Hitchin a Ride by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


Jesse's GTO followed thirty car lengths behind Sammy's Insight in the left lane. He didn't realize the car, two car lengths behind Lenny's car was Angie.

In Sammy's Insight, Rose turned around and looked out the rear window. She saw Jesse's GTO way behind them in the left lane. 

She smiled as this was their last job. She didn't know that Orlando Detective Angie Williams followed them.

Behind them all, two Phoenix police cars raced down Broadway Road after them.

Inside Jesse's GTO, Jesse forced Kathy's head into his crotch with his hand. He smiled big while he enjoyed this cheap thrill. "That feels so good," Jesse moaned.

Kathy rubbed her taped mouth on the inside of Jesse's thigh. She rubbed until a corner became free as she continued to rub until the rest of it came off her mouth.

Jesse smiled and rubbed her hair at the same time he forced her head into his crotch.

"That's it, baby," he moaned.

Frankie looked at the rearview mirror to catch Jesse's cheap thrill. Frankie's eyes widen when he saw the two police cars while they raced after them with flashing lights.

"We got cops, and they don't look friendly," Frankie told Jesse.

Jesse turned around and looked out his rear window at his back window and saw the police cars getting closer.

"Shit!" he yelled out.

Frankie continued to drive and eyed the rearview mirror.

On another street a couple of miles away, Greer weaved his unmarked car around traffic with a flashing red light on his dash.

Sammy drove scared to death. All he could think about was spending years in prison.   

Joey looked at Rose. He saw them pass a side street where there was the Rattle Snake biker bar with two Harley's parked out front. He didn't think anything of it. 

Rose looked nervous while she rubbed her tummy.

"Hand me the cash," she told Sammy while she opened up the paper bag. Sammy drove and used his other hand and passed the bundles of Ben Franklin's back to Rose. She shoved them in the paper bag.

"Where's Kathy?" he asked her.

"Trailing behind us at a safe distance. She's okay," she answered.

Lenny eyed his rearview mirror around just in time to see Jesse's GTO turn down another street.

"Your boyfriend split," Lenny told Rose.

Rose turned around and saw Jesse's GTO was gone. 

She quickly made a call on Lenny's cell. "Jesse! Where you going?" she asked.

"The cops are coming. You're on your own, Rose. I can't risk going back to jail," he said, then disconnected the call.

Rose turned around again and looked at the rear window. She saw two police car that raced down Broadway after them and was getting closer.

She threw Lenny's cell phone down on the floor, pissed.  She leaned forward to Sammy.

"You better get us away from the cops," said Rose.

Sammy looked in the rearview mirror at the same time Lenny, and Joey turned around and looked. 

They all saw the police cars.

"Ah, man!" Sammy cried. Sammy slowed his car down.

Rose leaned over at Sammy and pounded his shoulder.

"Get us out of here!" Rose screamed.

Joey looked back at Rose. "It's over Rose. I can't run anymore," Joey said.

Rose pounded on the back of Sammy's head. "Move it! I can't raise a child from prison!" she screamed at Sammy.

A police car got even with Sammy's driver's window. 

The other car pulled in behind the Insight. Angie's car was behind the police car.

"Pull over," the officer said from his loudspeaker.

Rose fidgeted scared. "Get us out of here!" she screamed.

Lenny looked at Sammy. They both looked ahead and saw that the traffic light up ahead turned red. 

"Run the light!" Rose screamed and pounded Sammy's shoulder. "Run the light!"

Sammy looked at Joey, who nodded in agreement.

Sammy stopped the car.

"You asshole!" Rose cried out then sobbed.

The police officers cars stopped. Car doors flung opened.

The officers jumped out and aimed shotguns at Sammy's car.

"Get out, drop to the street and spread out your arms!" one of the officers yelled.

Sammy, Lenny, and Joey got off the Insight. 

They lay on their stomachs in the street. 

Rose lay on her back. 

One of the other officers rushed over to Rose. "He said on your stomach," the officer yelled at her.

"I'm pregnant," Rose answered.

"Okay, stay on your back," the officer replied.

A crowd of people rubbernecked from both sidewalk while the police officers got Joey, Lenny, Sammy and Rose up on their feet.

Angie ran through the crowd.

Greer's car stopped at the scene. Greer got out.

Two police officers escorted Rose, Lenny, Sammy, and Joey over to the sidewalk and sat them down against a building wall. 

Two remained and guarded them. Another officer kept the crowd back.

