Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 27


An hour had passed. The surviving Cong Crushers brought the dead and injured Crushers to a spot in the jungle by LZ Stallion. 

Michael sat in the dirt with Willie and Kirk, who had two tree braces tied to his broken leg to act as splints. They glanced over at their buddies that lay lifeless in the dirt. They were sorry their friends died, but they were also glad they were still alive. But they also wondered why they survived.

Michael started thinking about Kim. At one second, he missed and loved her. T hen for another second, he could not believe she shot him. He also couldn't believe he was blinded by love, and she was VC using him. He hated her and was glad she was dead.

Eddie walked over after talking with Glenn about his talk with LZ Lola on the radio. 

"Lola is sending some other unit here to pick us up. The Vipers from LZ Snake Pit will be coming in," Eddie said then opened up his canteen and took a drink of water.

"Aren't they assault ships?" Michael asked.

Eddie nodded in agreement while he took his drink of water. "Yeah, but they're closer at the moment," Eddie replied then handed his canteen over to Michael.

Michael took a drink of water. "Thanks," he said then handed the canteen back to Eddie.

Ralph walked over to Eddie with a PRC-10 backpack radio in hand.

"I found this on the back of one of the dead VC," Ralph said while he walked over to Eddie and showed him the radio.

"Plus they also had some M-16s," Glenn said while he held up three of them.

"Fucking figures," Eddie replied pissed the VC penetrated the LZ Lola.

"We also found our barber and bartender among the dead VC," Randy told Eddie.

"They must have been stealing our M-16s and radio," Eddie concluded. 

"Some female VC bitch got it in the face. I don't believe they have dental records to identify her because she's a fucking mess," Glenn added.

Michael glanced over at Willie.

Willie winked indicating he would not tell them about Kim being VC since Michael saved his life. 

After a few minutes of waiting in the jungle, the sound of approaching Viper Hueys filled the sky. It was the sweetest music a soldier could here at this moment.

Oscar set off an orange smoke bomb. 

He walked back into the jungle. The smoke bomb was a signal the approaching Vipers.

"Get the wounded on board first," Eddie yelled out. The whop, whop sound of the approaching Hueys got louder. 

Oscar walked over with Arnie to Michael and Willie. 

They assisted Willie up to their feet.

Michael got up by himself.

Oscar and Arnie walked PFC Willie to the landing zone. 

Michael tagged behind them.

They watched while a Huey descended to the middle of LZ Mustang.

When the Huey got closer, they saw that it was Viper 15.

The second Viper 15 touched down, Oscar and Arnie rushed Willie to the Huey.

Michael rushed behind them.

Ralph and Randy carried Kirk over to Viper 15.

Oscar and Arnie placed Willie into the cargo of the Huey.

Michael climbed up inside the Huey.

Ralph and Randy placed Kirk inside the Huey.

They all rushed away.

Viper 15 lifted off the ground.

Viper 8 descended and landed on the ground.

Vipers 2 and 3 were descending to the LZ.

While Viper 15 ascended into the sky, Michael looked at the pilot and copilot. His eyes widened with joy when the face of X-Ray looked familiar. 

"Eric, is that you?" Michael called out.

Eric Wilson, Michael's old buddy from his Fort Wolters and Fort Rucker days, looked back at Michael. His eyes widened with joy the second he saw his old friend.

"Well, Michael, fancy meeting you here," Eric called out. "How bad are you hurt?"

"Shoulder and arm wounds. I'll live," Michael replied.

"Well, I guess you'll get to go back to the states now," Eric called out.

"Yeah, I guess. So, when did you make it to Nam?" Michael asked.

"Three weeks ago," Eric replied.

Michael smiled happy to see an old friend, but he worried Eric would find the same fate as Kevin.

"I haven't heard from you in a while," said Michael.

"Sorry about that. I got mixed up with some sweet Georgia pussy. She dumped me, so I came here," Eric replied.

"Oh," said Michael while he closed his eyes, as he needed some rest.

It was a quiet ride in Viper 15 while it flew back to LZ Lola.

Viper 15 landed back at LZ Lola. Michael, Willie, and Kirk were immediately taken into the medical tent.

Eric went with Michael to the medical tent while his Huey was being refueled.

Eric could not stay long and had a few minutes to chat with Michael. They agreed to meet back in the states.

While Michael was being prepped to be flown to Cam Rahn, Eric jumped back inside Viper 15.

Eric lifted his Huey off the ground and flew back to his home base.

The next day, Harrington questioned Michael. He found out that the barber, bartender were VC. 

Michael confessed that he learned that Kim was VC while out in the jungle. He swore he did not know she was VC when she was here in LZ Lola. Michael told Harrington he killed Kim during the last battle.

Willie was also questioned and backed up Michael's story. Willie told Harrington Michael saved his life by killing Kim before she killed him. 

Since Harrington always thought highly of Michael. He did not want to deal with the paperwork for a formal investigation. He trusted Michael, and it would be long forgotten.

The next day, Michael was flown to Cam Rahn along with Willie and Kirk. 

They were admitted to the base hospital there and received more medical treatment.

