Truth in Time by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

A little while later, Ernie raced his Tercel down Waterford Blvd with Louie in the passenger seat.

"I never knew a Tercel could go this fast," Louie said while he glanced over at Ernie.

Ernie made a screeching right turn down another street.

He raced his car down that street.

"Look at you being a race driver," Louie said in awe with Ernie's driving.

Ernie looked over at Louie then he made a screeching left turn down another street. Louie leaned over and smacked into Ernie.

He raced his car down that street.

Ernie's Tercel made a screeching left turn down Bentley Avenue.

Ernie raced his Tercel down Bentley Avenue.

The Tercel screeched with tires smoking to a stop by the curb at Erica's home.

Ernie opened his door with the engine running. "Go get the police," he told Louie.

Ernie moved to get out of his car. The seat belt pulled him back inside.

He unbuckled the seat belt and rushed out of the car.

Louie watched while Ernie bolted to Erica's house.

He unbuckled his seat belt and climbed over and sat behind the wheel.

He buckled his seat belt, slammed the driver's door shut then raced off down the street.

Ernie ran to the front of the house.

He peeked in the living room window and saw a dark and quiet room.

Ernie felt the worse happened.

He ran around to the right side of the house.

He rushed over and peeked in a window. It was dark and quiet inside that room.

He rushed over and peeked in another window. It was dark and quiet in that room.

He rushed to the backside of the house.

He peeked in another window. It was dark and quiet in that room.

He rushed over and peeked into another window. It was dark and quiet in that room

He rushed over to the patio. He saw through opened blinds of the sliding glass door.

He was the kitchen that was quiet with the phone dangling down from the wall.

"Ahhhh!" Ernie heard Erica scream from somewhere inside her home.

Ernie knew Jesse was there and tried to open the sliding glass door. It was locked.

He stepped back. He made a motion that he was going to run at the glass door. He changed his mind thinking he would be sliced up.

He looked around and saw the patio furniture.

He rushed over to an Adirondack chair.

He grabbed it and lifted it up. It was heavy.

Ernie mustered up all his strength, and his adrenaline kicked in. He lifted the chair over his head.

He tossed the chair at the sliding glass door.

The chair crashed through one of the glass doors.

Ernie carefully stepped through the opening in the sliding glass door.

Once Ernie stepped inside the kitchen, he listened for Erica.

He ran down the hallway.

He saw a body in the hallway.

He ran up and saw it was Howard on the floor face down.

Ernie feared the worst when he knelt down at Howard. He felt Howard's neck and found a pulse. He was relieved. He turned Howard over on his back and saw that his face was beaten to a pulp.

Howard stirred.

"Please don't!" Erica cried out from another area of the house.

Ernie jumped up to his feet. He looked around for the location of her voice. His eyes lit up when he believed he knew where she was located.

He turned around and headed back to the kitchen.

He got into the kitchen and ran to another door. He opened it and rushed inside the garage.

Once inside the garage, he saw Erica on her back on the concrete floor. Jesse straddled over her with his hands squeezing her throat.

She gasped for air while she tried to punch him off her. He was too strong, and her punches didn't faze him.

"Get off her!" Ernie yelled at Jesse.

Jesse looked in the direction of Ernie's voice. He did a double take and released his hands off Erica's throat. "What the fuck?" he said while he looked confused with Ernie standing by the door.

Ernie slowly walked over to Jesse. "This needs to stop!" he said and sounded dead serious.

Jesse tried to figure out why Ernie looked so familiar. How is this possible? You look just like that Timmy pussy back in fifty-six. The pussy that peed his pants," Jesse said then he looked down at Erica.

She looked over and saw Ernie then she looked back at Jesse.

"Did you fuck that Timmy guy? That's it! You fucked that Timmy guy after I was sent away," he said and got furious. "You fucking slut!" he yelled, then slapped Erica hard across her face cheek.

She cried. "No! That's Ernie!" she said between sobs.

Jesse looked over at Ernie. "My pussy son?" he said with a chuckle. "And the best part of you ran down your mother's leg," Jesse added with a louder laugh.

Ernie had enough. He took a running start and bolted toward Jesse.

Jesse chuckled at the sight and waited with a smirk.

Ernie tackled Jesse knocking him off Erica.

Ernie and Jesse wrestled on the floor.

Jesse again got on top of Ernie. He chuckles at the sight. "Just like old times."

Jesse got off Ernie and grabbed him by his shirt with his left hand. He lifted Ernie up to his feet. Jesse made a right fist and punched Ernie hard in the face.

Ernie's lip was split on the other side.

"Looks like someone else beat you. Good for them," Jesse said when he saw Ernie's other part of his lip that was split and his black and blue eye.

