The Living Dead! by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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conversation, saying:

- You mean to work on the deck of your huge ship?

- No!.. that I sold it..

- You sold it?! .. You sold that huge ship with all its luxurious furniture and luxurious rooms?!

.. It is worth millions of pounds!

- Of course I sold it! .. I do not want a work in which there has corruption as this..

- But!.. this is a waste of money.. your father spent his life putting a pound on a pound until he was able to buy it, then you are disregarding it with all that simplicity and waste?!

He looked at me and said:

- Suppose that one day you entered your kitchen but did not find food in it, then when you opened the refrigerator, you found a large piece of meat, but there was no defect in it except that it was very rotten.. So what would you do?

- Of course I'll throw it away and go buy another food..

- Like bread, for example?

- Like bread.

He looked at me with suspicion and said:

- Leave the meat and eat the bread?!

I looked at him ignoring what he was referring to and said:

- Who is this idiot who eats rotten meat?! ..

Even if the pain of hunger subsides, the pain of colic will begin!

He leaned back on his chair and said:

- So I thought!.. Now let's suppose that a group of dogs saw you throwing this large piece of rotten meat.. What would it say?!

I laughed and simply said:

- It won't say anything.. it'll start devouring the meat right away!

But I realized what he was aiming at, so anger stirred in my chest, but he preceded me and said:

- No, it will say .. it will say: What an idiot man!

How can he throw a large piece of meat?! ..

But those dogs do not know that they are the lowest, and if they had human intelligence and wisdom, they would not have done that!

I got up angrily and shouted:

- That's too much, Charlotte!..I will not silence you for this!

- For what?

- Do you think I did not understand that you are trying to compare me to dogs, considering that a piece of rotten meat is the forbidden money... while you are praising yourself on the grounds that you are the wise who threw the rotten meat!... What a cocky one!

- I'm not cocky and throwing rotten things is not self-praising if the thrower is a sane person, of course!...right?!

He was quiet for a while, trying to calm me down with a smile. Then he said:

- I set the example for you.. but you felt it as an insult because you know in your heart that you eat rotten meat or forbidden money in other words.. but if you are innocent of that, if I tell you the example a thousand times, you will laugh with me..!

I sat suffocating with insult, for his bail of me required me to respect him, of course.. while he added:

- But if we suppose that I gave this example to the dog that ate rotten meat..Do you know what they would have answered?!.. they would say: Be a human and I am an animal; The important thing for me is to be full and full of stomach! as you can see; The rotten meat is the same, but the sophistication of minds is different!

He laughed while I told him by my eyes that I did not like his words at all, so he changed the subject and said:

- The important thing is that I have bought two commercial ships for half their price, and I want to trade in them, but I am missing a Muslim merchant that I trust.. Since this is rare in this country, I adhere to you, especially since you are a successful merchant with evidence that you succeeded fifteen years ago.. What do you think then?

- You mean, in the end, you are telling me: Return the money or return the money!

He laughed and answered:

- I am really telling you that, but that does not negate that I am serious about what I suggested to you.. What do you say?

- I say I would be a fool if I turned down such an opportunity, even though I was very upset by your insult.

- As long as you will return the money, the insult is not yours, so come and recline with us

on the sofas of the masters instead of lining up in the ranks of their servants..

He looked at me as my eyes had calmed down. He said jokingly:

- As long as we have agreed, I will tell you now frankly: Return the money, I mean, return the money!

- I expected that!

We laughed after I finally gave up after all that discussion, my surrender was in the beginning and in the end only as a result of my conversion to Islam!

Actually, before that, of course, I would not simply give up to him or anyone else in an issue affecting money such as this one.. But I was really thinking about death and what comes after it..

What is more, I feared that I would be deprived of the comfort of prayer; That who comes with leaving the forbidden money..

So, a few days later, my agent came from America - based on my demand - to verify my identity..

Then after he took papers that I signed and fingerprinted on them, the money was transferred to me, and my ordeal began to struggle myself to return them to owners..

But I had no choice of going back; Charlotte was watching me up and following me, especially when he said to me:

- Are you going to the jeweler's house tonight?

- Tonight?!.. Well.. I haven't decided yet..

- I have a solution so you don't tell them who you are!

- Bring what you have.

- Transfer the money to my account, then I will go with you tonight and tell them that my father and I have been looking for the thief since that time, and I was finally able to take the money from him and give them the money.. What do you think?

