The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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WHATSAPP CHAT- 2 (20 December 2013, 10.23 pm)

Hazel: I m leaving.

Sean: Why? The felicitation ceremony is still not done right?

Hazel: I know…I am going to Arjun’s place. He must be snoring and sleeping. I gotta set stuff up for the after party!

Sean: Hmm…heard about their brawl. Things got a little dirty right? What happened?

Hazel: Sameer asked Chloe out. And she said yes…it seems!

Sean: Woa! Yang? But…I thought...

Hazel: We all thought the same thing

Sean: Why do you say ‘it seems’?

Hazel: Haven’t spoke to her as yet…wonder where she is! And her phone is switched off too.

Sean: Hmm...I hope everything’s ok! Where are you by the way?

Hazel: Just about to get out of the auditorium.

Sean: OK…I’ll meet you outside in a minute.

Hazel: Ok…am waiting.

It wasn’t just the cold wind but also the events of the day that made Hazel shiver. She hugged herself tighter, and waited for Sean.


“Ah! Finally”

“Sorry…I made you wait a little long. I got caught up in between.”


“Are you planning to take your car?”

“Yeah! How else will I go?”

“I’ll drop you off. Your friends may need your car!”

“Hmm…point. I’ll just call Sebina and tell her to take the keys.”

When Hazel called Sebina, Sean went off to get his car, which was parked a little away at the SCHOOL OF IT.

Sebina managed to come and take the keys before Sean got his car. Again stuck in the cold, Hazel wondered if Chloe had actually said yes to Sameer. She wondered why Chloe hadn’t even bothered to call her or meet her. She felt something was wrong, but tried to calm herself saying she was just getting paranoid.

“Jump in” he said cutting through her thoughts.

“Wow! Am cold”

“I’ll switch on the heater.”

Arjun’s place was barely ten minutes from the college. So it wasn’t long before they reached there.

“Are you going back to college?”

“No…am heading home. No point without you there!”

She blushed very slightly and smiled.

“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll walk you till the gate.”

“I’ll be fine Sean.”

“I insist” he said and got out of the car.

The chilling December evening, made Hazel grateful that he had insisted on walking her. With his hands tightly around her, the cold didn’t affect her. When they finally reached the gate, he bend down and kissed her gently before letting go. She smiled and bid goodbye and walked up to his house.