Made In You by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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Joonmy stood there watching the fans through

the mirror. Security returned with no news.


“They are gone.” Security man said.


Joonmy smacked his leg in disappointment.

“We’ll find them, don’t worry.” The manager



Joonmy walked away. As he entered the

elevator, he closed his eyes to see if his mind

could replay the moment so he can see the girls.


“Why do I think I know one of those girl?” He

thought as he opened his eyes.


He took a deep breath and returned to his room.


Downstairs the mayhem continued.


“Did they say anything else?” The manager



“Hmmm, just that they know who owned the

journal.” She repeated.


The manager nodded.


“Oh and that Joonmy was at their cafe?” She

said trying to think about the conversation.