- What is my role then?! .. There is no need for me to go..

- Stop evading responsibility! If you don't go, I won't.

- Why is this pressure?!

- Because if you did not want to be ashamed, then why did you steal?! .. As long as you have stolen, you must be ashamed!

Thus, I had no runaway from Charlotte or from going.. So we set out to a poor neighborhood of the city, and then to an old house that was ruined, so I said in surprise:

- As this degree their situation became?!

- Why did you think that I was so insistent and urgent?! .. Come on, knock on the door!

I knocked on the door, and a young man came out to me in tattered clothes, his face was keeping some nobility, as I remembered him..

So I saluted him and said, pointing to Charlotte:

- Mr. Jacques Charlotte has come to speak to you about a matter concerns to you.

- Enter, please...

We got into a room that was empty except for some antique furniture.. Charlotte started talking, pretending to interact and sad:

- We regret that one of our trips caused you such misfortunes - we, Charlotte Company for Tourist and Leisure Tours,... and based on our belief that God - certainly - returns the truth to his people sooner or later, we have kept behind this thief for the past fifteen years until God has decreed victory for us, and we have taken the money from his hands, so that we may be happy today to....

Charlotte was silent, taking a breath to provoke the poor family with his manner, while their eyes caught fire while they were waiting for this sentence.. He finally completed:

- I am pleased to know that I have come to give you back your money with its profits during the past fifteen years!

They all applauded at once, ululating, shouting joyful shouts, embracing, crying from the intensity of joy, and congratulating each other, while Charlotte looked at me while in his eyes the lessons, but I lowered my eyes as my throat choked because of the severity of my shame while my conscience screams and squirms; What evil I am! ; I am the one who

has caused them all that misery.. What evil I am!

They all thanked Charlotte, their elder kissed Charlotte's head when he handed them the papers while their little girl sang to him, indeed the house sank in a wave of happiness and joy, then we left them as if we had come out of a wedding!

So Charlotte said to me:

- Is it easy for your conscience to deprive them of all that happiness, my friend?!

I was silent, ashamed, while he added:

- Now your new beginning is right; No grievances!

I smiled at him and replied:

- Now you had to give me my work; I am now literally zero!

He laughed and said:

- So let's go to the port!

- But!. Not so the morning!

In the morning he showed me his two merchant ships and introduced me to that trade and the merchants, then I started my work from that day after we signed the work papers and concluded the contract. He gave me an excellent salary like any ageng in such my position, here, I say that I began a honours life, and left crime forever, Allah willing!

Months passed while I was looking at his extensive profits as his agent, which caught my eye and drew my attention, so I remembered his sayings that he would start with himself first, so I decided to test him after he had a lot of money in his hands..

- Yesterday.. I heard about the poor widow of my neighbor.. And before yesterday I heard about the orphans of Gunsan Street.. Every day we hear more tragedies and sorrows..

those poor people do not find anyone to help them.. What do you think, Sir, if you set up a charity association, since you have the ability to do so?

- Charity association?!

He said it while rubbing his chin with his hand and thinking, then answered:

- What an idea! .. How did it not cross my mind?!

Then he paused, and smiled more casually.

- Yes.. it will be an Islamic association, so the needy Muslims in the country will come or contact me without me looking for them..!

He rolled the wheels of his wheelchair back and forth excitedly, and added:

- Yes..yes..and it will has activities for inviting people..and if people become Muslim because of me, then...

He took a deep breath and shouted:

-...I will be one of the happiest people!..I will open people's hearts with mercy..Yes..God willing..Yes!

He turned to me in astonishment and said:

- An amazing idea, my friend! .. Do you know?!


With this great idea that you gave me, I have a present for you .. From now on, I will double your salary!

We laughed, then I answered:

- There is no need for that; my salary is excellent.. I prefer that you save money for the association!

He was amazed at my unexpected answer and very happy with it. He said:

- Do you know, my dear friend?!.. you have not only become alive, but you have become distributing life to people!.. I was ready to buy your conviction -this- with all my money!

- But God gave it to me in prison free of charge!.. It is true that I was weak at first when I got out of prison, because the world tempted me after I was surprised by hope, but with God's help and then with your help I find myself stronger now!.. So I hope you let me help you in your association!

- Of course I let you of course!

- And name it, too?

- Do you have a good name?

