The Day God Came to Earth by Aileen Friedman, Javonne Cupido - HTML preview

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Worldwide hysteria reigned in every country, some unfortunately during the darkness of night, others through snow, rain, hail, dust storms, heat, hurricanes but all were subjected to the same event.

Jonathan floundered through streets, alleys and parks searching along with the rest of the world for someone who cared enough to baptize him.

For a second there was a deathly silence, a quiet before the storm as if the world required a pause for something great that was about to happen - it was!

The sun darkened not to black but to an unusual shade never seen before by mankind. There were loud sounds haunting the people of the world from the skies. At first, the consensus was that it was thunder, but it soon became too loud even for that. Their ears could bear it no longer, and people fell like flies to the ground covering their ears for mercy.

When the sound lessened, a heavy white, very white, too bright to look at, cloud formed low down and hovered above the earth. The dense intensity of the cloud pushed everyone downward, and people shuddered on the ground crying and pleading for mercy. Some, among them, was Linda, sat on the ground and smiled in awe and wonder and excitement.

And suddenly there were ear deafening loud trumpet sounds in the heavens. All the people of earth looked up.

It is the second coming of Christ.

Many, many, people do not have a chance at repentance for they had rather listened to Satan for a few hours and believed him than listen to God for more than two thousand years.

Soon what seemed to be an apparition appeared through the cloud, brighter than the cloud itself, that the people turned their faces to the ground fearing permanent blindness. A loud voice resounded and instantly many smaller spirits - angels, not so white came floating to earth.

If ever Jonathan had been afraid of what he had seen and heard in the past few hours, nothing was compared to what he saw right then. Graves opened, and souls of people lifted skyward. Jonathan and people around him screamed for mercy that God would be merciful to them as the souls of many floated past them. For the longest time, this went on and suddenly living people began to rise and float towards God. The angels instructed by God floated about lifting those selected and chosen to live for eternity with Him. As they elevated to the sky, they were transformed into God’s likeness.

Those rejected on the earth stretched out their arms in hysteria beseeching forgiveness.

Jonathan; already been privy to his eternal life, as the images of the portal to hell flung to the forefront of his mind, was unable to do anything but cry in shame and sorrow. He looked momentarily at Linda, still smiling, and watched how she was lifted up and became an image of God.

What seemed to be an eternity of watching the faithful servants of God be raised and welcomed into His arms ended.

Another silence hung heavily for a few seconds before Satan stood before Jonathan. Satan laughed, and Jonathan cried.


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven.

On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do mighty works in your name?

And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.”

Matthew 7: 21 - 23

The end