Truth in Time by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


Friday morning arrived, and Ernie pulled his car into a parking spot at work.

Ernie got out of his car, and his eyes lit up when he saw Rebecca walking through the lot.

He headed in her direction and hoped to catch up with her, but a rusty1968 Chevrolet Impala stopped in front of him. Ernie moved away from the car.

"Are you Ernie Conner?" Laurence Lincoln called out from his driver's window.

Ernie looked at Rebecca and lost sight of her. He walked back over to the car.

"Yes," Ernie replied then noticed Laurence Lincoln behind the wheel. He felt a little intimidated by Laurence. "Excuse me, but I don't know you."

"You probably don't remember me because you were young, but I'm Laurence Lincoln," he replied.

Ernie stepped back a little fearful of him.

"Please. I didn't kill your mom. I swear. She was always nice to me. I liked her," Laurence pleaded, and his eyes got a little watery.

Ernie had this strange feeling that Laurence was sincere and not a threat.

"Mom died from taking too many sleeping pills."

"No," Laurence replied and looked serious.


Laurence saw something in his rearview mirror and hesitated. "Meet me at eleven at the Waterford Park by the fountain. We can talk about my idea who killed her. I was framed. I swear I was framed for robbing the bank and for your mom's murder," he said then he drove off.

Robert, a coworker of Ernie's, walked over to him. "Good morning, Ernie. Mind if I walk with you?"

Ernie glanced at Laurence's car while he drives away. "Ah, sure."

Ernie and Robert walked toward the building.

"How's your wing design coming along?"

"Fine," Ernie replied while he eyed Laurence's Impala while he drove out of the lot.

Ernie was preoccupied with Laurence while he walked with Robert to the front door.

Later that morning, Ernie sat at his drafting table in deep thought about his earlier encounter with Laurence.

He picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hey mom," he said into the phone.

"Ernie, this is a nice morning surprise. Is there something wrong?" Beth replied from the phone.

"I had a strange encounter in the parking lot at work this morning."

"What happened?"

"That Laurence Lincoln approached me,"

There were a few seconds of silence.

"What did he want?" Beth asked in a concerned tone.

"He said he didn't kill mom and wanted to tell me who he suspects. I thought mom died from taking too many sleeping pills?"

There were a few more seconds of silence.

"Ernie darling, please stay from Laurence. He's a convict," Beth said.

"What the hell's going on?" Jesse's voice came from the phone in a raised voice.

Ernie hesitated but knew he better come clean.

"Ah, Laurence Lincoln approached me this morning. He said he didn't kill mom. He said he was framed," Ernie replied

"Listen, Laurence's a convict, so he's probably going wants to extort some money out of you. So stay away from him. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Where did he want to meet?

"At Waterford Park at eleven by the fountain."

"I'm serious. Stay away from him!" Jesse said and sounded serious.

Jesse disconnected his end of the call.

Ernie looked curious while he hung up his phone.

Ernie couldn't resist. He talked with Kenny and got permission to take the rest of the day off using vacation hours.

It was 10:50 in the morning and Ernie walked through Waterford Park located in the center of town. This park was build ten years ago when a fire destroyed some building.

He walked down the brick path that was filled with benches, beautiful flowers, and shade trees. A beautiful fountain occupied the center of the park, and many people who worked downtown would spend their lunch hour there.

While Ernie walked down the brick path, two Waterford policemen ran up behind him.

One of the officers almost knocked Ernie down while they raced in the direction of the fountain.

Ernie walked to the fountain area and saw a crowd of people gawking near a bench. He got curious and picked up his pace.

The two policemen were checking out Laurence Lincoln while he sat slumped over on a bench.

One of the policemen felt Laurence's neck. "He's gone," the policeman told his partner.

Ernie then saw the syringe down on the bricks by Laurence's shoes.

"What happened?" Ernie asked an older man standing next to him.

"Looks like some junkie overdosed," the man replied.

"Officer, I saw a man with him earlier," a woman in the crowd said.

One of the policemen walked over to the lady and removed his pad and pen from his shirt pocket. "Can you describe him?"

"He had tattoos that covered both of his arms. He was bald and had a goatee," she replied.

The policeman jotted down the information.

Ernie got a little nervous and walked away.

Ernie left the Waterford Park and headed to the library.

He found the microfilm reader and had cartridges of 1956 Waterford Herald newspapers on microfilms. He had to learn more about Laurence's statement this morning.

