“I’m so sad, you probably haven't had
breakfast.” He added as if he were speaking to
the owner.
He then sighed.
“Now you have no money too.” He said as he
opened the wallet to find no I.D just money.
As he looked away he noticed his bag laying on
the floor.
“Peter, Peter.” He yelled.
“What's up?” His manager asked.
“You didn't call that place about my bag yet, did
you?” Joonmy asked.
“No, not yet. Why?” His manager responded.
“Cause my bag is there. I never took it with me.”
Joonmy replied pointing at his bag.
“Then you stole someone’s bag.” The manager
said with a smirk.
“Don’t say that. I didn't do it on purpose.”
Joonmy said with a pout.