Chapter 2
Jason invited Raquel to elope for a holiday. “Where will we go?” She asked.
He lived in Grenada and she lived in Trinidad. They both wanted to go somewhere different.
“What about St. Eustatius?” He suggested. “I’ve never been there. What’s it like?”
“I have never been either but from all I have heard and seen in a documentary, I gather it’s heavenly. Little crime as evidenced by an empty jail. The people are very friendly. No casinos, big supermarket chains or cinemas. Approx. three thousand people live there.”
“It sounds great,” quipped Raquel. “When can we go?”
“You get to choose a date,” Jason said.
“Hmmmm!! summer will be fine,” she said.
“This sounds like a place for great adventure and relaxation. Let’s make it on the 20th July. That gives us three weeks. We can fly to Anguilla, take the ferry to St. Maarten and fly by Win air to Statia,” said Jason.
“I see you have it all well planned Jason. I look forward to the trip,” said Raquel.
“Cheers,” said Jason. With that he signed out of his Facebook account. The trip to Statia would cost them US$1,200.00. One thing was on his mind. Lots of fun and frolic. This would be the best opportunity for him to meet Raquel.