Angie rushed up and flashed her badge to one of the officers that kept the crowd back.

"I'm Detective Angie Williams from Orlando, Florida," she told the officer.

He looked at her badge. "I'm sorry, but this isn't your jurisdiction.

Detective Greer walked up and flashed his badge to the officer who kept Angie away. "It's okay, she's with me," Greer told the officer. 

The officer let them pass.

Greer and Angie rushed over to where Rose, Sammy, Lenny, and Joey sat against the building wall.

Angie looked at Sammy, Lenny, and Joey. "Tried to disguise yourself by shaving your head?" she asked Joey.

"Yes, ma-am," Joey responded.

Greer looked at the guys handcuffed. "Is your man there?" he asked Angie.

"The bald one," she replied. She leaned over to Greer. "Can we talk to him?" she asked him.

"I'm talking the bald guy off to the side," Greer told one officer.

Greer and Angie escorted Joey off to the side away from the crowd. 

Joey looked worried to death, and Angie noticed.

"Where's Tony Rodman and his brother?" she asked Joey.

"Tony calls himself Jesse nowadays. And his brother kidnapped Kathy and Lenny. They drove off. Probably heading south on I-10 to Mexico," Joey told her.

"Do you have a tag number?" Greer asked.

Angie looked at her text messages from her cell phone. "Yeah, it's Illinois plates, five, eight, K, U, one, P. Red sixty-six Pontiac GTO," said Angie.

"That makes it easier to pick him up. But right now, I don't know whom to trust. All I know is that you were part of a robbery and that needs to be settled," Greer added.

Angie and Greer escorted Joey back to Rose, Sammy, and Lenny. 

He sat on the ground.

One of the police officers searched the back of Sammy's Insight.  He held up the paper bag. "I found the money from the robbery," he said.

Greer and Angie walked over to the Insight.

The officers laid the bundles of one hundred dollar bills on the hood of the Insight. That made the other officers curious, and they all looked.

Joey thought for a second and looked down the street where he saw a direction sign for I-10. He looked devious. He discreetly stood up while everybody was interested in the tons of cash on the hood of the car. 

He bolted down the sidewalk. 

Nobody saw him run except for Lenny and Sammy. 

Rose had her face in her hands and cried.

Joey ran down the sidewalk. 

He bolted down the side street and saw the Biker's Bar.

Joey stopped at a car and looked inside. 

He ran to another car and looked inside. 

He looked down the street and smiled. 

He ran to the biker bar and saw the Harley's.

He smiled when he saw keys in the ignitions. 

He yanked the spark plug wires out of the other seven Harleys and got on the black one with the orange flames. 

Joey remembered this Harley as that's the guy that chucked his beer can at Joey in Tennessee. 

He started up the Harley then drove off with the spark plug wires in hand.

At Sammy's Insight, Angie turned around and saw Joey was gone. She looked around the area for him. 

Then she saw him drive that black Harley out from the other street and headed east down Broadway Road. 

Greer looked where Angie looked and saw Joey on the Harley as he drove down Broadway.

"Either he's serious about the kidnapping of that girl, or he's running," Greer said while he watched as Joey drove away.

"I think he was serious about the kidnapping," Angie stated.

"Jesse's in a nineteen sixty-six red on red Pontiac GTO. He's heading south on I-10. The money from a bank robbery in Chicago, Columbus, Orlando, Little Rock, and Denver is in a duffel bag in the trunk," Rose squealed from the sidewalk, as she was pissed with Jesse for leaving her for the police.

Greer nodded at a nearby officer. He made a call into his mike and told dispatch to have other units look for a 1966 red Pontiac GTO with the tag number Angie provided. He also stated that it is probably heading south on I-10.

"Let's go after him," Greer told Angie.

Williams and Greer run to his car.

While Joey raced down Broadway Road, he dropped the spark plug wires.

At a gas station, Frankie pumped gas into Jesse's GTO. They needed a full tank to avoid any stops until they were ready to cross into Mexico. 

Inside the Rattle Snake Bar, the jukebox played Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf. The eight Rattler motorcycle gang members sat around and drank beer, and two members played pool. The music was loud and Rattler gang member Rodney needed some fresh air, as that's the story he told the guys. He really wanted to step outside and call his mother. She's up in age and having health problems. 

He stepped outside and called his mother from his cell phone. 

"Hey mom, wanted to see how you're feeling," Rodney asked her from his cell phone.

"Oh, I'm feeling pretty good today," she replied from his cell.

