Tommo Records by LenaHarrysAngel - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Chapter Notes

Hello everybody! I am not very good at writing authors notes but nevermind. I hope you are all enjoying my fic.
If you are confused about something in the story or you wanna ask me something or if you just want to have a little chat, get in touch.
If you have better ideas or you have something in mind you wanna see in a written fic, suggest it and request. xxx
Twitter: @LenaLoves_1D

New Start.
Marcel took a bite from the forbidden fruit. It felt so wrong, yet so right. He was in the grey area, between Brothers Zone and the Fuck Zone. He has not got over of the fact that Harry Fuckin’ Styles gave him a handjob. Now he sounds like a crazy fanboy but whatever, it was worth it to lose his virginity to Harry. That may sound cheesy but he was damn proud of that. The other part of his brain that has not been damaged by alcohol yesterday has been reprimanding and torturing his soul because of the immoral act. The wickedness of the act made him as shameful as he's never been. He felt guilty mainly because during those moments no fucks were given, they were living the moments.
Marcel shook his head then went to Mr Tomlinson’s office. He knocked twice, expecting no response when suddenly a voice allowed him to enter.
“Mr Tomlinson!” he greeted formally before pushing the doors open. “What a pleasant surprise to see you back here!”
“Pleasant…” he heard him scoff before he turned his chair to face the boy.
“Have a seat…” his voice was no longer the soft squeaky one that used to make fun of the way he dresses or the way he’d call him Mr Tomlinson. Dark rings were circling his eyes, dulling the vibrant blue to an iced aspect. His hair was messy as usual as well as his button-up, which had multiple buttons fastened in the wrong side pair. His beaming was reduced to a low dim-light.
“Louis? what happened!” he gasped before hurrying to sit in front of him.
“If I tell you, would you keep it a secret?”
“Promise” Marcel promised, leaning toward the front as he stared at the man in shock.
Louis rubbed his eyes and yawned from his lack of sleep before speaking the sour words out of his throat.
“The baby wasn’t mine. She left”
Marcel instantly froze, understanding it was about his girlfriend.
“Such a shame…” he trailed. “Louis do you want me to take you home or something? …coz you look like a walking dead” Marcel suggested, as always not knowing what to do.
“I haven’t been to work for like three days I can’t” he declined. “At least have a nap or something…you look like you could you use some sleep… here lay on the couch, I will cover for you…”
“Thank you, Marcel. you are an angel” he groaned, dragging his dead-tired body to the large couch on the other side of the office.
“Am not an angel… not anymore “he sighed.
“You seem like you had a tough weekend too, wanna talk about it?” Louis laid his beautiful small frail figure, before look at Marcel through his eyelashes.
“It was not tough at all … it was not…” he told the truth.
“Still have a beef with Harry?” Marcel froze.
“honestly…I don’t even know …we sorta had a thing together then I just left. we didn’t talk about it really…”
“a thing? I am trying to get my mind out of the gutter but I can’t help but imagining the ‘thing’?” he joked, laughing weakly.
“unluckily it is what you think it is” Marcel laughed drily.
“You dirty dog!” Louis scowled at him, in amusement.
“Tell me, how is he? In bed, I mean” Louis asked interested.
Marcel shrugged, blushing madly. “we haven’t had sex … we just…”
“suck you off?” he curiously asked.
“Handjob” Marcel shrugged
It was as if Marcel brought a small beam of sunshine in Louis’ world when they started talking about his twin brother. His eyes have started sparkling again in low quality as interest took over his features. His cheekbones tinted in red as he excitedly talked about the boy.
During the last five depressing days, Louis has realized a lot of things. A/ Eleonore was, in fact, using him after she got bored of him sexually B/ he loved her no matter what.
“Enough about me … Louis you should get over this coz …you knows an unstable state of mind may affect business.” Marcel scrunched up his nose.
“Wish it was easy,” Louis said, his head resting on the soft leather again.
“A ‘wise’ friend once to tell me-”
“wait wait” he cut him off “By ‘wise’ friend, you meant Leeroy, right?” Marcel rolled his eyes.
“he said: ‘to get over an ex, you should bang someone”
“bang someone? this person is very wise” Louis laughed “Bang someone? who am I gonna
Bang… it is not like I would smash a random pussy!”
