Rambo Year One by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Dear reader,


What you have just read was the first novel in a saga.

The next volume, called BAKER TEAM, features the team's one and a half of year's training in Fort Bragg, plus their first mission in Vietnam, and at the end of this book you will find a short preview of it.

In other words, you have read nothing yet.  

So yes, my friends...

This is just the beginning.


Despite the very cool cover and the English translation, YEAR ONE is nothing more than fanfiction. But whether official, unofficial, self-made or really published.... Does it really matter?  Because if you are reading these lines, it means that you liked this book, and that's enough for me.


The real problem, is the English translation.

I will certainly freeshare the whole, five-book saga in Italian language but, frankly speaking, I can't promise I will translate all of it into English, because this would stop me from writing anything else for the next three years, at least. And since I am not doing this for money, I can't make any promises. I have to earn my living  like anyone else, and translating this book was a REAL job, and for months.

I can take on such a commitment again - for years, this time - but it largely depends on the success of this first volume.

In other words, it's up to you.

And – of course – on David Morrell too.


Morrell is a kind person and a legendary writer and I will never thank him enough for allowing me to freeshare YEAR ONE.

He is the only one in the world legally allowed to write and publish about Rambo, so the last word on my work is his and will always be.

Can such an awesome writer possibly like my tribute to his characters? I don't think so for real - because he is such a better writer than I am -, but it's something  good to dream about, isn't it?

So, let's dream.


Going back to us, I will email a personalized and hand-signed version of  YEAR ONE to everyone reviewing it on any website, blog, videoblog, etc.  

And don't forget to press the 'like' button on the Facebook page of this book, ok? It's also the best way for you to know if I'll ever decide to translate the second volume too.

So, to get your hand-signed copy of YEAR ONE, send me the link of your reviews  to:




That's it, guys.

I've been working on this saga for more than two years now, and I am doing all of this for free, so at least let me know that you are out there, each one of you, if you want to read the next book too.

Don't leave me alone.

Stay with me.

You are the only real reason I wrote this.

And now...


Let's enjoy the YEAR ONE extras: the 'History episodes behind the Rambo movies', the 'Trautman's opinion about the Vietnam war” and a short preview of  the second of my books, featuring the Baker team's first fight. 



Wallace Lee, 30/3/2015