While he stayed in the hospital, Michael saw that familiar old face. 

Vinny was recuperating after his left leg was amputated at the knee. This was the present from a sneaky VC. Vinny had plans to put in his retirement papers. Being in actual combat changed his tune to life in the Army.  He had to figure out what he could do for a living with only one leg.  But he determined not to let this ruin the rest of his life.

Michael was flown back to LZ Lola two days later to finish out the rest of his days in Vietnam. The first thing Michael was tossing those Ho Chi Minh racing slicks into a burning barrel of shit. He wanted nothing to remind him of Kim Ly.

Michael went inside Party Palace Two for some much-needed beers. He learned Crusher 3 was shot down two days ago.  Crazy Jay was killed, and Jerry lost his right leg below the knee. They both were due to leave Vietnam a week after their crash.

Michael spent hours getting drunk. 

Three weeks had passed. Michael was back in the states for three weeks of leave. His mother Elaine cried with joy that her son came back from Vietnam alive and without missing limbs.

While he was home, Michael paid a visit to Kevin's gravesite. He missed his childhood friend, and fond memories flooded his head.

Michael also got orders to Fort Rucker in Alabama. He spent the last of his Army enlistment as a flight instructor training. He readied other young pilots for Vietnam. 

He celebrated 1970 in Enterprise, Alabama. He wondered what his old buddies from Nam were doing at this moment.

After his enlistment was over, Michael returned to Glendale, California. Elaine and Harry Grayson were so happy that their son home for good.

A month had passed. Michael landed a job flying helicopters for the Los Angeles Police department. 

Two months had passed. Eric Wilson was out of the Army. He also landed a job flying helicopters for the Los Angeles Police Department.

Michael loved seeing his old Army buddy. But this time they could fly together under friendlier skies.

Two months later, Michael met Katie Henderson. She was a pretty brunette that worked as a secretary for Warner Brothers. He fell in love again. They planned on getting married in four months. Elaine and Harry could not wait for grandchildren.

Michael was happy with his new life. But at times the experiences of Vietnam would haunt him a little during the night. He would never talk about his experiences in that war with his family. 

Two thousand and two rolled around, and Michael retired from the LAPD. He had enough of flying helicopters for the past forty-fours years. He now wanted to spend time with his six young grandkids.

In June of 2013, Michael and Katie took a trip east and visited Washington, D.C.

They visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall. 

This was hard for Michael while he searched up and down at the engraved names. 

He found Albert Biannotti's name. "We arrived at Landing Zone Lola at the same time," he told Katie while he ran a finger across Albert's name.

Then searched up and down the wall and found Chuck Calhoun's name. 

"He went by the name C Squared. He was our crew chief and kept Alan's Huey in tip-top shape," he told Katie while he ran a finger across C Square's name.

He searched up and down the wall.

He and found Jay Granger's name. He chuckled while he ran a finger across Crazy Jay's name.

He told Katie about the old rice farmer crapping in the dike story. He told her how Crazy Jay would fly low next to Army truck. And flash his "God Bless" sign at them from his cockpit door window. She loved that story.

He searched up and down the wall and found Ernie Joel's name.

"He was the first soldier I saw die. We were in a bunker, and the LZ was under attack. I never got the chance to know him as I arrived there. The attack was at night," he told Katie while he ran a finger across Ernie Joel's name.

He searched up and down the wall and found Louis Medina's name. He ran a finger across Louis' name. "Went my Huey got shot down, and I was in the jungle with the guys, Louis was wounded in the leg. We were heading to another landing zone to be picked up when more VC attacked us. Louis got shot in the neck while I was helping him walk," Michael told Katie. The memory of that day was vivid in his mind. His eyes started to well up.

Michael searched up and down the wall then he stopped when he found Alan Rathburn's name. "I was his copilot when I first got to the LZ Lola," Katie told him. "He was a good guy, and I learned a lot from him," he added while he ran a finger across Alan's name.

Katie was surprised he finally opened up and started talking about those days.

Michael searched up and down the wall and found Bruce Tolison's name. He ran a finger across his name. "He was my copilot of my Huey. He was killed when my Huey was shot down," he told Katie.

Michael searched up and down the wall and found Chaz White's name. 

"He was my crew chief when I was the air commander of my own Huey. He got killed when we got shot down," he told Katie while he ran a finger across Chaz's name.

Michael tried to remember the names of some of the other Cong Crushers that were killed during his stay at LZ Lola. Their names slipped his mind.

Michael started to walk away from the wall. 

"Are you forgetting someone?" Katie asked while she remained by the wall.

Michael looked back at the wall. "No."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

Michael stared at the wall. He started to move back to the wall but stopped. He stared at the wall then at Katie's eyes. 

He walked back to the wall and found Kevin's name.

"I wished I knew him. I remember your mom talking about him like he was her son," Katie said while he ran a finger across Kevin's name. 

"He was my best friend since kindergarten," Michael said while his eyes welled up. 

Michael stared at Kevin's name for a few minutes. He wiped away his tears, held Katie's hand, and they walked away. 

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