Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


The sun rose.

Most of the guys in the tent were out on a mission or eating breakfast at the chow tent. They called it the "Eloquent Army Cuisine."

Michael was sound asleep in his bunk.

"Good morning Vietnam!" yelled the Armed Forces Radio Network DJ Pat Sajak from one of the pilot's radio at the other end of the tent. 

Michael was still sound asleep while the song Crimson and Clover started playing. 

Alan entered the tent in his flight suit and came back from eating breakfast. He had a cup of coffee in his right hand, and something wrapped up in a paper towel in his left hand.

He saw Michael was still sound asleep in his bunk. 

Alan walked over to Michael's bunk. 

He leaned over him. "Wakee, wakee fucking new guy. We're going to be late for the war," he said while he shook Michael's bunk.

Michael opened up his eyes and saw Alan leaning over his body. For a few seconds, he did not have a clue where he was, and then it dawned on him. He sat upon the bunk and placed his bare feet on the wooden floor.

"I didn't realize how the trip over here was that exhausting," said Michael then he yawned. Michael heard a scratching sound coming from under the wooden floor under his feet. "What's that?"

"A rat," Alan replied.

"Oh," Michael replied, then he brought his feet up on his bunk. 

Alan got a chuckle out of Michael. "Get dressed then we can go on a supply run," Alan said then he walked over to his bunk.

Michael reached over to his locker and removed a fresh pair of socks. He slipped them on, then stood up.

Alan waited on his bunk while Michael got dressed in his flight suit.

Alan got up off his bunk and walked over to Michael.

"Here's some breakfast," he said while he handed Michael the cup of coffee and the items wrapped up in a paper towel.

"Thanks," Michael said, then took a sip of coffee. The opened up the paper towel and saw four pieces of toast with butter.

Alan walked over to his bunk and grabbed his flight helmet.

Michael placed his flight helmet over his head.

Alan and Michael left the Lola Hilton. Michael gulped down his coffee and shoving toast into his mouth.

The music of three Huey's taking off filled the air while Alan and Michael walk through LZ Lola.

Michael looked up at the sky. He saw three Hueys flying away with the combat boots of some soldier's dangling from the cargo area. He knew they were on their way to the jungle.

Alan and Michael walked over to a Huey parked behind a metal revetment. It had its cargo doors opened on both sides.

Michael saw that his Huey had the number "5" in yellow on the muscular fatigue shirt of the Cong Crushers nose art. "I love the nose art of the Hueys," Michael told Alan. 

"We all slip the LZ cartoonist a few bucks to paint them. Our Huey is Crusher Five," Alan replied.

On top of Crusher 5, Michael saw Specialist Four (SP4) Chuck Calhoun, alias C Squared. He was inspecting the rotor system.

"C Squared," Alan called out while he looked up at the rotor.

C Squared looked down at Alan and Michael.

"Meet my new x-ray Michael Grayson," Alan called up at C Squared.

"Hey, fucking new guy Grayson. I'm Chuck Calhoun at your service. I'm your crew chief. You can call me C Squared," C Squared replied and bowed at Michael.

"Is she ready?" Alan asked C Squared.

"She's ready to soar," C Squared said then started his descent off the top of the Huey.

"Let's head out of here," Alan told everybody.

Michael gulped down the rest of his coffee. He crumpled up the paper towel and shoved it in one of his pockets of his flight suit.

"I'll stow that for you," C Squared said and took the coffee cup out of Michael's hand.

"Thanks," Michael said, then walked over and opened up the left cockpit door and got inside.

Alan walked around the other side and opened up the right cockpit door and got inside.

C Squared hopped in the cargo area. He sat behind the 50-caliber machine gun at the starboard side of the chopper.

All three crew members were strapped inside Crusher 5.

"Okay fucking new guy, start her up, and you're going to get her out of here as part of your initiation. I'm going to guide you and enjoy the scenery," Alan told Michael then he placed his helmet on his head.

Michael grabbed the cockpit card and started running through the start-up procedure.

A few minutes later, Michael had Crusher 5 started, and the blades were spinning.