“That is the point…it should be a random person” Marcel explained.
“What have you smoked? Usually, you are being logic, talking facts but now … has Harry transferred his idiocy to you. you know, it is sexually transmitted”
“Ha-ha! I think it is the rest of the alcohol from yesterday…but I am telling yuh!” he pointed dramatically.
“Okay …but I wanna start something new …not that I didn’t but I have had enough of pussies. They are lame.”
Marcel expression froze. “No no no! I didn’t mean it in that way unless you wanna hook up or something”
“With all the due respect, you are my boss.” Marcel gave him an apologetic expression.
Two similar people. The same request. Different responses.
“…but you can find like a casual fuck” Marcel shrugged, his cheeks tinted in red. The conversation has taken a friendly aspect, nothing close to professional.
“I know there are a lot of fishes in the sea but I am not in the mood of fishing” Louis groaned. “plus look at me …I look terrible” he dramatically sighed, closing his eyes.
“well, I heard something…but never mind. Let’s go to a bar in the evening. How does that sound to you?”
Louis hummed, shifting in a foetal position. “I will let you have some rest …call me if you need anything” he smiled, laying a small blanket he has found under the sink of the bathroom on Louis’ tired body. He kissed his forehead, earning giggles from his boss.
“night night”
“night night, Louis”
Fairy Trail has brought many memories as soon as he got seated. His dipsomania kicking in but soon enough Marcel stopped him, ordering a coke for both of him.
“Marcel, you are silly! Why come to a bar if you are going to order coke!?” he dramatically sighed.
“Alcohol is a distraction. You can drink when you find your prey.”
“who is getting bossy, huh?” Louis harrumphed childishly. “how do you know if someone is gay or no?” he asked scanning the crowd of people.
“I don’t know…maybe the way they dress…ugh wish Harry was here, he would tell you precisely about it”
“I have a good idea!” Louis cheered. “let’s google it” he retrieved his silver phone and typed the dumbest question ever browsed for.
“Seriously? It’s not like…” Marcel was cut off by a tall man with broad shoulder and a lot of tattoos. His grey eyes stared at Louis’ with fake recognition before he spoke.
“Mr Tomlinson! So nice to see you here in my bar. My name is Ryan” he greeted, shaking his hand. “I don’t mean to interrupt or something but I could not help but hear what were you talking about; gay guys. Mr Tomlinson…”
“Please call me Louis”
“Okay. Louis, are you interested in spending the night with someone in exchange for money? I would recommend him. He is a professional in what he does. Pleasure guaranteed!” he offered.
Louis glanced at Marcel, who shrugged. If it is only about a nightstand then fuck yeah!
“I don’t know …how much would it cost?”
“It depends on the sexual activity. Edward will decide afterwards, but I am telling you, this boy is an offer that no one could pass” the man was quite good at what he was doing.
“and if he does not please me enough am I to pay…”
“If he was not up to your level then … you have it gratis, and I assure you, this is strictly anonymous” he shrugged taking a puff out of a cigarette none of them has noticed. “I’ll let you decide then. If you need me, ask the barista for a double whiskey with honey”
He strolled away, leaving Louis in pure excitement and worry. Marcel glanced up at his boss, weighing up the pros and cons.
“He said anonymity is guaranteed so… I will see you later.” he stood up.
Marcel grabbed Louis' wrist before he could stand up.
“Text me if anything goes wrong” he restlessly remarked.
Louis nod. He strolled toward the bar, trying to get the man’s attention. He flipped his long-dyed hair before winking at Louis. The latter rolled his eyes.
“Can I have a double whiskey with honey?” he asked. His voice has become drier these days, due to his endless smoking.
“Right. Santiago!” he called out over the loud music. “Give this man some double whiskey with honey.” A short man appeared, glasses over his nose. His bald head was shinning in sweat.
“Edward needs a Cayuse Cherry! Come on, bring it in! I am not doing the journey to there twice, just because of his majesty Edward”
“Is this why I heard you calling him that last time he gave you a head?”
“Shut up!” the man scoffed. “Please hold on a minute, mister” he addressed to Louis.
