The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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“Sameer! Where have you been? I hunted the whole place for you. We need a little help with the …”


“What? See I don’t have time for...”

“I asked Chloe out.”


“She said yes. We shared a kiss you know? It was the best thing ever.”

“But…I thought...”


“Never mind! I am so happy for you guys. Congo! Where is she by the way?”

“Well she really didn’t feel like coming down here. Am gonna go back to her. You’ll take care of stuff, won’t you?”

“Umm…yeah. I’ll manage!”

If there was one thing Sebina practically couldn’t do, was to keep such exciting news to herself. So she raced off to meet Hazel.

“Dude! You won’t believe…”


“Wait; let me call Anam and Divya as well!”

“What’s going on Sebina?”

“It took about two minutes for all of them to get together.

“What is it Sebina?” said Anam

“Yeah! What is it? You sounded excited!” said Divya

“Guys! Sameer and Chloe are seeing each other. He asked her out today! They even managed to share a kiss! IMAGINE!!!”

“What the fuck! Don’t shit me. That cannot be true!” said Hazel.

“It is! Isn’t that awesome?”

“Awesome? It is super awesome Sebina! Wow! I never really thought she would you know hook up with some one! Good for her anyway!” Anam said smiling.

Divya was way too shocked to say anything. She always had a thing for Sameer. She staggered, and caught Hazel’s arm. Then without uttering a word, she marched off to her workplace.

Hazel was more surprised than sad. She immediately started trying Chloe, but her phone was switched off.

“Hazel…I heard...”

“Arjun, I think there was a misunderstanding. It cannot be true ok? I’ll find out, but I don’t know…”

“It is true…!”

She could see his voice falter, and before she could say anything else, he walked off.

“Arjun…wait! Listen…”

But he didn’t give her an ear and continued walking until he reached the green room, and finally collapsed. Over her lifetime of 18 years, she had seen people cry, but never with so much passion or emotion. It was as though a part of him had been taken away, it was agony flowing out. After his last breakup when his love had left him for another person, he had almost sworn that he would never see another girl again. It had taken Chloe over a year to carefully remove all those shells of pain. This outcome had never been thought of!


When he didn’t respond, she managed to take off her stilettos and seat herself beside him.

“Hey…” All she could see was tears blocking his vision, he couldn’t speak.

“Come here”

They hugged till his tears reduced to sobs, and till he finally managed to speak something.

“She couldn’t have done that…”

“I know…Go home Arjun…get yourself some rest. You need it.”

“But I need to speak to her”

“You know you can’t! You won’t be able to. Go home now. I’ll cover up for you. Go!”

He managed to stand up finally and pulled her up as well, trying to give a smile, he walked off towards the swinging doors of the auditorium.