"Lola tower, Crusher Five ready to take-off," said Alan into the radio.

"Roger Crusher Five. No inbound craft. Have a safe flight," Corporal (CPL) Calvin Webb replied from the radio. 

"Let's go and make sure you clear that metal revetment wall," Alan told Michael.

Michael nodded in agreement. He lifted Crusher 5 in the air and ascended missing the metal revetment by inches.

Michael loved the view of the Vietnam countryside while the Huey rose higher in the air.

"Turn to a heading of zero two zero," Alan called out.

Michael banked Crusher 5 and turned to that heading. 

"We're going to Nha Trang. It's about forty-five miles northeast of us. Then we'll pick up the Song Cai River. Follow that river into Nha Trang," Alan told Michael.

"You're doing great so far," Alan said.

Michael felt like a real Army helicopter pilot.

"Take her up to twenty-five hundred," Alan instructed Michael.

Michael continued to ascend Crusher 5 up into the sky.

A little while later, Michael leveled Crusher 5 at two thousand feet and continued on his 020 heading.

Michael glances out the cockpit windows. "Vietnam looks so peaceful, so beautiful," Michael said. 

"It is until those bastards start shooting at you," C Squared said. He kept an eagle eye on the area for any threatening VC. 

Michael started to nervous hearing that comment. He scanned around the countryside down below for any signs of VC. He stopped remembering it was C Squared's job to keep us safe.

It was a quiet ride, and a river was visible up ahead. 

"There's the Song Cai River. Follow it toward the east," Alan told Michael.

"Got it," Michael replied.

A few minutes later, Michael banked Crusher 5 when he got to the Song Cai River and headed east.

A little while later, Alan pointed at the one o'clock position. "There's Nha Trang," he said.

Michael looked in the direction Alan pointed and saw Nha Trang way off in the distant.

Michael turned Crusher 5 a little to the right, and Nha Trang was straight ahead.

Michael started a slow descent to the Vietnamese city.

A little while later, Michael followed the Song Cai River into the outskirts of Nha Trang.

While Crusher 5 descended to one thousand feet, Michael looked out his door window. He spotted three young boys skinny-dipping in the muddy waters of the Song Cai River. "Look. There are boys skinny dipping down in that muddy water," he said. 

"That's the way some of them take a bath," Alan replied.

"That's the Vietnamese," C Squared added with a chuckle.

"Man, I bet those fish taste like bathwater," Michael said and cringed at the thought of eating fish out of that river.

Michael looked ahead and saw a big white Buddha that sat on a hilltop overlooking Nha Trang.

"Look at that big white statue of some fat guy sitting down," he said. 

"It's a Buddha," Alan said. 

"Oh," Michael replied as he never saw a picture of a Buddha before.

C Squared watched while Crusher 5 flew past the big statue. "Man. That's one huge Buddha belly."

"Turn to a southern heading," Alan told Michael.

Michael banked Crusher 5 to the right and headed south. 

Michael glanced out his door window and saw the beach and the beautiful South China Sea. "What a beautiful beach. I would love to build a resort here. I could make a killing," he said.

"The air base is up ahead," Alan said.

Michael looked straight ahead and saw Nha Trang Air Base.

Alan established radio contact with the air base. He received permission to land then started a slow descent.

Ten minutes later, Michael had Crusher 5 landed on the tarmac and shut down the engine.

Michael, Alan, and C Squared got out of Crusher 5 and headed to the flight operations building. 

Fifteen minutes had passed. Alan, Michael, and C Squared walked out of the flight operations building.

A Jeep with an Air Force Airman First Class driving pulled up and stopped.

Alan, Michael, and C Squared got inside the Jeep.

The Airman First Class drove the Jeep away.

  The Airman First Class pulled the Jeep into the Motor Pool.

Five minutes had passed. Alan drove a Jeep Kaiser M715 pickup truck out of the Motor Pool. Michael sat in the passenger seat, and C Squared in the rear seat.

"We have plenty of time. S, let's hit the beach for few," Alan said headed the Jeep the beach toward the main gate of the Air Base.

"Now you're talking," C Squared said while he kicked back in the rear seat. 

