He slammed it closed. 

He walked Kathy over to the driver's door. He opened it and shoved Kathy into the backseat. 

Frankie started to get inside with Kathy. Jesse grabbed his shirt and pulled him out. "You can drive," Jesse said while he looked at Kathy. 

"Cool. I finally get to drive the goat," Frankie said while he smiled big. 

Jesse got in the backseat. 

Frankie got behind the wheel and closed the door.

Lenny looked nervous while he drove his Corolla down the street.

Frankie tailed the Corolla in the GTO.

In the backseat of the GTO, Jesse grabbed her head. And before she could resist, he forced Kathy's head into his crotch. "Don't you dare bite me," he said. He pushed her head deeper into his crotch as he enjoyed the cheap thrill.  He took his revolver and ran it up and down the back of Kathy's head. 

That made her extremely nervous.

"Don't you move your pretty head off my lap," Jesse ordered.

Frankie looked in the rearview mirror. He smiled at his older brother as he approved. "Can I have her when you're done?" he asked. 

"I don't see why not little brother. Momma always told us to share our toys," Jesse said then they both chuckled.

Jesse slowly ran the barrel of his revolver down Kathy's back, slipped it into the rear of her pants and forced it down her butt crack.

"I bet you like that. Don't you?" Jesse asked her, then kissed the top of her head.

Kathy wanted to take a huge bite out of his crotch, but she knew if she did, he would kill her.  She wanted to vomit over the feel of that cold steel of the revolver's barrel against the crack of her butt. That's it. I'll puke in his crotch. She thought. But decided against it. Too risky! He'll probably shove her face into it, and the thought of that was going to make her vomit.

Joey's iPhone rang a dorky Sci-Fi ring tone. Jesse looked at it and answered.

"What?" he said. "There's a Key bank down the street to the right," Rose told Jesse from Joey's cell phone. 

In his Corolla, Lenny drove scared to death while he gripped his steering wheel with sweaty palms. 

Joey sat in the passenger seat nervous, as he didn't want to be in court for two bank robbery charges.

From the back seat, Rose held Jesse's revolver in her hand. She shoved Lenny's cell phone into her pants pocket.

"We can't do this, Rose. Let's slip the teller a note telling them Kathy's kidnapped. Then the police can save her. We'll vouch for you." Joey pleaded with her.

Rose thought for a second. She started to accept their proposal. Then she snapped out of it. "I love Jesse. He's going to be the father of my child. So you better do it, or he'll harm your friend," she replied, as she knew Jesse would hunt her down if she didn't complete this mission.

Jesse's GTO drove up alongside Lenny's Corolla and stayed alongside it in the left lane. From the front seat, Frankie discreetly snapped a picture of Lenny's Corolla with Rose visible in the backseat. 

Frankie raced the GTO off down the street.

From the Corolla backseat, Rose watched as the GTO raced off down the left lane.

From the front seat, Lenny and Joey looked at each other with worried eyes, as Lenny turned into the entrance of the Key bank.

"Please Rose! I beg you. We can't do this," Joey pleaded while Lenny drove through the parking lot.

"Use the drive-thru lane. Use the one at the outside lane. Joey knows the routine," Rose told them. 

All the other lanes were packed as cars waited their turn. The far outside lane had two cars in line.

Lenny obeyed and drove to the far outside lane of the drive-thru and parked behind the two cars. Joey hated every second of their drive. 

Rose got down in the backseat to be out of view of the security cameras. 

Frankie drove the GTO down the street. From his windshield, he saw a Denver police car that drove in the opposite lane and came at him. "We have a cop up ahead," Frankie warned Jesse.

From the backseat, Jesse looked concerned and kept an eye on the police car as it approached. Jesse got a little nervous for the first time since he started this new crime spree with Frank and Rose.

The police car drove past Jesse's GTO. The police officer was more interested in his cell phone call with his girlfriend than oncoming traffic.

Jesse turned around and watched the police car as it drove down the road. It was not a threat, so Jesse rolled down his window down. He placed his arm down outside. He shot the cop the finger, as he hated cops with a passion.

At the Key Bank, Lenny parked his car at the far outside lane of the drive-thru window.  

Lenny looked nervous as he stared at the plastic tube carrier in the machine. He wanted to vomit. Then he got the dry heaves. 

Joey moved toward his door just in case Lenny spewed. "Come on, Lenny, control yourself," Joey said. 

"Don't barf, Rose stated from the backseat. Please!" she begged.

Lenny calmed down the dry heaves went away.

He grabbed the plastic tube carrier from the machine. 

He opened it up and inserted the robbery note. Sweat dripped off his face while he put the carrier tube back in the machine. He hesitated. 

Rose noticed. "Just remember what Jesse said about Kathy," Rose reminded him.

Lenny thought for a second. He looked scared to death as he quickly pressed the "Send" button. He was now going to be a bank robber. That was not what he dreamt about as a young geek.