Pages of old newspapers whizzed by on the screen.

Ernie turned the knob, and it stopped on a newspaper dated July 16th, 1956. He slowly moved through the pages of the newspaper while he scanned the articles.

He stopped on a page with the "Erica Conner Killed By Intruder," title.

Ernie's eyes tear up while he saw the black and white photo of his mother. He looked at the article.

"During the night, an intruder broke into Jesse Conner's home," Ernie read, but he couldn't finish it and stared at the article in disbelief.

Ernie turned the knob and moved the reel through some more newspapers.

Ernie slowed them down and stopped on the first page for the paper dated July 19th, 1956. One of the articles on the first page had the "Bank Robber and Killer Arrested" title with a scared mug shot of 26-year-old Laurence Lincoln.

"Laurence Lincoln was arrested yesterday for robbing the First National Savings and Loan on July 13th, nineteen fifty-six. Mister Lincoln was reportedly dressed in black rubber boots, black pants, black shirt and wore a black ski mask when he passed a note to the teller demanding two thousand dollars. Days after robbing the bank, Laurence also strangled Erica Conner in her bedroom. He was arrested by Sheriff Matt Conner after evidence was found in Mister Lincoln's shack," Ernie read the article.

Ernie turned the knob and moved through some more newspapers.

He slowed the newspapers down and stopped on one dated September 22nd, 1956. He looked at an article with the "Laurence Lincoln Sentenced" title.

"Judge Buford Peabody sentenced Laurence Lincoln to life in prison for robbing the First National Saving and Loan and for the murder of Erica Conner. While he was escorted out of the courthouse, Laurence yelled out in anger that he was framed and did not kill Erica Conner," Ernie read the article.

Ernie looked extremely curious. He grabbed his can of Coke and took a drink. He didn't notice while the reel slowly moved down where an article titled "Dr. Sampson Arrested for Abortion Death of Teenage Girl" appeared.

Ernie turned the knob, and the machine whizzed to the front of the cartridge.

He sat there for a few seconds while he took in all the information he uncovered.

He got up and left the library.

Ernie drove his car down Dorothy Avenue and pulled into the driveway of an older home where his grandparents lived.

He got out of his car and headed to the front door.

He rang the doorbell and waited.

A few seconds later, the front door opened and Matt Conner, now seventy-eight years old with white hair appeared in the doorway. Even though Matt had aged, he was still a large man of intimidating size also though he had to walk with a cane.

"Ernie, it's so good to see you," Matt said with a warm smile.

Wilma Conner, now seventy-three years old appeared by Matt's side. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Ernie. "Ernie, what a lovely surprise."

"Please come in," Matt said, then stepped aside.

Ernie went inside their home, and Matt closed the door.

Once inside, Wilma gave Ernie a kiss on his cheek.

"What brings you over here?" Matt asked while he and Wilma walked Ernie to the couch.

"I was hoping you can you tell me about Laurence Lincoln?"

Matt looked surprised by his question. "Laurence Lincoln? Why are you asking about him?" he asked while they walked to the couch.

Ernie's left foot caught the bottom of the couch. He almost tripped, but Matt grabbed him by his arm.

"I see you're still my clumsy grandkid," Matt said with a chuckle.

Ernie smiled while he sat down on the couch with Matt.

"I'm going to leave you men alone to talk," Wilma said while she walked away.

"He approached me this morning. Said something that he didn't kill mom," Ernie said.

"He said that?"

Ernie nodded that that's what he said.

Matt looked at Ernie's wanting eyes for information.

He pondered for a few seconds.

"I knew this day might come, so it's about time you knew. Back in fifty-six, the First National Savings and Loan was robbed near noon. The robber wore black rubber boots, black pants, black shirt, black leather gloves, and a black ski mask. The robber didn't talk but passed a threatening note to the teller and waved a thirty-eight special. Then two days later, someone broke into your parent's house. Your father was hit on the head with a baseball bat and knocked out. Then the intruder strangled your mom. Days later, I got an anonymous tip. I searched for Laurence's shack and found a thirty-eight special. I also found some of the bank cash along with the clothes the robber used. And I found your mom's pearl necklace. Case closed."

Ernie looked upset. "Why wasn't I told about this? I mean, I was always told he died of an overdose with sleeping pills."

"Your father and step-mom thought it would be best to shield this from you. I disagreed, but they're your parents," Matt replied and looked sincere.

Ernie looked upset, and Matt noticed.