Louis shrugged, watching the man prepare the cocktail. When he was done, the bald man held the glass in a tray then suggested the way to Louis. They started walking toward the bathrooms, the man pushed the last stall open and Louis was weirded out. Sooner the white wall was pushed to the side magically. They entered another small empty room that was quite cosy as if it was built to be a janitor room, where a man was seated on a chair.
“Lloyd! This guy needs to check-in for sweet whiskey!”
Another bald man appeared with a skull tattoo all over his face. He pushed Louis to the side, claiming his ID card and phone. Louis handed it to the guy, putting his belongings in a plastic bag and locking it in a locker. He then searched Louis for any arms smudged, making Louis giggles when he touched his ticklish sides.
“you are good to go, mister!”
Another magic steel door was opened and they were faced with a dim-lighted staircase. The walls were not painted and the grey colour of the cement was depressing. Small gas lamps were lighting the way. They passed many closed doors painted in different colours. Wow! This corridor is going on like forever! He thought.
Just when he thought he has had enough of it and spin on his heels to leave, the man stopped in front of a plain white door with a golden star painted on it. It reminded Louis of the Broadway’s green room doors.
“Yoh, Edward! Get your bitchy ass over here!” he wailed as they entered in.
The walls were painted in a night-blue colour making it look monotone and boring as the rest of the corridor. A king-sized bed was positioned in the middle along with a couch and a table.
“That is your majesty Edward to you. Hold on, I am getting dressed” the voice was raspy a bit groggy but somehow familiar. Louis could not decipher the speaker.
“Here is your drink. There is someone here for you and Ryan said you should try to fuck fifty” Santiago scoffed again. He sat the glass on the coffee table as Louis noticed someone moving behind some black curtains in the east-side of the room.
“Thank you” the voice muttered. Santiago left Louis alone with his thoughts running wild. A cloth shuffling was heard then the curtain was pulled open, revealing the last man Louis wanted to face.
“Harreh!” the boy staid calm, he tugged at his shirt adjusting it to fit well. He raised one brow at the man before he scowled at him.
“You may call me Edward” he muttered.
“But your name is Harry?” Louis was confused as fuck.
“In this place, I go by Edward or your highness Edward” The boy cleared out through gritted teeth. “Are there any names should I call you? Ryan said you may be a one-time client if so, there is no need to discuss your ‘kinks’” four slender fingers quoted the last word as he strolled toward the glass taking a sip.
“That is not manly at all”
“What is not manly?” Harry glanced up at him, meeting his eyes for the first time.
“Drinking Cayuse Cherry…” Louis smirked.
“Ha-ha! You are very funny Mr Tomlinson. wanna get to business now?” he narrowed his eyes at him.
Harry’s nerves were internally screaming at him to kneel in front of the man. Yet, Harry is quite arrogant and he could not let the man who fired him to have it this easy. On the other hand, he was burning of excitement since October waiting for this moment. The battle inside of his head was mixed up with confusion and arousal. None of that showed on his facial expressions, though. Harry was a good actor when it came to hiding his feelings.
Louis was not that experimented in gay sex, so Harry decided that he was going to top the not so poor man. He got up from his seat and started to undress again. Slowly, taking all his time, he unfastened the buttons not taking his shirt fully yet. He took a step toward his client who was by the way very dazed, watching carefully each one of Harry’s movements. Green met Blue and...Boom! Mother Nature forced them to crash their lips, in a sweet kiss. Harry’s hands wandered from Louis’ neck to his broad shoulders then his biceps, gripping on them causing the man to gasp. He took it as a go-to slip his tongue in, battling with Louis’ as he kissed back. Harry pulled back. He took a deep breath before starting his torture. He undid Louis’ Polo shirt button before helping him out of it. Harry stared in awe at the few tattoos that were scripted on his chest. He kissed the junction of his shoulder and neck, licking lightly on the salty skin.
“Why are you here Mr Tomlinson?” he trailed down to his nipple, taking the hardening areola. The man closed his eyes, avoiding a moan. “Don’t you have a fiancée to take care of? Aren’t you expecting a baby? Is she still using your money, reputation, fucking amazing persona and your sexy body?” he sucked at the nipple harder, making the man cry out a squeaky moan. “ That is not manly at all” he mocked Louis's voice.
