The Rainbow Man by Ethan Forester - HTML preview

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Lucy came to and heard the same voice. She felts weak, as if all her strength had been taken. Is the camera ready? He asked? His voice was gentle, smooth. “Yes, the camera is running, smooth,” said a female voice. The male voice laughed. “Ah, you came back to us! Well, it seems you do not wish to play with us. So, we are going to play with you, have some fun with you! Whore! “ The face that had spoken turned and looked at the camera set up in the middle of the room. “Axel! How are you! We have your woman! Come and get her! It is too late, however, and now we are going to have some fun with her, your whore! She is safe, compared to you. She will soon be dead, but when we get you you will live much, much longer. We will do much worse to you. Now, watch and enjoy.” Ax was on the plane to Addis when he accessed the video on his tablet. Ethan had downloaded it from one of the sites the terrorists had uploaded to. Then he had compressed it and sent it to Ax. How could they broadcast this, he thought? Ethan had sent him a message, too. It told him there was no need to watch the video. It was worse than he could imagine. Now he wished he had listened to Ethan and not watched it. By now it was on all the major T.V networks, parts of it. They had used huge amounts of black masking to hide the worst parts.

But Ax watched the video, watched his Lucy. His Lucy. He watched her suffer. He watched what they did to her. He watched her die. They were not human beings, he decided. And he knew, then, that they would pay. If they took you, did this to you? You were dead. Simple as that. He because very cold and still. He would find them and kill them, every last one. He had watched the man put the gun inside her and pull the trigger. It was then that he got the shock of his life. The man had turned and smiled at the camera. It was a face he recognized.

It was The Ziffer.