Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


He received around over one hundred hours of flight time. Sixty of those hours were solo time. 

He graduated from Fort Wolters. Michael now felt like a helicopter pilot.  He was proud of his Certificate of Training from the Army. 

It was the end of January 1969. After a few days of leave and time with his mom, dad, and Kevin, it was time for Michael to head back to the Army.

So Eric drove over to Glendale in his red 1957 Chevy convertible. He picked up Michael.

They headed east for their next assignment. It was at Fort Rucker near Enterprise, Alabama.

Michael drove his 57 Chevy east on Interstate 10 in California with the top down. The radio blared the song Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf. They enjoyed the rays of sunshine beating down on their faces.

“Man. It sure felt good going home to see my folks and friends for a few days,” Eric said while he enjoyed the view of California.

“I know. Mom cried again when I left. That’s the part I hate,” replied Michael recalling that moment. 

“I know what you mean,” Eric added then he looked bothered. “I have a cousin, Ernie, that’s a junior at Berkley. He’s got himself involved in those protests against the Vietnam War. He also tried to talk me into going AWOL and moving to Canada.”

“I ran into this girl I knew while I was a senior in high school. She told me how her older brother died in Vietnam six months ago. He was a Marine and got ambushed. Do you think we’ll be going to Nam?” Michael asked Eric and looked a little nervous.

“Oh yeah, since we’ll be flying copters” Eric replied then looked pissed. “My cousin confessed he burned his draft card. I wanted to beat the living crap out of him,” he added.

Michael looked a little nervous with going Vietnam but knew he had to go when ordered. There was no turning back now. “My best friend Kevin got married while I was in basic. He joined the Army and hoped to fly copters,” he added. He thought about all those nights he and Kevin watched the Whirlybirds TV show.

“My girlfriend from high school dumped me right before I went into the Army. She’s also one of these anti-war hippie chicks and didn’t want to be with a guy that kills for a living. So she told me,” Eric said and still looked hurt.

“I never had a girlfriend in high school. I wanted one. But they didn’t want me for some reason,” Michael responded while he looked at the passing countryside.

Eric started thinking about girls, and his eyes lit up with an idea. “I know what we can do,” he said to Michael with a sparkle in his eyes.

“What’s that?”

“We’ll make a little pit stop in Louisiana. A good buddy from high school is playing football for LSU. He can hook us up with some of that Cajun pootang,” Eric offered with a horny grin. 

Michael thought about Eric’s offer. He replied with a huge grin grew, indicating he wanted to lose his virginity.

A few hours later, Eric pulled off I-10 and found a gas station.

He pulled in, filling up the tank with gas.

After they left the gas station, they found a hamburger joint and ate a quick dinner.

Eric put the convertible top up. They hit the Interstate and headed east with the setting sun behind their back. This time, Michael drove so Eric could catch some shut-eye in the backseat.

It was later that night. Eric drove through Arizona while Michael got some shut-eye in the backseat. 

Eric and Michael took turns driving during the next couple of days. They soon arrived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on a Wednesday afternoon.

They grabbed a room at a Holiday Inn and took a nap.

Later that evening, Eric called his buddy Kent Williams at his dorm. They made plans to meet at 9:00 that night at the local college hangout. It and was outside the Louisiana State University campus and called The Tigers Den. 

Eric and Michael headed out to The Tigers Den bar to meet Kent.

Eric and Michael walked into The Tigers Den bar. The song Jumpin’ Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones blared from the jukebox.

Eric and Michael looked around the bar. They saw LSU girls and guys wearing bell-bottom blue jeans and tee shirts. Eric and Michael were the only guys in the bar with short hair, and they stood out like a sore thumb. 

“I like this place so far,” Eric said while he leaned over to Michael.

Michael smiled at the sight of all the college chicks. 

“Eric!” Kent Williams called out from a table near the center of the bar.

Michael and Eric looked at the direction of Kent’s voice. They saw him sitting at the table with three sexy college women.

“Let’s go get some Cajun pootang,” Eric told Michael with a grin.

The two walked over to Kent’s table.

