Soul Journaling/Lessons from the Past by Karen Valiquette - HTML preview

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When Stephen began describing the moment Henri and Dominique meet for the first time, it was, for me, visceral. I felt like I was Dominique in that moment and could see the scene as if I had been standing in that garden.

The scene, brought back to him intuitively, was playing in my mind simultaneously. Because I do not have the psychic sight that Stephen has, I have had to depend on his verbal descriptions of events. This time it was different. I was there with him as he took me through the encounter and I even started adding details that he had not yet revealed but which turned out to be accurate. It was an amazing shared experience. And more proof for me that we were being shown something of the spiritual world that many people remain unaware of their whole lives.

The feelings described as Dominique’s mirrored my own in this lifetime when I met Stephen. I knew that he was someone I had known before, so familiar and comfortable was our courtship. I had really not dated before and there was no earthly reason why I should feel so relaxed. I knew, without question, that I was safe with this man and that he loved me with every fiber of his being. The only moment of hesitation I had was when my head took over and I started to question how easy it was. Shouldn’t I have to kiss a lot of frogs before my prince comes? I didn’t think the relationship dance would have such clarity.

And now 33 years after our first meeting, we are as close as two people can be. Although, it sounds cliché, we really do finish each other’s sentences and often pluck thoughts out of the other’s head. Whatever the reason for the schism in our marriage over Tracy, I believe now that we are stronger than ever. Every moment of the shared process of uncovering this lifetime had served to bring us closer and make our bond stronger. And perhaps, therein, lies the reason for Tracy’s interruption. How does the light flow in if not through cracks? I feel actually grateful to her for creating the opportunity for our growth and enlightenment.

When Dominique walks in to find the armoire, a wedding gift from her father-in-law, the same armoire her father created (my father in this lifetime), I was brought to tears by the beauty and magnificence of the tapestry that the Universe weaves for us.

Take a moment to think about “coincidence”. I have come to believe, faithfully, that there is no such thing as coincidence. There is only connection. What you may believe is random, is actually planned by your own soul and directed by the souls you have entrusted to guide you. You should know that the hand of Spirit plays a loving, guiding part in your life every day.