Truth in Time by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


It was later that evening, and Ernie and Louie walked down the two-lane road out of Waterford.

They were near the African-American shabby shack community.

"Are you sure about this?"

Ernie looked a little nervous. "Yeah. I think we should head back in the morning. I thought this would be a walk in the park. I'm in over my head."

"Your grandfather is a large and intimidating man, as is your dad."

"Dad sure loved using his belt to show he's a man," Ernie said and shivered a bit remembering those days of getting a beating.

At the Whitfield Chevrolet dealership, Jesse walked out of the front entrance.

He saw Laurence while he walked through the lot and headed to the street. Jesse couldn't stand Laurence because Beth and Erica were friendly toward him.

Jesse walked over to a red with red interior 1956 Chevy Bel-Air convertible parked next to a white with red interior 1956 Chevy Corvette. Driving a brand new car was one of the benefits of being a salesman with the dealership.

Jesse opened his car door then saw Beth while she walked over to the Corvette. Driving a Corvette was her benefit to being the dealership owner's daughter.

Jesse gave her a wink while she opened up her car door.

Beth looked worried while she got inside the Corvette and closed her door.

Jesse and Beth started up their cars and drove away in different directions in the lot.

Later that evening, Ernie and Louie walked exhausted through the woods and approached the covered time machine.

Louie uncovered the front of the time machine. He opened the front of the machine. He reached inside then plopped a folded tent on the ground.

"But I thought we were going home?"

"In the morning. I'm exhausted from walking all day," Louie said then yawned.

"Remind me to repay you for everything," Ernie said while he helped Louie unfold the tent.

Back in Waterford, Jesse went home, and it was now time for dinner. He sat at the table with Erica and young Ernie. Tonight they had fried chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, and sweet tea.

Jesse sat at his usual spot at the head of the table and Erica and young Ernie sat on the one side. Erica always sat between Jesse and young Ernie. She felt this seating arrangement helped prevent Jesse from his usual reaching over and smacking young Ernie. It didn't take much for Jesse's anger to flare up with young Ernie.

"Dad, will you have a catch with me after dinner?" young Ernie said and looked hopeful.

"No. I have some important business tonight."

Young Ernie looked disappointed, and Erica noticed.

"Can't you squeeze in some time with your son?

Jesse glared at Erica. "I'm going to take a nap before I go out."

"I'll have a catch with you," Erica told Ernie.

Young Ernie smiled at Erica.

"Do it after I'm gone," Jesse got up from the table and left the dining room.

The sun was slowly sinking toward the horizon.

Ernie and Louie sat around the Coleman stove where Louie heated up some canned spaghetti.

Ernie had a craving for food back at Woolworth, but canned spaghetti would suffice tonight.

The sun started to sink below the horizon.

Jesse walked out of the house with a spring in his step.

He strutted over to the Chevy Bel-Air and got inside. He had a smile while he started up his car and backed down the driveway. He always loved these secret meetings with Beth.

Jesse drove his Bel-Air down the street.

Young Ernie with a baseball and glove and Erica walked out of the house.

They walked to the middle of the front yard.

Young Ernie threw the baseball to Erica.

She caught the ball and threw it back to Ernie.

He missed the catch.

He ran over and grabbed the ball out of the grass. He threw the ball to Erica, but it went a little astray.

Erica ran over to the house and picked up the ball.

The sun had dropped below the horizon, and it started to get dark.

Ernie crawled out of the tent.

He walked away and headed toward the clearing.

Ernie stopped by a tree, unzipped his pants, and peed.

The headlights from two cars that drove down the dirt road caught Ernie's attention and curiosity.

Ernie quickly zipped up his pants and curiously ducked behind the tree. He decided to spy on some teenagers necking 1950s style.

He curiously peeked around the tree trunk and watched while a red 1956 Chevy Bel-Air convertible and a white 1956 Chevy Corvette parked in the clearing facing the river.

The headlights went out on both cars, and the engines were turned off.

Ernie gingerly walked closer to the cars.

A car door opened and closed.

Ernie gingerly walked to a tree closer to the two cars.

He stopped and hid behind a tree ten feet from the cars. He peeked around the tree. His eyes widen in shock when he saw Jesse in the Bel-Air.

"What is he doing here? And that doesn't look like mom," he said while he tip-toed to a tree to get a closer look.

Jesse sat behind the wheel of the Bel-Air and watched while Beth opened his passenger door.

Beth got inside and scooted over to Jesse's side.

"Is that my step-mom?" Ernie asked himself while he craned his neck around the tree for a good glimpse.

Jesse immediately kissed Beth on her lips.