Kent and Eric immediately shook hands.

“It’s so good to see you again,” Kent said while he looked Eric over. “I see the Army is taking good care of you,” he added.

“I see you bulked up a bit since high school,” Eric said while he looked Kent over.

“Yeah and of course the ladies love it,” Kent said. He winked at his girlfriend Ashley a blonde hair brown eyed tanned beauty from Florida.

“This is Michael Grayson. We both went through the same pre-flight training class in Texas,” Eric told Kent.

Kent and Michael shook hands.

Michael and Eric looked at the two other ladies sitting at the table that started checking them out.

Kent noticed the guys looking at the other ladies. “Eric and Michael, meet Paula and Christina,” he said, then placed a hand on Mindy’s shoulder. “And this beauty is Mindy, and she’s all mine,” Kent added while he glanced down at Mindy who smiled up at him.

Eric and Michael smiled at Paula and Christina, who smiled back.

“Well, guys, take your pick. I know they won’t disappoint you,” Kent said with a smirk.

Eric sat down by Paula. She was drop-dead gorgeous brunette from Little Rock, Arkansas with a southern twang in her voice.

Michael sat down next to Christina. She was a dark-haired blue eyes beauty from Jackson, Mississippi who also had a southern twang in her voice.

The Magic Carpet Ride song on the jukebox stopped playing. The song Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream started playing. 

“These two guys are helicopter pilots for the Army,” Kent told the ladies.

“We’re training to be Army helicopter pilots. We completed our pre-flight training,” Eric said while he glanced over at Paula.

“We’re going to Fort Rucker in Alabama for advanced training,” added Eric.

“Are you guys going to Vietnam?” Paula asked.

“Yeah, most copter pilots do,” Eric added.

Michael nodded in agreement.

“I don’t like that war. Killing doesn’t make sense,” Paula added and looked sad.

“The brother of my girlfriend in high school died over in Nam. He was also in the Army,” Mindy said.

“My cousin had his leg blown off over there. Now he only had one leg,” Christina added. This gave Michael a clue she wasn’t one of the brightest students on campus. 

Eric and Michael got bummed with all this talk about people getting killed or injured in Vietnam. Kent noticed.

“Let’s get some beer and talk about some happier stuff,” Kent said and motioned for Eric to go with him to the bar.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Mindy said.

“I’ll join you,” Paula added.

Eric and Kent got up from the table and headed over to the bar.

Mindy and Paula got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving Michael alone with Christina.

“I bet you have to be intelligent to fly a helicopter,” Christina asked Michael.

“I guess so,” Michael replied.

“My doctor told me I was intelligent,” Christina said and looked proud.

“I can imagine you have to be intelligent to go to college. What was your IQ score,” Michael replied.

“My doctor said I had twenty-twenty vision,” Christina replied and looked dead serious.

Michael looked at Christina. “Did you say twenty-twenty?”

Christina nodded in agreement.

“And you’re a student at LSU?” Michael asked.

“Oh no, I work in the administration office,” Christina replied.

Michael checked out Christina’s “Keep On Truckin” tee-shirt. He washer nipples from her C-cup tits poking through the material. He smiled at her and knew tonight would finally be his night. After all, she was easy and gullible.

A little while later, Eric and Kent returned with two pitchers of Budweiser beer and six glass mugs.

Mindy and Paula walked back to the table from the restrooms. 

Kent poured beer into the six mugs. He grabbed one of the mugs and held it up. “To Eric and Michael. If they go to Nam, I hope they come back home in one piece,” Kent called out. 

Eric, Michael, Mindy, Paula, and Christina each grabbed a mug of beer. They raised their glasses and clinked them together.

The Sunshine Of Your Love song stopped playing on the jukebox. The Hurdy Gurdy Man song by Donovan started playing on the jukebox.

Thirty minutes had passed. The first pitcher of beer was foam at the bottom of the glass. They started drinking the second pitcher.

The Hurdy Gurdy Man song ended. Then I Heard It Through the Grapevine by Marvin Gaye started played on the jukebox. Everybody at the table was a little buzzed and started singing along with Marvin.