Rodney looked at their Harley's and noticed an empty spot. He counted the Harley's then realized Craig's Harley was stolen. 

"Good Mom, I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow," he said, then disconnected the call. He rushed back inside the bar and stood by the door.

"Craig, someone stole your ride," Rodney yelled over the loud Born to Be Wild song.

Craig looked pissed. He jumped up. 

The other six Rattlers stopped what they were doing and jumped up. "Let's find the bastard," one of the Rattlers yelled.

They all ran to the door where Rodney waited.

The eight Rattlers ran out of the bar and over to their Harley's. 

They jumped on their bikes and tried to start them. Nothing. 

One of the Rattlers looked down at his engine and saw his spark plug wires were missing.

"Shit! The bastard stole my spark plug wires.

The other Rattlers looked down at their engines and saw their spark plug wires were also missing. They were all pissed while they got off their Harleys.

Craig was furious. He kicked one of the Harley's. 

It fell over and caused a domino effect with the others. 

His fellow gang members stared at their fallen Harleys. They were pissed! 

Two of them grabbed Craig with fire in their eyes. 

They dragged him back inside the bar for an ass whipping.

Joey's turned the Harley down the street that Jesse turned onto. 

He raced down that street. 

He weaved in around traffic. 

He saw a sign for I-10, and it pointed to the left.  Joey turned down that street. 

He raced down that street and saw another I-10 sign that pointed to the right. 

Joey turned to the right and raced down that street and weaved in and around traffic.

Frankie drove the GTO at the speed limit. "We lost some time by filling up with gas," Frankie said to Jesse.

"I know, but we need a full tank to head down to Mexico," Jesse replied.

"What about that, bitch?" Frankie asked.

"We'll dump her off in the desert. Maybe I'll leave her out there naked," Jesse said with a smirk then forced Kathy's head into his crotch.

The duct tape was off her mouth, and she knew she had to at least try. She opened her mouth and bit hard on Jesse's crotch about the location where his balls were.

"Ahhhh! Jesse screamed out as Kathy bite him hard. He slapped the back of her head, vigorously. She wouldn't let go. The pain in his balls was paralyzing. 

Frankie looked in the rearview mirror to see what was wrong and he saw Joey while he raced up on the Harley behind them.

"Joey's behind us!" Frankie yelled.

Kathy's eyes light up and see she loosen her grip from Jesse's crotch.  Jesse pushed her away and slapped her face. 

He turned around and looked out the rear window.

Frankie screeched a left turn and raced the GTO down another street.

Joey turned the Harley down that street and raced after Jesse's GTO.

Jesse's GTO weaved in and around traffic. 

Joey weaved the Harley in and around traffic after the GTO.

Jesse's GTO screeched a left turn to another street and raced down it.

Joey turned the Harley down that street and raced after the GTO.

Joey raced the Harley alongside the right side of Jesse's GTO.

Frankie swerved the GTO at Joey. 

Joey swerved the Harley away, almost tipped over then regained his composure.

Joey drove the Harley back to the right side of the GTO. He got his shoes on the Harley seat. He quickly stood up amazingly jumped onto the GTO's convertible roof.

The Harley tumbled then bounced off a parked car. 

Other cars screeched to a stop as the Harley flipped over a couple of times then it slid to a stop in the other lane. 

A car in that lane screeched to avoid the Harley. It didn't make it and ran over the bike.

Jesse removed his revolver and aimed it at the saggy roof.

Kathy jumped and dove her head into Jesse's crotch. She bit his ball area hard again.

Jesse screamed out in extreme pain and whacked the back of her head with his revolver, and it knocked her out. 

He aimed his revolver back at the roof.

Frankie was too interested in Joey on the roof to notice that traffic is at a standstill up ahead.

Jesse's GTO slammed into the rear end of a stopped car. Joey flew off the roof, slammed on the roof of the car the GTO hit. 

He bounced off that roof and slammed to the street.

Frankie rushed out of the GTO with a bloody forehead.

He ran down the street as his loyalty to his brother was now forgotten, as he didn't want to go prison.

People on the sidewalks stopped and rubbernecked.

In the back of the GTO, Jesse watched while Frankie ran away down the street.

"Shit for brains," Jesse said while he got out of the GTO. 

Jesse ran down the street after Frankie.

Joey painfully got up and saw Jesse while he ran down the street. 

He rushed over to the GTO, looked inside, and saw Kathy was passed out.

"Kathy!" he cried out.