- Hear: 'Light Among People'

He thought for a moment, then said:

- The Qur'anic verse means: " Is he who was

dead, then We gave him life and made for

him a light by which he can walk among the

people.... ."?

- Exactly it! .. because you said to me "dead"

and "alive" alot, I began to feel that God meant me with that verse!

Charlotte laughed from his heart, brought his chair close to me, and hugged me, saying:

- So this is a shared name between you and me, my brother, I really like it!

This was the story of the beginning of our association "Light Among People", which in two years flourished not with any prosperity.

Charlotte spent most of his money in helping people to the point that he sold his luxurious house and bought the association's large headquarters, even he abandoned the servant

and started moving his wheelchair himself, He made his library -which he collected when he was young- a small public library.. In short, he devoted himself to supporting his religion..!

One day, almost three years after the establishment of the association, while I was in the association's office, I heard a noise and a quick movement outside. The door quickly opened and Charlotte got his chair into my room thrilled, and very hurried!

- Peace be upon you, James.. Peace be upon you!

- And upon you be peace.. Why are you excited, happy, cheerful and delighted, as if all people had converted to Islam at your hands?!

- No.. No.. All these adjectives are not enough to describe my happiness.. Don't you have other adjectives?

I stood up of the chair and said:

- So what's the story? .. Tell me, you made me excited!

He laughed from his heart, but every time he wanted to tell me, he was laughing, then finally said:

-Imagine! mother who is my mother..

He looked at me and laughed:

- Can you believe she converted to Islam?!

- lying!

- No, it's the truth.. the truth!

- How, after more than twenty years of trying to convince her?

He laughed happily and said:

- The guilt from the beginning is the guilt of the world.. Now that we have rid ourselves of the huge ship, the luxurious car, and the big house, so she has returned to her instinct.

She liked to help people along the past three years when she was coming to the association, and since she is good, God guided her to Islam.. He guided her, and praise be to God in all of this!

Then he took a deep breath and said solemnly:

- I must keep my oath now!

- To make both sides of the city happy?

- Yes!

- But you spent your money and it's too late...

You have to wait for the next trading season.

- How much does he need?

- Let me think.. he will need.. he will need.. he will need about three months until the money becomes in your hands..

- That's a lot.. It's better to do that while the news is still fresh!

- What would you do then?

- I'll owe!

- Owe?!.. and what if the trade does not succeed?.. let's get into the content!

- No.. no.. I can't.. Maybe if I don't do something, I'll explode in this chair, James!

I sighed and said:

- But I did my duty as your agent and warned you.. From my previous experience, I tell you not to be certain about the future and do not say that poverty has become impossible.. No one knows what might happen!

But he did not listen to me, because joy had taken a large part of his mind.

He owed a huge amount and set up free food in the various mosques and associations of the country





celebrating the Islam of his mother, who was very happy about that in fact..

The truth is that this brought many people to our association, and moved it up strongly, we were very happy with that until the three months passed and the prohibition occurred...

Yes.. at that time, trade stagnated and poor Cbarlot fell into debts, and to make matters worse, one of the fraudulent merchants defrauded the papers and attributed one of the two ships to him.. then after days in the courts, we came out of it as losers...

As for the greatest calamity ever, which shocked me and plunged me into my conscience to tear me apart...

I learned about it when I missed him one day in the association, I thought he was depressed, but his absence was long; many of days..

However I tried to contact him, I failed , and even I knocked on the door of his house, but I did not find anyone.. until.. until I knocked on him insistently, finally, his old mother opened the door, covered in black, immediately, I asked her about him, but she answered crying:

- He's in the hospital!

- The hospital?!

- Of course, the cancer that you brought him has revolted!

- I brought him cancer?!

- Yes, when you threw him into the sea and he almost died, the cancer moved in his waist.. it has been eighteen years as he is suffering from this disease because of you!

I was shocked and paralyzed, I subconsciously repeated:

- Cancer..because of me!!

Then I shook my head and covered my face asking her:

- But.. why now?

- Because after he sank into debt, he could no longer buy expensive medicines and...

Tears welled up as she said:

- His condition has deteriorated. He has deteriorated. Do you know what deteriorating means?!

The old woman started wailing while I ran, not holding anything, my breath was quick, I broke up the hospital, and asked about his room, I tried to enter if the doctor had not prevented me, so I waited until they allowed me, then I entered with tears in my eyes, I found him very skinny. I said to him:

- What happened?!.. what did you do so that all misfortunes came to you in one blow?!.. you who brought happiness to me and many.. you who..