She was non-responsive with the kissing.

Jess pulled away and looked a little concerned. "What's wrong?"

Beth's eyes welled up. "I'm pregnant."

Jesse looked like he didn't hear her correctly. "You're what?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Jesse ran his hands through his hair and looked worried. "You're dad's going to fire me. Then my dad's going to beat me."

"I don't know what to do? Daddy will fire me then kick me out of the house for fooling around with a married man."

Jesse pondered about the situation for a few seconds. "We only have one choice."

"What's that?"


"Abortion? How? That's illegal."

"I know a doctor over in Emerson that will do it. But he charges a thousand dollars cash."

"I don't know about that. Besides, I don't have a thousand dollars."

"Me neither. But that's our only hope to get out of this without anybody knowing," Jesse said and looked serious.

Beth removed a hankie from her purse. "I know. I really don't know if that's the answer she said while she wiped the tears out of her eyes with the hankie.

"It's the only answer unless you want to tell our parents," he said.

Beth thought about it for a few seconds. "But we still don't have the money."

Jesse pondered for a few seconds. "I'll figure out how to get the cash."


"Don't worry. I'll figure it out," Jesse said while he started pondering some solutions.

Jesse leaned over and gave Beth a kiss on her lips.

She looked at Jesse while more tears ran down her cheeks. "When are you going to divorce Erica? If you marry me, then when daddy retires, you can take over the dealership."

Jesse looked tempted. "Dad doesn't believe in divorce since he's a strict Baptist. And with Erica's dad being a judge, it's going to be tricky."

She placed her head on Jesse's shoulder. "I can't figure out why you married her in the first place."

"Stupidity. I was home from college for spring break. There was a party here at this clearing with old high school friends. I got drunk. Erica had too much to drink. We fucked in the woods. Then Ernie popped out nine months later. The bastard cost me a professional football career. Dad beat me with his belt for that."

Beth smacked Jesse's thigh. "Don't call Ernie a bastard. I think he's adorable," she said in a scolding tone.

Over at the tree, Ernie's eyes welled up, as he heard all. He moved away from the tree and stepped on a tree branch on the ground. It snapped, and the sound carried in the woods.

In the car, Jesse and Beth looked in the direction of Ernie.

"Someone's watching us," Beth said.

Jesse slowly opened his car door.

Ernie stood frozen on the broken tree branch below his right shoe. He gingerly moved away.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jesse's voice bellowed from behind Ernie.

Ernie turned around and saw Jesse by the tree. He bolted toward the direction of the time machine.

Jesse bolted after Ernie and tackled him to the ground within seconds.

Jesse flipped Ernie over and gripped his throat. "Why are you spying on me?"

Ernie looked scared to death while he gasped for air.

Jesse made a fist and got ready to punch.

"Stop Jesse!" Beth yelled out from behind him.

Beth rushed over and grabbed Jesse's fist. "He's just a bum. He doesn't know us."

Jesse had fire in his eyes while he stared down at Ernie.

"Let him go. You know I hate violence," Beth yelled at Jesse.

Jesse moved closer to Ernie's ear.

Ernie shook in fear and peed his pants.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut. I'll get ya. Because she won't always be around," Jesse whispered into Ernie's ear in a threatening tone.

Jesse got off Ernie.

He walked over to Beth and grabbed her hand.

They walked away.

Ernie jumped to his feet and ran away.

Jesse and Beth walked back to the cars.

"You have to control that temper if you want to continue seeing me. Do you understand?" Beth scolded him.

Jesse nodded in agreement while he walked her over to her Corvette.

Louie relaxed on his back inside the tent. His eyes slowly closed.

Ernie entered the ten in a rush.

Louie opened his eyes when he heard Ernie.

"Did you see a bear?" he asked Louie.

Ernie looked upset and on the verge of crying. "No, my dad."


"He was parked in that clearing where the teenagers would park."

"Was he was necking with your mom?"

"No. He was with another woman."

"Another woman?"

Ernie thought about what he saw for a few seconds. "He cheated on my mom and got another woman pregnant. My future step-mom."


"He said his marriage was a mistake and called me a bastard. No wonder he never wanted to do anything with me," Ernie said while he held back his tears.

"I'm sorry, man," Louie said while he patted Ernie's should for support.

"He heard me in the woods and came after me. He was ready to punch me, but my step-mom stopped him," he said then thought about his life for a few seconds. "She would always stop him from beating me when she was around."

"Maybe we should head back now?"

Ernie thought about Louie's question.

"No. Let' stay. I have a life to save," Ernie said and looked determined while he got on his back and stared at the top of the tent.