“Does she fuckin know that you are here? all sprawled here in front of me? You are so naughty, mister Tomlinson.” He licked a bold strip down his torso, lips grazing at the soft skin creating love bites along the way down to his belly button. He glanced up at the man through his obscenely long eyelashes. “Shut up-” Louis was cut off by a pinch directed to his left tight.
“You may have bossed me before but here I am the boss! If you are not fucking okay with this, you may leave now” Harry sternly declared, tracing clear boundaries. He has never done this before, usually, he may go with whatever the clients want. Louis ain’t no ordinary client though.
“Do you understand?” Harry said in an imposing tone.
“Cristal” Louis whispered, giddy from all the feeling he was able to experience at once. It was a hell of a turn-on for him. Harry shortly noticed the tenting inside Louis’ joggers, so he decided that it was time to get rid of the trousers. Tapping Louis thigh twice, the man stood up as Harry brought the cloth down to pool around his feet, along with his pants.
“On all four” he commanded.
“What?!” Louis dumbly asked meeting Harry’s glare and executed.
He crawled to the centre of the mattress, ass up in the air. His hands were violently shaking so he decided to fist them.
“I am going to prep you a bit. Safeword is Cherry” Louis nodded looking over his shoulder, not understanding half of the sentence. “Don’t look back. Stare at the bedpost.” He commanded.
Louis understood now why he went by his majesty, Edward. A bottle was shaken and uncapped, the cap dropping to the floor rolling over itself before stopping in front of the door. Harry ignored the missing item and coated his fingers in lube. It was a cold effect lube and Harry thought it would help his semi-virgin ass to take ten inches better. He licked his lips, biting the inside of his right cheek in concentration. Kneeling behind Louis’ body, he took a second to engrave the picture in his mind because of holy fuck…
Louis did not have a clue of what or how to expect the other boy’s dick, so he waited patiently, willing to take whatever Harry would shove inside of him. Minutes dragged by and Louis started worrying, feeling a little self-conscious. He looked back to surprisingly find the boy staring at him, jaw hanging open. He frowned in confusion when Harry snapped out of his trance.
“I said don’t fuckin look back,” Harry muttered coldly. “Another strike and I’ll be merciless.” He threatened.
Louis bowed, his head hanging low between his shoulders like a beaten puppy. Harry shuffled behind him and kicked Louis’ left folded knee, causing him to open his legs wider and gasp in shock. One hand was used to spread his ass cheeks apart while the tip of his forefinger, was ghosting over the rim of Louis’ innocent hole. Louis’ breath hitched, inhaling insufficient air then blowing out more than he sucked in. Louis was starting to suspect that he may be having a panic attack or something, but Harry took no notice of that as he dipped half of a knuckle in. Louis has prepared himself mentally since the conversation he had with Marcel that morning, he was well aware it was going to hurt, that he may be grossed out and even throw up at the man’s feet but he didn’t expect the sparks that warmed his guts when Harry’s forefinger was all the way in. He shuddered, feeling chills up his thighs and forearms. The finger was tucked out then in, in a matter of seconds urging Louis to open some more. He shuffled small moans, as Harry was going on slow steady movement.
“When I will count to three, I will add another one.” the boy declared.
Much to his displease, Harry was so fucking enjoying it. He would not usually open up his other clients this soft and caring way. “1,2,3…” he eased his forefinger out, adding his middle one then pushed back watching the flesh stretch. Louis was letting out small whimpers.
“Look at you, mister Tomlinson” the boy mocked again. “Why aren’t you wearing your engagement band? It would be a shame if you lost it.” it was the first thing Harry had noticed when he saw Louis sitting in his room. Louis groaned, feeling the two fingers inside of him curl, roaming the inside of his walls. Harry stopped his movement for a second before he started scissoring them, causing Louis to moan.
“Does she know that you are here, legs spread wide, a moaning mess just because I am fingering you, huh?” he was good at doing that, making his client feel the guilt of their actions. “Does she?” Even in such state of mind, Louis ignored Harry’s mouth, enjoying the feel of his fingers inside of him. “Fuckin answer me when I ask a question,” he said retrieving his digits out. Louis scoffed.
