The Rainbow Man by Ethan Forester - HTML preview

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Ax TV1

Ax stood on the top of the hill, again, overlooking his cottage. It was cold, again. The wind was blowing over the top of the hill. He shivered as he thought of the T.V report, of the bombings. He turned and made his way back down the hill to the cottage and Lucy.

Lucy was at the old stove, peeling carrots. Carrots he had grown in his own garden. He smiled at the thought as he walked up behind her and kissed the back of her neck. Lucy leaned back into him and waited for the kiss. They kissed long and hard, still very much in love, he thought. Was this love? He did not know. But he knew it was better than the rest of his life until now. Yes, it was much better than all that.

Lucy turned around and looked up into his eyes. She stroked his cheek with her left hand while her right hand fondled between his legs.

“It’ll be ready in about an hour,” she said smiling. She had decided. She would not mention the phone call.

“OK, would you like a glass of wine?”

“Make it a good one, and use the crystal glasses?”

Lucy kissed him and walked off. Ax went to the T.V. and switched it on. The news was on, still. They normally never bothered with the news. He knew the truth of it. They only broadcast what they were allowed to broadcast by those who decided what Mr. Joe Public was allowed to know. It sickened him to know that it was all just a game, a game of lies. Planted information, half truths and lies. Even news about terrorists these days, you never knew if it really was the terrorists or if it was just the C.I.A or M.I 6 or Mossad up to their usual warmongering, false-flag tricks. He picked up the remote to change the channel.

And then he heard the name. “Rainbow.”

He stopped dead and raised his eyes to the T.V. The broadcaster was reading her script.

“Before, we had the bombs. Today we have a message from our special correspondent for terrorism, Sally Watts. She has received a private email here at broadcasting house informing her of the alleged death of a child, a death caused by an agent of what she describes, has been told, is the most deadly undercover group known to every important government on earth, or not known one should say. They are “The Rainbow Group”. Government sources and MI6 have issued a statement denying all knowledge of such a group. However, a video has been released on several Arab channels, and MI6 have reported that it comes from what they believe to be a highly efficient terror group based in Yemen. The group have, apparently, kidnapped Ms. Julie Redcroft, daughter of the present British Minister for Defence, James Redcroft.

The group say that they have information that the killing of the Arab child was carried out by an agent of “The Rainbow Group,” and that unless this agent is handed over Ms. Redcroft will be tortured, then executed.

MI6 have declined to provide any further information at this point.”