An hour had passed. The second pitcher of beer was empty, and they were on their third pitcher. They felt the alcohol.

The song Mony Mony by Tommy James and the Shondells started playing on the jukebox.

Christina, Paula, and Mindy started singing along with Tommy James. 

After the Mony Mony song ended, Michael leaned over to Christina. “Let’s have a private party in my room,” he whispered in her ear.

“Okay,” Christina replied without hesitation. This took Michael by surprise.

Michael and Christina got up from the table and headed out the door holding hands.

Eric looked proud of Michael while he watched them leave the bar. They looked at Paula and smiled. She smiled back and knew exactly what he wanted.

Outside The Tigers Den, Michael felt a little stupid. “I don’t have a car to take us back to my hotel,” Michael told Christina.

“I can drive,” Christina said while she grabbed Michael’s hand and they headed to the parking lot.

Christina walked Michael to her white 1961 Volkswagen Beetle.

They got inside the Beetle, and Christina drove out of the parking lot.

A little while later, Michael had Christina in his hotel room at the Holiday Inn.

They started kissing, and it was not long before they both stripped out of their clothes.

Michael couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Christina’s naked flesh. He stared at her perky C-cup tits. 

He stared at her triangle of black bush at her crotch. 

It pointed to the area of pleasure. 

This was the first time he saw a live naked woman. 

Playboy magazines from Kevin’s dad’s garage do not count. So the sight of her naked flesh gave him a boner in seconds.

They jumped on his bed and started kissing.

Michael rolled on top of Christina. She guided him inside of her.  Michael loved that feeling being inside her. H started pumping Christina.  

She moaned.  

He grunted.  

It was over in three minutes. Michael finally lost his virginity!

Christina and Michael lay in bed.

She lit up a cigarette and started smoking. She rested her head on his chest.

An hour later, Michael got horny again. He started kissing Christina went for round two. He got another boner. He climbed on top of her and went inside of her like he was a pro. He huffed and puffed, and she moaned for another four minutes. He finished five minutes later. They collapsed into each other’s arms.

Ten o’clock rolled around, and Christina got up out of bed.

Michael watched her ass cheeks while she walked naked to the bathroom.

He wondered if she would go for round three after she returned.

Christina walked out of the bathroom and walked over to her purse on the small dresser.

“I know of a place on campus where we can go have some great fun. There’s going to be a party with some other friends from the campus,” Christina said. She opened up her purse and removed a joint.

Michael got a little nervous at the sight of that illegal item. “Ah, no thanks. I need to get some sleep for our journey to our next base,” he said and wanted her to leave.

“That’s too bad. It’s going to be a groovy party,” Christina said while she reached down on the floor and grabbed her panties.

Michael watched while she slipped on her panties her bell-bottom pants.

He watched her slip on her “Keep On Truckin” tee-shirt. He got a little paranoid the Baton Rouge police would pound on the door any second to bust them for pot.

Christina left Michael’s hotel room. He was glad. 

A little while later, Michael fell fast asleep with a grin that he has sex twice tonight. He was the man!

Six o’clock in the morning came quick, and Michael woke up, shaved, and took a shower. He packed his suitcase and left his room.

He walked down to Eric’s room and knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, Eric’s hotel room door cracked opened, and he poked his head outside. He looked groggy. “Yeah,” Eric said and yawned big. 

“Come on, Eric. We need to roll,” Michael told him.

“Aw come on. Give me one more hour. Please,” Eric replied and cracked the door open a little more so Michael can peek inside his room.

Michael saw Paula naked in Eric’s bed. The sight of her started to give him another boner. He tried to think about helicopters so he would not embarrass himself by having a pump tent in his pants. 

“We need to make it to Fort Rucker before four,” Michael replied. He hated to disrupt Eric’s opportunity for some more sex.

“Shit,” Eric said but knew Michael was right.

“I’ll meet you at the International House of Pancake. I need some coffee and breakfast before we hit the road,” Michael said. 

“Okay. Give me a few,” Eric replied, then closed his hotel room.

Michael walked away with his suitcase.