Set Sail: What Are You Waiting For? Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean by Abdullah H. AlFadhli - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: The Reunion of the Depressed King


The next day came in the afternoon most of the soldiers woke up while Klajo, and Colossus were up all night they didn’t drink nor eat a lot they were planning how to get the fish-men king and, his army back without making noises for the Mountain King to notice, thus Klajo decided to send the ten strongest men of the army to evacuate the king . they sent their best ten men to get the king they took the  land route was slower rather than the faster river route but they were ordered to take the land route, took them 1 day longer to reach the Mountain so they set a camp to wait for the night beside the mountain not very near nor very far. The light started shrinking as the night veil slowly clothed the sky.They suited up, distinguished the camp, slowly climbed Mountain from the back. They entered the city dressed like civilians, they scattered to gather information on where the fish-men King is, they promised to meet at the city fountain.They gathered information and knew where the king is, they snailed inside the sewers of the castle to reach the King cell. They found the door that leads to the royal prison, while they were heading for the King cell, they saw only one man with long white hair who looked pale, asking for “what year are we in?” they told him what year we in, the old man started cursing furiously as they walked past him. They saw the King cell and saw two soldiers outside the cell guarding with the keys to the cell. They killed them both took the keys, opened the King cell but the King looked so sad and said “who are you mermen you're not from my army ?” they told him that Klajoo freed the island and sent us to get you, the King smiled, started walking, looked back and said let's go we will come back for my men with an army as they are imprisoned upstairs with many guards. They rushed back to the island , The Fish-men King applauded for Klajoo when he saw him saying “You're a courageous man son of Klajo, you are honored with the chief of the army title, now we have important measurements we should take in order to reflect the action that has been taken on my people.” Kajoo replied, “we should muster for now because our army is untrained soldiers.” The King laughed stating “Our Army is full of patriots, what do we have to fear if they already fear nothing, we shall march, and we shall raise them roaring banners for the Mountain people to see whom they have angered.” Klajoo said, ” you are taking a big risk, I will ride with you, but what can I say, what will change your mind if you have already experienced the failure itself.” The King saw Colossus which angered him, “why is this man in my city?” Klajoo said “He has helped me to secure your city”, but the King arrogance “His a high commander of the mountain people why will you help us, you're a traitor you already betrayed your comrades , your flag , what make me to trust you in battle which will be taken against your city, your people , your family.” Colossus stated    “I'm a free man I didn't have a banner to carry in my arms, I fought for any case which interests me no man shall own me, nor I shall be owned by any creature. I offer you my army and my intelligence for what price? absolutely nothing of your concerns.” The king replied “Okay fair enough but you and your army will be the first in line in the battle, and that’s the final decision.” they shook hands as a courtesy of acceptance and respect. The next day the horizon of the sun was glamorous as it folded the night. The king was truly happy, and fueled for blood, he told Klajoo you will be beside me, and we shall take the land route. They marched with their banners up high.  Came out of the ocean into the shore carrying Colossus army. Marching up the plateau, into the forest, when they came out of the forest they were surprised by seeing the mountain people King, and his army welcoming them with their swords pointed at them, their wizards lined up in front. The Mountain King came in the middle between the two armies shouting   “is this how you repay me Klajoo, I welcomed you, I enlightened you with the continent history, and resources is this how you show your gratitude to me son of Klajo ?”, Klajo didn’t reply, he felt bad, but he knows inside his fighting for a cause bigger than him, to aid the fish-men who were harassed by the mountain people. The battle began as the wizards started shooting their flames into them, the fish-men King ordered the army to stick beside each other and raise their shields to block the flames , as he ordered archers to swallow the river and shoot water arrows into them, ordered the whole army to march forward except the archers , as they were about to clash, Colossus shouted and ordered his men to face the fish-men and to infiltrate their lines, Klajo ordered the 3rd and fourth line to halt while ordering the 2nd line to clash with Colossus army and told the king lets retreat, Colossus knows our strategy  , The king said “we shall not retreat we shall not be labeled in history as scattered rats.” The 2nd line started breaking as the Mountain army and Colossus were pushing hard into them, so the fish-men king arrogantly ordered all the army to loose and try to infiltrate their lines, he looked to Klajo and said “take this crown, take back the royal archers, and your commander Padlo, and Callidus  back to the island defend the island as you are the only courage man left to trust, putting my queen and people into your hands, set your heels high look into our books we have a hidden weapon use it”, as Klajo was riding he looked back to see what happened to the battle he saw the fish-men army was getting devoured by the mountain army. The Mountain King told colossus ” that was a clever letter you have sent to me”. The letter contained which Colossus previously sended while he was going to fight with Klajo in the fish-men islands.”I might lose this battle determining on the men well, thus if i lost the battle i will surrender to Klajoo, and try to make him come and his army to our city where he can be easily ambushed.”