Kathy came too and saw Joey.

"Joey!" she said with a smile while he reached in and helped her out of the car.

She held the back of her head and cringed in pain.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked.

"Hit me with his gun. I'll survive," she said in pain.

Joey kissed Kathy on her lips. 

He looked pissed and made a fist. "Good, cause I got some ass to whip," he told her.

Kathy looked surprised.

Joey ran off down the street after Jesse.

People rushed over to assist Kathy.

Jesse ran down the sidewalk, pushed and knocked people out of his way.

Joey ran after him.

Greer's car screeched to a stop by the GTO.

Greer and Angie got out of the car and rushed over to Kathy.

Greer and Angie flashed their badges at Kathy. She looked scared.

"I'm Detective Greer from Phoenix, and this is Detective Williams from Orlando, Florida," he told Kathy.

"We didn't rob those banks. Jesse forced us," Kathy told them.

"I know," Angie replied.

Kathy felt better.

"Where's Joey?" Angie asked.

"He ran after Jesse and his brother," Kathy pointed in the direction. She smiled; as she felt good, Joey came after her.

A police car with two police officers inside pulled up and parked behind Greer's car. The officers got out of their cars and rushed over to the GTO.

The running was too much for Jesse as he was in poor shape from beer and pot. He breathed heavy and slowed down. 

He stopped at the sidewalk, bent over and coughed up a lung.

Joey tackled Jesse. They tumbled down the sidewalk.

People on the sidewalks gawked.

Jesse pinned Joey's arms to the sidewalk with his knees. Jesse punched Joey's face. 

Joey got pissed, lifted his legs up, and wrapped his shoes around Jesse's head. 

Joey pulled Jesse backward and off him. 

Joey and Jesse jumped up to their feet. 

Jesse punched Joey's face a couple of times. 

Jesse swung hard at Joey, who had a bloody nose and mouth but ducked then Joey kicked Jesse's crotch. 

Jesse's eyes crossed. He dropped this knees, cries in pain, as it was incredibly tender down there thanks to Kathy.

"This one's for Kathy," Joey said then kicked Jesse's face.

Teeth flew out of Jesse's mouth as he flew backward. His head slammed into a building wall.

Jesse got up with a bloody mouth. He ran after Joey with fire in his eyes. 

Joey kicked Jesse in his face. 

Jesse dropped to the ground. He strained to get up.

"On the ground with your hands spread out," Greer yelled with his revolver aimed at Jesse.

Joey saw Greer with his revolver aimed at them. 

A police car with two officers stopped at the scene. 

The two officers got out, and they rushed over to Greer and Angie.

Joey got on his stomach and spread his arms out.

Jesse painfully got on his stomach and spreads out arms. 

Greer walked up and handcuffed Jesse. 

Angie walked up to Joey. "Let's go Austin," she told him.

Joey stood up.

"Wasn't there a little brother?" Angie asked Joey.

"Frankie.  He ran off in that direction," Joey told her and pointed in the direction Frankie ran.

"Try to get him," Greer told that other officer. The officer nodded he understood and ran off in the direction Frankie ran.

The other officer handcuffed then escorted Jesse, who was in pain while he walked, to his police car. He sat him down in the backseat.

Angie and Greer walked Joey to his car and got inside.

Greer drove off.

They drove to the GTO, where Kathy waited with another officer. They got out of the car.

Joey ran over to Kathy. She hugged Joey.

The other police car stopped. 

Greer saw the car and motioned for him to bring Jesse over. 

The officer got Jesse out of the car and walked him over to the GTO.

Greer reached in Jesse's pants pocket. He removed the car keys. 

"I have reason to believe, according to your girlfriend, you have some money from other bank robberies in a duffel bag in your trunk. I'm searching it. Any problem with that?" Greer said to Jesse.

"No," Jesse replied, as he knew the gig was up and he was finally caught.

Greer walked over and unlocked Jesse's trunk. 

He removed the duffel bag and opened it up. 

It was stuffed with approximately one hundred and ninety thousand dollars and a digital camera. 

Greer turned on the camera and looked at the pictures. He showed it to Angie. 

"Looks like he was going to frame Rose for the robberies," she said. 

"That's what I'm thinking," he said.

The officer walked Jesse to his car and sat him in the backseat. 

He got inside and drove off.

Greer and Angie walked Joey and Kathy to his car with Kathy and Joey in the back.

He put the duffel bag in his trunk then they all got inside.  

He drove off down the street.