Alan drove the Jeep Kaiser through the streets of Nha Trang. Michael saw tons of Army and Air Force personnel in uniform around the town of Nha Trang having a grand old time. These sights did not look like a war was in progress. It looked like soldiers drinking and wanting to get into the pants of the Vietnamese chicks.

Ten minutes later, Michael, Alan, and C Squared walked down the beach. They glanced at some of the Vietnamese girls soaking up the sun.

Michael saw a familiar face sitting alone in the sand. He had to do a double-take, but it was him, and he could not believe his eyes. Sitting on the beach in a bathing suit on a towel was old SSG Vinny Moore from Fort Wolters, Texas. 

Michael noticed his fatigues crumpled up in a pile. They were no longer the starched uniform with razor-thin creases he wore in Texas. His once spit-polished combat boots were now dull and scuffed up. Michael also noticed the tattoos that filled both of Vinny's forearms and a naked lady on the shin of his left leg. Vinny puffed on a cigar while he stared at the waves through his Ray-ban sunglasses. Vinny did not recognize Michael. , as he seen so many candidates go through Fort Wolters, that they all started to look alike. Something bothered Vinny while he sipped on his fifth can of Budweiser. 

Michael walked away with Alan and C Squared down a little way down the beach. They found a spot and made camp in the sand. They started soaking up the sun and checking out the South China Sea. 

Two Vietnamese girls of proper age walked down the beach. They headed near Michael, Alan, and C Squared while they sat in the sand.

One of the girls glanced at Michael and gave him a warm smile while she checked him out.

"Well hello ladies," Michael said to the two young ladies and patted the sand next to him. "You join me?" he added with a warm smile. 

The girls giggled and continued to walk away down the beach.

"Ah man, I got rejected by those two beautiful Vietnamese ladies," Michael said. He wanted to cry while he watched the ladies walk away. 

"Watch out, they can be deadly," Alan said in a serious tone while he watched the two ladies walk down the beach.

"With deadly sexy moves in bed I hope," Michael said as he found the Vietnamese women sexy. 

"It could happen in there too," C Squared said in a serious tone.

Michael did not have a clue about the warnings Alan and C Squared gave him, so he shrugged it off.

"Hey Alan," the voice of 1LT Lieutenant Sonny Valens called out from down the beach. 

Alan looked and saw his buddy Sonny and WO2 Jeff Barker walking up to him. Sonny and Jeff in fatigue pants and bare-chested.

"Hey, Sonny," Alan called out while he stood up.

"How have you been?" Sonny said while he shook Alan's hand. "What are you doing over here?" he asked.

"Supply run. What's going on with you?" Alan asked.

"We're getting ready to do some target practice," Sonny replied, then gave Alan a grin.

Michael looked around the beach. "Target practice? Where?"

Sonny looked at Michael. "Is he your FNG?" 

"Yep," Alan replied, then looked at Michael's curious eyes. "Why don't you take Michael here along for the ride? Give him some good Nam experience," Alan added.

Sonny and Jeff looked at Michael's curious eyes.

"Sure, why not," Sonny replied.

"What about the supplies?" Michael asked Alan.

"C Squared and I will round them up and meet you back at the tarmac," Alan said.

C Squared nodded in agreement with Alan.

"Sure, this sounds interesting," replied Michael. He looked at Sonny and Jeff, and his curiosity went into high gear.

"Good, let's head out," Sonny said while he patted Michael on his shoulder. "Meet my X-ray, Jeff Barker," Sonny told Michael while they walked away.

Ten minutes had passed. Alan and C Squared went to the BX on the Air Base. Michael sat in the cargo area of Sonny's assault Huey gunship at the tarmac close to Crusher 5. This Huey assault chopper named Viper 8. had the nose art of the Vipers had a curled up nasty snake with the number "8" in the center.

Fifteen minutes had passed. 

Sonny had Viper 8 up in the air and flew five hundred feet over the city of Nha Trang and headed to the beach.

Michael wore an extra flight helmet and looked out the opened cargo doors. "Where can you target practice around here?" Michael asked, and his curiosity peaked.

