Rambo Year One by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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We have seen that the hollow knife was really used during the Vietnam War, but what can we say about the most famous saw-back in the world?

The knife with a chainsaw-like saw-back comes from fantasy, but there are a few interesting things that can be said about it. 

This kind of knife was never well respected between survivalists nor the military, mostly because when it stabs it uses to get stuck inside the target because of the hook shape of the saw-back's teeth.



According to an Internet rumor, that's exactly what happened to a British soldier that used to carry an official licensed Rambo II knife on the battlefield (yes, you have read right).

It seems that after having hit the enemy, he had to leave the knife in place because being in a hurry he had no time to get it out from the enemy's body.

That soldier obviously did not receive Trautman's training.

The correct way to use the Rambo knife, is hitting the enemy and then, one you have 'hooked' the enemy, use it to drag him where you wish.

To extract the knife, you only have to rotate the wrist in the correct direction, exactly like any Baker teams member were trained to.

You can see Rambo dragging an enemy to the ground right after the famous Rambo II radio scene  (“Murdock... I am coming to get you”).