“No” Louis panted. “Could you shut the fuck up and put your mouth in better use.”
Harry frowned then smirked evilly, stuffing four of his sticky fingers into Louis pink puckered hole. The man wailed out a mixture of a cry and moan that made Harry’s dick twitch in his pants. He continued working his fingers in and out until he felt that it was enough, letting the man feel shallow.
He got rid out of his clothes and grabbed a condom from the pillow. He judged the situation before pulling the condom on his hard member. He got back into his previous position and brushed the tip teasingly against the swollen skin. Louis’ gaping hole ready for him. He unintentionally found himself caressing Louis right hip. The man moaned at the simple action snapping his head back. Suddenly Louis turned around and passionately kissed Harry’s swollen lips. That kiss meant a lot. Sure, Louis was infringing Harry’s rule but that kiss meant that Louis trusted Harry enough to let him do whatever he wanted with his body. He secretly hoped Harry would understand. The boy was surprised; the kiss was not hungry and sexual. It was one of those fairy tails true love kiss. It turned Harry’s world upside down, making Goosebumps raise on his naked skin. When their lips unlatched, Harry let out a small whimper, eyes watering.
“I love it” Harry blurted out. Louis half-smiled before returning in his previous position, ready.
Harry took a deep breath, trying to forget about the kiss and pushed all the way inside Louis. The man’s body jerked forward, with a very loud moan. Harry stopped, letting his body adjust to his size before he started thrusting in and out at a steady pace, hands roughly grabbing Louis’ full hips. He kissed, creating a hickey on the end of his spine. His thrusts got faster when Louis demanded it, breaking all of Harry’s rules. Louis couldn’t help but let a stream of pleasure tears cascade on his face, hearing Harry’s angelic soft moans. Another thrust and Louis’ elbows gave up, bringing his face to smash against the sheets.
Seconds later, Louis stopped mid-moan coming untouched, while Harry’s thrust became sloppier as he filled the condom at the same moment. Louis was overwhelmed, his brain has become a fuzzy mass of cotton candy. Harry rested his head on Louis’ back, arms hugging his waist tightly.
When their panting finally stopped, Louis moved in a more relaxed position. Harry groaned.
“Why the fuck did you come here? I am not the only rent boy here!” Harry flinched to the cold floor, hugging his knees closer to his chest. Louis gulped.
“I didn’t… look there was this Ryan guy who told me that I could use a pro… I just didn’t know… after what happened…” Louis was in a loss of words, his sentences incomplete and incomprehensible. “Why do you call yourself Edward… lying-” He mumbled, not sure if the other boy could hear it.
“My middle name is Edward, plus every parcel of my life related to this job is based on lying so…” he shrugged.
“Why have you thrown your innocent self in this …” Louis gestured to the palace. “I don’t even want to think of how much disgusting people you were obliged to … ugh” Louis shook his head.
“oh! You already forgot who fucking kicked me out of my job, huh? Just because I gave you a head while your soon to be fuckin wife was pregnant.” All of this was quietly said in a cold tone.
“It was not because of the blowjob… you were doing drugs”
Harry got up to take a sip of his drink. “With all due respect, you have no fuckin say in my life.” He retrieved his phone, calling someone.
“hey! I called twice before…there is no network connection downstairs… never mind if there are no other customers send me some Dexedrine if no I will have some GHB. I want it for FUCKIN NOW!”
Louis flinched at his sudden rise of voice. He decided to spend some more time with Harry because…well the cotton candy in his brain hadn’t melted yet. He stared at Harry while he was putting his briefs back on. He sat on the couch, feet dangling on the coffee table while he sipped his drink. Soft music started playing through some Bluetooth speakers Louis hadn’t noticed. He recognised Michael Jackson’s voice.
“Really? You are so old chestnut Harreh!”
“Leave me Alone” he not only sang along the chorus but directed it to Louis, hoping he would understand.
Louis stood up, pulling his boxers up his legs then joining Harry on the couch. He snatched the phone from his hands. Looking through his music library, he searched for the perfect song. Just Give Yourself a Try by the 1975 started playing.
“Just give yourself a try!” Louis sang.
Harry scowled at him grabbing his phone back, switching to Here by Alessia Cara.
