Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Two months had passed and Michael still survived the war.  But he hated life since Kevin was killed and he lost contact with Kim the love of his life.  He tried a couple of times to sneak out of LZ Lola and head to the nearby village in search of her.  But refrained, as he was afraid of being court-martialed if caught in that village.

It was in the early evening and Michael relaxed in his bunk and had a letter from his mom in hand.  It was the first letter he received since Kevin died.  He actually got the letter two days ago, but was nervous about opening it.  He knew she found out about Kevin by now.

He decided to get it over and read her letter.  He opened the envelope and started to read the letter.

“Dear Son, Your father and I just learned the horrible news from Lucy Coogan about Kevin’s death over in Vietnam. She’s been crying non-stop for a week now. His body is expected to arrive soon and your father and I will attend his funeral. 

"I pray every night that you’ll be safe and sound over there.  I hate watching the evening news and seeing those numbers of our young boys being killed over there.  Please be safe over there.  I love you, mom,” her letter stated.  There were also words a little unreadable because of her teardrops that fell to the paper.

Michael folded the letter and shoved it back in the envelope.  He dropped the envelope into his locker.

He got up off his bunk and walked out of the Lola Hilton.

Michael headed to Party Place Two for a few beers.  He needed a few beers to calm his nerves since he knew they were going on another mission tomorrow morning.

Two hours later, Michael crawled into his bunk and fell fast asleep.

An hour later, he had a dream.

In his dream, Michael landed Crusher 15 back at LZ Lola.

He idled the engine and the blades slowed down.

“See you tomorrow,” Bruce said while he got out of the chopper.

“Good night,” Chaz called out from the cargo area.

Michael revved up the engine and the blades spun around faster.  He lifted the Huey up into the air and flew away from LZ Lola.

Michael flew Crusher 15 over to a nearby village.

He descended Crusher 15 down to a patch of grass near a 12-foot by 12-foot grass hut.

He landed in the patch of grass and shut down the engine.

He hopped out of the Huey and rushed over to the grass hut.

“I’m home,” he called out the second he entered the hut.

“Michael!” Kim called out from the other side of the small hut.

She ran over to Michael and they hugged.

They kissed.

The “What the fuck are you doing?” male voice was heard near Michael’s head. 

Michael looked around the hut and did not see anybody so he went back to kissing Kim.

Another “What the fuck are you doing?” male voice was heard again but louder.

Back to reality.

In LZ Lola, Michael looked up from kissing his pillow and saw Bruce standing by his bunk.  

“Huh,” Michael replied and looked a little dazed.

“You were kissing your pillow.  I guess because of a wet dream?” Bruce teased.

Michael turned red with embarrassment when he realized his pillow was Kim from his dream.  "What ever,” Michael responded then he sat up on his bunk then yawned.

“I’m going to shower then get some breakfast.  I’ll meet you in the operations tent in forty minutes,” Bruce said.  He had a smirk then walked away and headed over to his bunk.

While Michael stood up from his bunk, Bruce grabbed his soap, shampoo, and towel out of his locker.  He then headed to the tent door.

Michael unlocked his locker and removed his soap, shampoo and towel.  He slipped his bare feet into his Ho Chi Minh racing slicks then headed off to the tent door. 

An hour later, Michael and Bruce sat in the Operations tent along with WO2 Andy Howard.  He was the aircraft commander for Crusher 16 and his X-Ray WO1 Gavin Harris.  Harrington was finishing up his briefing and took a breather to fire up a fresh cigar. Sarge stood by Harrington’s side and looked serious. 

“We got reports from the Bird dogs that LZ Cobra is cleared for landing.  Intelligence gathered information the old fashion way that the VC built a new camp twelve miles north of Eagle.  Our Cong Crushers will seek and destroy this new camp. We after all,” he said then hesitated while stared to get fire in his eyes. “Owe them some fucking payback,” Harrington added.  He was still pissed about the deaths of his young men. 

Michael’s mind drifted off between daydreams of Kim and Kevin during the briefing.

“Dismissed,” Harrington called out.

Bruce, Andy, and Gavin stood up while Harrington and Sarge rushed off to the door of the tent.

Michael sat there thinking about Kim and didn’t realize the briefing was over.

“Time to fly,” Bruce said while he nudged Michael’s shoulder.

Michael snapped out of his daydream and got up.

“I hope the Colonel’s briefing sunk in your head,” Bruce said.

“It did,” Michael replied but lied, as he did not hear a word.

“Well just in case, follow my lead,” Andy told Michael, as he knew Michael day dreamt during the entire briefing. 

Bruce was concerned about Michael while they followed Andy and Gavin to the door of the tent.

“This looks like an easy mission,” Andy said while they walked out of the tent.

Michael and Bruce walked over to Crusher 15 where Chaz was on top inspecting the rotor system.

“Is she ready?” Michael asked Chaz.

“Yep,” Chaz said while he climbed down off the top of the Huey and jumped down on the ground.

“Here comes our crushers,” Chaz said while he got inside Crusher 15 behind his M-60 machine gun. 

Michael and Bruce saw Cong Crushers Squad 2 walking over to their Huey carrying M-16s.

The squad consisted of SSG Edward “Eddie” Fain, SGT Ralph Lanza, Willie Daniels, PFC Kirk Keeble, PVT Craig Spencer, PVT Mark Edmonds.  Edmonds who had the PRC-10 backpack field radio strapped on his back, and PVT Louis Medina.  The Cong Crushers had their M-16s in hand and Rucksacks on their backs. They were going to use the code name “Shark” for their radio calls.

The squad was quiet while they climbed in the cargo area of Crusher 15. 

Bruce and Michael got in their seats at their controls.

Bruce went through the start-up procedure of the Huey. Michael watched.

In Crusher 16 Gavin started the start-up procedure.  SP4 Dale Gordon got in his seat behind his M-60 machine gun. 

Cong Crushers Squad 4 walked over to Crusher 16 with M-16s in hand and Rucksacks on their backs.

This squad consisted of SSG Glenn Kopp, SP4 Joe Atkinson, SGT Randy Blackwell, PFC Arnie Laughlin, PFC Nick Cole, PVT Oscar Fagan, PVT Sam Honeycutt.  Honeycutt had the PRC-10 backpack field radio strapped on his back, and PVT Chad Vaughn.  They were going to use the code name “Dragon” for the radio calls.

The squad was quiet while they climbed in the back of Crusher 16.

A few minutes later, the rotor blades of Crusher’s 15 and 16 were spinning.

Gavin lifted Crusher 16 off the ground.

Crusher 16 ascended into the sky.

Bruce lifted Crusher 15 off the ground.

Crusher 15 ascended into the sky.

Michael glanced at the Vietnam countryside and wondered where Kim was living.