The Day God Came to Earth by Aileen Friedman, Javonne Cupido - HTML preview

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 ‘So now you know all about me and what I have done to the world.’

With his lips quivering and his throat congested he squeaks out ‘Why have you revealed all of this? Why give away all your secrets?’

Satan’s face becomes extremely downcast and mournful ‘Just wait….’ Satan sighs sadly. ‘I am defeated, and all I can do is reveal the truth for once in my existence and maybe, now people will listen to me since they don’t want to listen to God, their creator.’

Jonathan’s body wants to run from the chair and find a church to get baptized, but he cannot move for fear that Satan will zap him as he did with Alex.

‘You can only leave the studio once the show begins to air. You have to wait until after the editing the interview. I don’t see why you should have an advantage over anyone else do you?’

Jonathan just shook his head, everything inside of him was screaming for him to make a run for it, but fear kept him seated.

There was a rattle at the door and then a knock. Both Satan and Jonathan turned to look at the door. Jonathan looked at Satan for an answer as to what he was supposed to do.

‘Go and let them in.’

When Jonathan opened the door there stood all the editing staff, the producer and Mr. Eckenberg waiting to enter with very curious faces. When they laid their eyes upon Jonathan, they were instantly shocked at his appearance. He was sweating profusely, and his eyes were bloodshot from his tears as well as the heat from the portal to hell.

‘Jonathan. What’s wrong?’ Mr. Eckenberg asked as they all moved forward toward the control room.

Jonathan merely shook his head ‘Oh it’s been a long morning without any sleep.’ He did not want to hurry them on as it would be suspicious and the last thing he felt like doing right now was answering questions he was not allowed to answer.

Satan had disappeared from his chair when Jonathan returned to the set. The staff filled their mugs with coffee and settling into their usual pace before actually getting started with the editing. Jonathan was about to explode out of his skin he was so impatient and on edge.

Mr. Eckenberg requested that Jonathan joins them in the control room, but Jonathan declined. He was too nervous to stand in that confined space and besides that was one interview he never wanted to relive again – ever.

The staff get going and as they work their easy disposition changes into a tensed concern. Jonathan hovers around the exit doors ready to make a run for it as soon as it is over.

During this time, adverts are going around the world. The headlines on each and every TV, on every network and every channel shout “Exclusive special interview with the devil on The Bale Show.”

As the interview rolls along Jonathan can hardly bear it no more, he sits on the floor and sobs. His body shakes violently as the dread of knowing takes over his senses.

In the control room, the staff is glued to the TV screens, their teeth begin to rattle, and the sweat pours off their brows as the truth gets unveiled to them. Mr. Eckenberg cannot stand it any longer, and he dashes out of the control room terrified and screaming.

He reaches Jonathan still crying on the floor and as Jonathan looks up at him and their eyes connect reflecting the same fear. Satan zaps Mr. Eckenberg.

He shouts out in horror and in severe pain then fizzles into a red burning dust before Jonathan’s eyes. Satan calls from somewhere in the walls ‘No one is to leave until it’s over.’

Jonathan screeches in agony and absolute terror writhing in fear and despair on the floor.

At eleven o’clock exactly the show without the aid of anyone in the control room begins to air on the TV all over the world. The staff mesmerized to the seats, too afraid to move or budge. Their tears flow uncontrollably.