Soul Journaling/Lessons from the Past by Karen Valiquette - HTML preview

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While uncovering this story, it was made abundantly clear that our past incarnation included, in addition to Tracy, others we knew from our present life. In total, we identified eighteen people from our present lives who had a role in our lives in the 1500s. While we found this both fascinating and astonishing, it is illustrative of what the Universe wants us to learn from this exploration.

We reincarnate with many of the same souls over and over. There is connectivity between us. In Spirit, we agree to join others in creating situations for our mutual growth. Someone you may have disliked, even despised, in a previous lifetime could prove a valued friend in the present. We are all attending Earth School for the same purpose—to evolve. We reincarnate together to help each other in that pursuit.

A man that attended massage school with Stephen and our daughter was the Abbot in that lifetime. The soul that was Father Pierre was a trusted mentor for both Stephen and me in this incarnation. There were others that we connected along the way, also. And so it was that we discovered Helene.

One of Stephen’s massage clients was a yoga instructor in town. Stephen has an uncanny ability to “read” people’s past lives—just as a psychic reads our present incarnations, he sees past life incarnations just as clearly. He told me that his client had been pivotal in the incarnation we were discovering. You have to understand that pieces of information revealed themselves slowly. And for the most part, the information came at a time when we could process it and make sense of it as it pertained to our present lives.

She had asked him for a past life regression and without revealing anything to her with regards to his understanding of any connection, he agreed. Being friends with both of us, she asked me to be witness to the regression and take notes for her. What she revealed during a meditative state was amazing.

During her life in France in the 1500s, she had been a healer by the name of Helene. She had owned an apothecary in town where she helped people be well. She was unmarried but had a child whom she supported. She painted a clear picture of life in Loudun during our time there, including details about Dominique and what their connection had been. She told us about Mary, who was a baker and a very good friend of hers. “Mary”, it turns out, is, in this incarnation, a valued friend of ours. Experiencing, emotionally, being Helene, she became very agitated as she described having witnessed Dominique’s death. It was all kind of chilling but exciting at the same time. Her accounts not only corroborated Stephen’s but gave a point of view that was clearly Helene’s and gave me an opportunity to see some aspects of Dominique’s/my character through another perspective.

As I mentioned before, one thing that has astonished me during this whole process is just how much of our character and personality is the same incarnation after incarnation. The issues and fears that plague us in our current incarnation are so very often the same issues that we have dealt with, probably unsuccessfully, in other incarnations. While in Spirit we have the benefit of complete knowledge of our path, it is only in human form that we can work out and resolve some of these issues. I found myself really connecting with Dominique as her story was revealed and understanding what motivated her, how she thought and why she did what she did. And in doing so, I now have a better understanding of myself.

It has occurred to me that whether it was 16th century France or 21st century United States, the same things remained important: family, friends and the quest to love and be loved in return.