"Look, it's best to forget about this and move on with your life. The court found Laurence guilty, and that's that. I'm just surprised he got out early. If I had a choice, I would have hanged the bastard."

Ernie still felt suspicious. "Yeah, maybe you're right."

Wilma entered the living room with a tray that had two cups of coffee and a can of Coke.

"Tell us how your job's going," Wilma said while she set the tray down on the coffee table.

Ernie picked up his can of Coke while Wilma sat down next to Matt. There was something about all this information that bugged him and started his curiosity to go in high gear.

After Ernie left his grandparent house, he headed to the Waterford Cemetery.

Ernie stood at a grave with a small pot of flowers.

He stared at the headstone that read, "Here Lies Erica Conner, devoted mother, and wife. Born June 9th, 1931, Died July 15th, 1956."

"What really happened, mom?' he said, then placed the pot of flowers by the headstone.

He walked away in deep thought. He stopped with an odd feeling.

He walked away, and that odd feeling stayed with him.

Ernie drove back to his apartment.

Later that evening, Ernie sat in his lazy boy in deep thought. He stared at the TV and didn't pay attention to the evening news.

The phone rang from the kitchen.

Ernie got up from the chair and headed into the kitchen.

He picked up his phone that hung on the wall by the door doorway.

"Hello," he answered the call.

"I heard you talked to grandpa earlier about that Laurence crackpot. Why?" Jesse blurted out in a raised voice.

Ernie got a little nervous. "I was curious. I mean, here this guy approaches me in the morning and then later in the day, he dies from a drug overdose."

"Leave this alone! Do you understand? Do you remember my belt?" Jesse said in a louder voice.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow down at the dealership," Jesse replied in a calmer voice then disconnected his end of the call.

Ernie looked suspicious while he hung up his phone.

He rushed out of the kitchen, then headed to the door.

Later that evening, Ernie was back at Louie's front door of his home. He rang the doorbell and waited.

A few seconds passed, and the front door opened, and Louie appeared.

"Is your time machine working?" Ernie blurted out.

"I still have some final touches so she should be ready tomorrow."

"Do you believe in going back in time to change the future?" Ernie asked and looked serious.

Louie motioned for Ernie to step inside.

Ernie went inside the house, and Louie closed the front door.

Louie walked Ernie through the living room.

"I never thought about for that purpose. Why do you ask?"

Ernie looked at Louie and hesitated while they walked to the kitchen.

I had an unusual encounter with a man this morning," he said while Louie walked over to his refrigerator.

"What kind of unusual encounter?" Louie asked while he opened his refrigerator and removed a Corona beer and a can of Coke.

"A man named Laurence Lincoln claimed my real mom was murdered," Ernie said while Louie handed him the can of Coke.

"I thought you said she died from an overdose of sleeping pills?" Louie replied then motioned for Ernie they should sit on the porch.

"That's the story I was told my dad," Ernie replied while he followed Louie out to the porch.

Louie's eyes widened while he sat down, remembering something. "Wait, is that the same Laurence Lincoln I heard about on the news? He was a bank robber and murderer just released from state prison?"

"Yep. He was apparently sent to prison for killing my mom. He told me he was framed for the robbery and death of mom."

"I'm a sorry man."

"I was supposed to meet that guy in Waterford Park, but he died from a drug overdose," Ernie said.

"Why would you meet with a convict? That's dumb," Louie asked.

"He swore he didn't kill my mom and wanted to talk about who he suspected. He swears he was framed."

"All convicts claim they were innocent. I'm thinking he was going to extort money out of you for drugs."

Ernie thought about that for a few seconds. "I don't know, I have this gut feeling he might have known something. Now I'll never know."

"We could take a quick trip to fifty-six and find out," Louie offered.

Ernie looked at Louie and thought about his offer. "Time traveling. I must be nuts to believe in it. Plus you can't change the past. It is what it is," Ernie said then took a drink of Coke.

Louie looked at Ernie like he started to have second thoughts.

"Well, if you really want to find out, I'm offering my time machine for a trip. Just come back," Louie said then took a drink of his Corona beer.

Later that night, Ernie sat in his apartment and watched TV. He changed the channel with his remote.

The Slaughter House Five time-traveling movie appeared on the screen.

He changed the channel with his remote. The Beyond the Time Barrier time-traveling movie appeared.

He changed to another channel. The Time Machine movie appeared.

Ernie watched that movie while in deep thought about today's event.