Made In You by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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In the background a tv was showing the

interview at the cafe. Joelle slowed down to


Ezra was right. He was so dreamy. As the

camera panned back to show him completely,

Joelle saw her bag just laying across the table

where he was sitting at.


“There it is! There’s my bag!” Joelle said



To her horror, Joonmy gets up and grabs her

bag, throws it over his shoulder, waves at his

fans, walks out the cafe, gets into his limo and



“OMG! NO!” Joelle yelled at the t.v.


“He has to go Joelle.” Lani joked thinking she

was upset Joonmy was leaving.


“No.” Joelle whispered disappointed.


She quickly grabbed her cell and called Ezra.


“Tokki Cafe, how can I help you?” Ezra



“Ezra. It’s Joelle, please tell me my bag is still at

the table I was sitting at.” Joelle said.