Last Gasp by Bryan Britton - HTML preview

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 ‘The ANC cannot brush society's concerns aside and still claim to be its leader.

An open letter to Zuma states that confidence in the government is on the wane.

The writers of the letter say that many developments, including the wasteful and corrupt spending on Zuma's private home in Nkandla, have poisoned our political climate.

They say the strained relations between the executive and the judiciary give rise to serious concerns, as do the chaos and appalling corporate governance at the SABC, and the financial and corporate governance disarray at state-owned enterprises, including the SA Post Office, Escom and SAA.

The issues raised by the group are not new - they are the daily diet of our media platforms and conversations.

South Africans are talking about what troubles them today and are concerned about what lies ahead.

It remains to be seen how the ANC and Zuma will explain themselves to the electorate ahead of the local government elections next year.

South Africa, we can only hope, is fast approaching an era in which the running of the state tops the government's list of priorities, not party power and ideology’


The Times Editorial | 14 December, 2015 01:04