Jesse punched Ernie hard in the face.

Jesse looked down at Ernie's crotch. "You haven't pissed you pants yet."

Then Ernie remembered a scene he saw from a movie.

Jesse looked at Ernie who suddenly and swiftly punched Jesse in his Adam's apple.

Jesse looked surprised and gasped for air.

Ernie swiftly punched Jesse Adam's apple again a little harder.

Jesse released his grip of Ernie's shirt. He stepped back, holding his throat while he gasped for air.

Ernie swiftly kicked Jesse in his crotch.

Jesse looked stunned, then dropped to his knees in pain.

Ernie swiftly kicked Jesse in his face.

Jesse flew backward and landed on his back. He squirmed on the floor in pain.

Erica got up, and Ernie noticed her clothes were ripped.

Ernie rushed over to her and hugged her. She cried on his shoulder.

"You fucking bastard!" Jesse said in a raspy voice while he painfully got up.

Ernie saw Jesse up on his feet with fire in his eyes. He painfully moved to Ernie and Erica with both fists clenched.

Ernie moved Erica behind him.

"I'm finally going to kill the both of you,' Jesse said in his raspy voice while he inched closer.

Ernie moved Erica backward while Jesse walks toward them.

Jesse reached in his back pocket and removed a pistol he stole from the farmer who gave him a ride.

Jesse aimed the pistol at Erica and Ernie.

"This day is long overdue," Jesse said with hatred in his voice while he placed his index finger on the trigger.

Erica closed her eyes, knowing her life would soon be over.

Ernie's eyes welled up, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop Jesse.

A gunshot came out from behind Ernie and Erica.

Jesse flew backward and landed on his back. He let go of the pistol while he gasped for air. Then his body arched upward a little and settled back down. He lay on the concrete motionless with a blank stare.

Ernie and Erica looked confused for a few seconds while they saw the bloody hole in Jesse's chest.

They looked behind them and saw Matt in the doorway with a revolver in his hand.

"You two, okay?" Matt asked.

Ernie and Erica nodded in agreement that they were fine.

"Good. Someone told me they saw Jesse in town earlier today. Then some guy named Louie came over to the house and told me about this imminent threat," Matt said then he thought about this event for a few seconds. "Strange thing is he really looks like that guy that was friends with that guy back in fifty-six. A strange déjà vu, a really strange déjà vu," Matt said while he tried to figure out what had just happened.

A faint police siren was heard outside.

Matt walked over and looks down at Jesse's motionless body. "The hardest thing a parent can do is kill a son that's gone bad. But, I brought him into this world, I guess I can take him out."

"We better go and talk to the police," Matt told them.

Matt, Ernie, and Erica walked out of the garage and headed into the kitchen.

The police siren got from the outside.

A little while later, Matt, Ernie, Erica, and Louie sat on the couch while a male police officer jotted down notes on his pad.

Two EMT's moved a gurney with Howard on board through the living room and headed to the door. Howard looked better.

Erica's eyes welled up at the sight of Howard.

Ernie placed his arm around her shoulder for comfort.

The police officer closed his note pad. "We also got a report from a farmer that had his pistol stolen. He gave a guy a ride that matched Jesse's description," the officer said.

"Figures," Matt said and looked disappointed with his son.

"We'll be in touch if there's anything else we need," the officer said then walked to the front door and was greeted by a female police officer.

Matt stood up. "Let's go to the hospital to check on Howard."

Ernie, Erica, and Louie stood up.

They all walked to the front door.

The sun rose above the horizon for the start of another workday.

Ernie didn't sleep a wink since the events of last night filled his mind.

Later that morning, Ernie sat at his drafting table and worked on his wing design. He was happy that this was all finally over.

"Good morning, Ernie," Rebecca's voice was heard behind him.

Ernie turned around at the familiar sweet voice and saw Rebecca standing in his doorway.

"Good morning, Rebecca."

She walked into his cubicle and stood next to his drafting table.

"I'll have your travel information after lunch."


Rebecca hesitated for a few seconds. "I heard the news this morning. You are brave for saving your mother's life like that."

"Oh, it was nothing," he replied, trying to be humble.

Rebecca had a warm smile. "I was wondering. When you get back from Kansas, I thought we could meet after work. You know, for a drink or dinner?"

"I would love that," Ernie replied and played it cool.

"Good," she replied, then handed him a small piece of paper. "Here's my home phone. Call me," she said and gave him another smile then walked out of his cubicle.

Ernie looked at the paper and did a little victory dance in his chair. The remembered something then reached in his pants pocket. He removed his time machine key. "Maybe I can take her someplace special?"

He shoved the key back in his pocket and looked adventurous.

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