"The only place is out in the beautiful South China Sea," Sonny replied.

Michael looked baffled. How can they call shooting at waves target practice? He only saw surfers. "I hope you're not shooting at the surfers."

Sonny chuckled then there was a moment of silence while Sonny and Jeff scanned at the water down below.

"There's a target at one at one o'clock," Jeff told Sonny.

"One o'clock?" Michael asked and started to get confused while he looked out the Huey's cargo area.

Sonny fired off his machine guns at the water.

"What the fuck?" Michael said while he wondered why they were shooting at the water.

"We got it," Jeff yelled out.

"Got what?" Michael asked.

"We got a shark," Sonny replied.

"What do you mean you got a shark?" Michael asked and looked lost.

"We got the bastard. Looks to be a ten-footer," Jeff added while he glanced down out his window.

Michael glanced down at the water while Sonny circled the Huey. He saw the pieces of bloody shark meat floating in the water.

"A live shark? You killed a live shark?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Of course. We use the sharks out here for target practice. They're nothing but monsters anyway," Jeff replied and did not feel any remorse for killing the huge fish.

"There's another one at the ten o'clock position," Sonny called out. He banked Viper 8 around to the left to head after another shark.

Sonny fired his machine guns again.

"Whoa! Got another one," Jeff yelled out all excited.

Michael looked down at the water during the bank. He saw pieces of shark floating in the bloody patch of water. 

Michael watched while Sonny and Jeff took turns blowing sharks to bits out in the South China Sea. 

A little while later, Sonny flew Viper 8 back to the Nha Trang Air Base.

Sonny landed Viper 8 on the tarmac close to Crusher 5.

After he shut the Huey down, Michael got out with Sonny and Jeff.

"Thanks for the adventure. Now I can say I went shark hunting in a Huey. That's a first for me," Michael said while he shook Sonny's hand.

Sonny and Jeff cracked a smile while they watched Michael rushed away, all excited.

"I give him about a week then he'll realize this place isn't a picnic," said Sonny.

"Two weeks tops," Jeff added while they watched Michael rush over to Crusher 5.

Michael saw Alan and C Squared waiting inside the cockpit when he arrived at the chopper.

Michael saw that the cargo area filled with supplies. There were cases of Miller beer, boxes of chips, hamburger meat, steaks, toilet paper, and a bunch of other necessities. 

"How was it?" Alan asked while he got out of the Huey. 

"Interesting," Michael said while he eyed the cases of beer. "I never thought I would be hauling beer in a Huey," Michael added. 

"The Crushers need their brewsky," C Squared said. He got out of the Huey and proceeded to close the port cargo doors for the flight back to the LZ.

C Squared walked around and got in the cargo area on the other side.

Michael and Alan got in the cockpit behind the controls.

A few minutes later, Michael had Crusher 5 started, and the blades were spinning.

Michael received permission from the air base tower. He lifted Crusher 5 off the tarmac and ascended in the air and headed west.

Later that day, Michael started his descent into LZ Lola after receiving permission.

Michael landed Crusher 5 behind the first available revetment. He shut the engine down.

After the blades slowed down, a Jeep Kaiser M715 pickup truck drove up and stopped next to the revetment. 

Two privates got out of the Jeep and rushed over to Crusher 5.

C Squared opened up the cargo door then hopped out.

Two privates unloaded the supplies from Crusher 5, loading them into a nearby Jeep. 

Michael and Alan walked away and headed back to the tent area.

Michael had a smile that he had the time of his life. "I'm gonna love pulling duty here in Vietnam."

Alan looked at Michael, knowing he would get a rude awaking of the horrors of Vietnam any day now.

Michael and Alan headed back to the Lola Hilton to relax from their supply run.

After chow at the Eloquent Army Cuisine tent, Michael went with Alan into another nearby tent. Above of this tent door were the words "Party Place" hand-painted in white paint on a piece of scrap wood. This was the tent where everybody could buy some beer and forget about the war for a few hours. The tent had a wooden bar constructed by the enlisted guys and some tables and chairs. 

Drinking inside the Party Palace allowed Michael to meet other the Cong Crushers.