Life at 21 Lane by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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(In the living room of the captured house of Priscilla. Some couches and chairs are in the room. Music is playing softly in the background. Gwen is sweeping the floor. (Enter Banjo and Scully)

BANJO: So you moved in, Gwen. Where are the children?

GWEN: I left them up at my other sister, Imogene’s house. I am going for them first thing tomorrow. Naomi’s children are up there too. Where are Priscilla and Darlene?

BANJO: They have gone up to their aunt’s house.

SCULLY: I am going over to the other house to see how it looks. I’m so tired that maybe it’s in the morning before both of you see me again. (Exits Scully)

BANJO: (Sitting on a couch, his arms around Gwen’s waist)

This house is very nice and we’re on solid ground now.

GWEN: (Has a worried look) Banjo, are you sure you know what you are doing when you made us put out Priscilla and Darlene and take over their houses?

BANJO: I told you that it’s my house. We sent their

belongings up to Miss Ruby’s house, didn’t we? (Enters Tiny)

GWEN: Where are you going? How did you know that it’s up here we live now?

TINY: Banjo told me.

BANJO: You saw Priscilla and Darlene?

TINY: I saw them moving their belongings into their aunt’s house. They say they are going to court to get back their houses from you.

BANJO: Let them try. I spent a lot of money on this place here.

TINY: Banjo, it looks like a big house you have. Can you rent me one of the rooms?

BANJO: It’s twenty thousand dollars I am renting one of the rooms for plus three month’s deposit, plus recommendations. You have to show me your last receipt from the last place you lived plus your last two utility bills. But as it’s you, Tiny, if you pay me now you can get it for fifteen thousand dollars plus one months deposit.

TINY: I’ll soon come back, I am going for the money.(Exits Tiny)

BANJO: It’s four bedrooms the house has, so we can rent out two of the rooms.(Enters Janga, he’s Priscilla’s boyfriend)

JANGA: (Looks shocked) Where is Priscilla? How come you and your woman look so comfortable, like it’s your house you are in, Banjo?

BANJO: You’re damn right Janga, we’re in our own house. You don’t live here again. You can go and join your woman up at Miss Ruby’s house. I heard that it’s there they moved to.

JANGA: It’s a whole heap of things we have. If I never saw you I would say that Priscilla moved out leaving me and took my things too, but why would she leave all of the furniture?

BANJO: Are you sure that’s not what she has done? As for the furniture, I bought every piece you see here. Next time you make sure that you don’t go and live in a woman’s house.

GWEN: (Bursts out laughing) Banjo I don’t see any furniture, I don’t know what Janga’s talking about. You and Priscilla are so cheap, it’s a shame.

BANJO: I don’t know what they did with the furniture. They must have sold them off or mashed them up.

JANGA: So where is Darlene? She’s gone up there too? I don’t understand. You bought what, Banjo? You didn’t buy anything in this house? Where are my expensive liquors? Banjo, are you sure that you didn’t kill Priscilla and Darlene?

BANJO: I look like a murderer to you?(Janga takes out his cell phone)

JANGA: Priscilla, where are you? I came home hungry like hell to see Banjo and his woman take over your house and all our things except the furniture is gone. And Banjo is claiming the furniture too.

JANGA: What did you say? You are up at Miss Ruby’s house. So where are our belongings? Where are my liquors?( Enter Tiny)

TINY: Banjo, I brought the money to pay down on the room and Meda is coming to look at the other room.

JANGA: Banjo, you all renting out rooms to Tiny too and Miss Meda. You hear this Priscilla, Banjo is renting out your house.(Ends the call)

BANJO: I am not renting out anywhere for you, Janga, nor for Priscilla nor Darlene. I am renting out my house. You can’t tell me what to do with my own property.

JANGA: I am going up to Miss Ruby’s house to find out what’s really going on. But I am warning you not to get too comfortable, Banjo.( Exits Janga)

GWEN: Banjo, I am going up to the wholesale to buy some things. I’ll soon come back. (Exits Gwen)

BANJO: (Takes the money from Tiny and counts it) Tiny, come and sit beside me. (Tiny sits beside him) After this you don’t have to pay me anymore rent. I will take it out in liquor and some good loving. (Tries to hug her up, but Tiny pushes him away)

TINY: Banjo, you must be mad or something. I don’t even move into your house yet and you want us to be lovers.

BANJO: Why don’t you move in from tonight? See back part of the money here. You can pay the truck to move your things.

TINY: Banjo, are you sure you can handle me?

BANJO: Cho, Tiny, if that’s what you’re afraid of, let us have a quickie. (Moves closer to Tiny)

TINY: Your woman will soon come back. You want her to cut me up.(There is a knock on the door and Banjo and Tiny pull apart)(Enter Gwen).

GWEN: It’s some things I went to buy to make breakfast in the morning.

BANJO: The stove is working, I checked it already. I don’t know what they did with the rest of the things. At least the fridge looks like it is working. (Enter Meda)

MEDA: Evening, Miss Gwen, Tiny you reached up here before me. Banjo, Tiny told me that you have rooms up here to rent.

BANJO: I have one room left, but it’s expensive. You have twenty thousand dollars plus one months deposit?

GWEN: I am not sharing any house with these two women, Banjo. See Naomi there, she is my sister and as soon as she comes tomorrow she is on her own.

MEDA: All you talking about not wanting to share house. You forget that all of us used to live at 21 Lane.

GWEN: You still live there. I am not sharing any house with you and Tiny. I don’t want men to over-run my house.

TINY: Miss Gwen, I have lots of men friends, but if I live up here you don’t have to worry about Banjo.

MEDA: I don’t know why Gwen is behaving like that.

BANJO: Don’t pay her no mind, Meda. Go for the money because if you wait until tomorrow somebody else might get it.

MEDA: I have the money with me. But I don’t like Gwen’s attitude because all of us used to live at 21 Lane so I don’t know why she is behaving like that.

GWEN: I can’t stop Banjo from renting you and Tiny the rooms, but if it was me, I wouldn’t be renting either of you anywhere.

TINY: What have I done to you, Miss Gwen? As I told you, I don’t want Banjo so if that’s what you’re afraid of, don’t bother.

MEDA: Who wants Banjo? All I wanted was the room to live in. So she doesn’t have to worry that I am going to sneak Banjo into my room when she is sleeping at nights. You don’t have to lose any sleep that I am going to take Banjo away from you.

GWEN: Banjo, I am warning you about these two women here. I have young children. I don’t want them exposed to the type of life they are going to live.

MEDA: It’s one man I have, so it couldn’t be me you are talking about.

TINY: It’s me she is talking about. Yes, I have lots of men friends. But if I live up here, it’s one man you are going to see coming to me and it’s the one I’m along with. You know that too, Miss Gwen but you are just worried that Banjo will want to sleep with me. He asked me to sleep with him already. He wanted me to pay him half of the rent and sleep with him for the other half. I ran him away and told him to go and look his age and I will pay my full rent.

BANJO: You are a big liar, Tiny. See back your money here. I’m not renting you any room again.(Gives back Tiny her money)

GWEN: (Rushes at Tiny) You are telling lies on