“I'm sorry if I seem none interested now I am not listening I am indifferent truly I ain’t got no business here but since my friends are here I just came to kick it but really I would rather be at home by myself than in this room with people who don’t even give about my wellbeing don’t think don’t ask I don’t need a boyfriend…”
Louis took the phone.
“Maybe I am getting little anxious Maybe I am getting a little shy Cause everyone tryna be famous And I am just tryna find a place to hide. All I wanna do is hold somebody But no one ever wants to get to know somebody I don’t even know how to explain this I don’t even think I'm going to try” Louis’ high-pitched voice was as high as Charlie’s, making the room filled with both of their angelic voice.
Harry shook his head.
“Fuck it, just shut up and listen, ayo. I sit back with this pack of Zig-Zag’s and this bag Of this weed, it gives me the shit needed to be The most meanest MC on this- on this Earth And since birth I’ve been cursed with this curse to just curse. And just blurt this berserk and bizarre shit that works And it sells and it helps in the itself to relieve all this tension. Dispensing these sentences, getting this stress. That’s been eating me recently off of this chest And I rest again peacefully But at least have the decency in you To leave me alone, when you freaks see me out In the streets when I'm eating or feeding my daughter. To not come and speak to me, I don’t know you And no, I don’t own you a mothafuckin’ thing. I'm not Mr. N’Sync, I'm not what your friends think. I'm not Mr. Friendly, I can be a prick if you tempt me. My tank is on empty, no patience is in me. And if you offend me, I'm lifting you ten feet in the air”
Louis cocked his head to the side. They were playing it Eminem, now!
“They call me superman, Leap tall hoes in a single bound. I am single now, Got no ring on this finger now I’d never let another chick bring me down In a relationship, Save it bitch, babysit? You make me feel sick Superman ain’t saving shit, Girl you can jump on shady’ s dick Straight from the hip, Cut to the case. I tell a mo’fuckin slut, To her face Play no games, Say no names. Ever since I broke up with what’s her face. I am different man, Kiss my ass Kiss my lips. Bitch, why ask? Kiss my dick, Get my cash? I’d rather have you whip my ass Don’t put out I’ll pout you out.”
Harry snatched his phone back only to play 7 rings by Only girl.
“Opss…wrong song!”
“Why do you have that song? You ain’t lesbian, no?” Louis laughed.
Harry chuckled. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Ryan appeared.
“Mr Tomlinson!” he cheered “How did you found Edward? He is good, innit?” the man sat down at the end of the bed.
Louis blushed, biting his lips. “Yeah”
“Hey” he sat next to Harry wrapping an arm around him. Harry cocked an eyebrow then reached out, his palm flat toward the ceiling.
“I didn’t bring you Liquid X.”
“Why not?” Harry shrugged.
“Because you ain’t doing so well these days, Harry” he whispered, ignoring the man that was trying to get into his clothes.
“Why not?” Harry repeated.
“Your depression is getting the best out of you! You can’t fucking take Molly and Soap afterwards. You risk a fuckin seizure. Don’t be a bastard!” Ryan scolded, making Harry pout.
“I will give you a head after he leaves” he tempted.
“You won’t be live for that if you inject again.” He whispered again, head shaking in a firm ‘no’.
A throat was loudly clear. “How much would it cost?” Louis asked, unaware of their conversation.
He fished his wallet, ready to pay. Harry glanced at Louis before looking at Ryan again, tempting again. He bit his lower lips. “2000£. We only accept cash.” He muttered, not even looking at him. Louis handed him the money then left.
When the door was closed, Ryan jaw dropped to the floor.
“What the fuck did you two do that costed two grands in such a short time?” he asked, curious.
Harry smirked. “I just fucked him”
“You realize that is trice the usual price!” he was impressed.
“We had a thing before. Plus, he was semi-virgin so yeah …”
The First Breath.
The sex was mind-blowing, not because of Harry topping or being a professional. He was fucking Louis Freaking Tomlinson. He for sure was high during it, because why not. He was not expecting him to show up when Ryan told him that there was this young billionaire who may have a session. Anyway, even if he only remembered the half of what happened, a part of it was engraved in Harry’s brain. The kiss. It was not a random hungry horny kiss