I cried as he held himself and hugged me, saying:

- On the contrary.. I am happy that Allah took the world out of me before I got out of it.. This is what God does with those he loves..

James.. How happy I am that Allah has blessed me with this!

- But I can't leave you!.. I can't endure the thought that I killed you in the end.. No.. No..


I buried myself on the bed and sobbed as he comforted me:

- There is nothing wrong with you.. Islam cuts what was before it.. I forgave you.. from my heart!

But I couldn't stop crying, so he said in a broken voice:

- I have instructed one of my Muslim friends to take over your sponsorship on my behalf.. All I ask of you, my friend, is that you carry out the association after me, complete my journey, and raise the banner of Islam high.. Please do not forget my will.. Please!

He said it among his aches, then he collapsed on the bed in pain, the poor man could not stop his screams, and immediately, the doctor entered because of his cries and......

My tears fell on the grass of his grave when I stood reading Surat Al-Fatihah to him, a month after his great funeral, which was witnessed by thousands of righteous and immoral heads.

You left me, my friend.. you left me, my love..

you left me and took my heart with you.. I remembered his words and his laughter ringing in my ears.. the world does not remain for anyone.. nor for a good lover with a good heart.. nor for a man with a good reputation that dozens of crowds taking leave him with thousands of tears... You died and remained alive in our hearts .. You are indeed the living dead!

I went on sighing and trampling my sorrows with my weeping heart.. I entered the headquarters of the association taking leave it, too, because it and the rest of Charlotte's properties were mortgaged to those debts, and after the death of their owner, I had to hand them over.

I sat down finishing the papers when suddenly the door opened and a well-dressed young man came to the office and said:

- Good morning, thief!

- I'm not...

At that moment, I realized that he was the son of the jeweler, whom I stole eighteen years

ago, so I fell silent and bowed my head, wondering how he knew in the end that I was the thief?!

He answered me as if he had heard me:

- I surprised you, didn't I?!.. you think you are still hidden!.. after you and Charlotte left that day and the shock of joy left me, I realized that Charlotte naturally knows the identity of the thief..

So I went to him in his house and asked him, but he paid me a large sum in exchange for me getting over you after he claimed that you had repented and decided to be straight, with evidence that you came to my house yourself and handed over the money with his huge profits, just as you spent ten years in prison.

So I left you, but that doesn't negate that you still the thief!

The young man stared sharply at me while I lowered my eyes and was silent, bridled with guilt, while he added:

- You are now the director of the Charlotte Society, right?

- I was..but now everything is gone..debts have toppled everything..

- Not if someone pays that debt!

I looked up in amazement as he answered:

- I also asked Charlotte that day about the thing -he would be most happy with- to do for him in response to his great favor in saving me and my family from poverty and debt.

Charlotte answered me at the time that nothing would make him happy as if I become Muslim..

but since his request was strange, I did not implement it.. but now...

The young man was silent for a while, reading my eyes, then added:

- Now I have found the opportunity to return his favor by paying his debts and pushing his association to the top, even if I do not follow his religion!

I stood up in surprise and exclaimed:

- Amazing!.. His last will that he confirmed was this association.. You would really make him happy if you did that!!

The young man smiled while I praised Allah with all my heart, especially since he made even my previous mistake with the jeweler good and relief.

As the Greatest Prophet said: " Allah helps this religion with righteousness and the immoral" This man paid all the debts and gave us capital to start over again.

Thus, Allah restored our association strength, it has flourished and its fragrance flight -during the past twenty years after the death of Charlotte- to all parts of the country!

Now, we are honored to receive many new Muslims every month and distribute aids worth thousands of pounds, hoping for acceptance from our Lord; the Lord of us and of the heavens!""

The journalist replied:

- Thank you, Mr. James Charles, Director of the Association "Light Among People" the Islamic

Charity.. We thank you for your luminous efforts and we wish you more success..Do you have anything to say in conclusion?

- Yes.. In conclusion, we conclude with what is better than musk and saffron; Our Lord, Most Gracious, says:

"Only those who are patient will be given

their reward without reckoning"

... Completed By The Grace of Allah The Almighty...

Other novels by the author:

- Where are you from the beloved of the heart?

- The Book of The Millionaire.

- Happiness is in The Opposite of The Sun

- Seven with crescent Series for children..

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