Uptown Lovers-Book Two by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-five


Sally had come to visit Monique and had been appraised of the situation regarding Morgana breaking off her engagement to Stewart and her near miss when the man tried to ram her car.

“That two-timing wretch, I knew he wasn’t worth it. I’m really sorry that Morgana had to go through so much to find out that he was a cheater, but he’ll get his own back one day you watch and see.”

Morgana was in her room sleeping. Darren had gone to play some six a side football while Bev and Glen had gone to watch a football match at the National Stadium.

“I know April and she’ll soon fix his business for him. Have you heard anything more from the police?”

“They got in touch with those two guards. But they say they can’t trace the car as the license numbers are bogus.”

“They have to do something about all those drivers on the road with ficticious papers,” Sally said.

“I know that they have stepped up their spot checks but I doubt if that’s enough.”

“That’s true, but my goodness, what a brute Stewart has turned out to be,” Sally remarked.

“He prefers April to Morgana. I’m sure Morgana has gotten over him already. Then she was telling me that Linton, the guy she had while in Florida is on the island.”

“I hope he didn’t follow her out here.”

“I think he came to Jamaica to get over her. According to Morgana, he and his friends treated women as if there were trophies, if you know what I mean.”

Sally laughed and said.

“Don’t forget we were kids once, sister, you remember Norval Casey. He was so persistent; I had to hide from him sometimes. Then I met Sid and he was the perfect gentleman and what about Lydford Gibbons. He used to beg daddy if he could talk to you and daddy would always tell him that you weren’t ready for a boyfriend yet.”

“I was ready for one when I met Byron. Daddy never stopped me from talking to him because he knew he couldn’t.”

“Morgana needn’t worry, she’ll find the right guy. She just has to leave it to time and don’t rush into anything.”

“It pains me to know what she went through with Stewart. I hope that she takes her time, anyway, that’s what I’m going to advise her to do.”

Sally stood up.

“Monique, I must be going, Vernon has gone to play golf and I can bet he’ll be starving when he returns.”

“I thought you would have packed a basket and go with him, Sal. Don’t you like golf?”

“I’ve gone with him a few times, but I can’t say that it’s one of my favorite sports. It’s a little too technical for me.”

“It’s always good to see you, Sally,” Monique said as they shared a short hug.

“Tell Morgana that I’ll drop by one day next week. She needn’t worry, if I meet either Stewart or April I won’t say a word to either of them,” Sally said as she picked up her bag and went to her jeep and drove off.


Melanie was about to get off work when her telephone rang. Wilks was on the line.

“Melanie, I don’t like how our last meeting went. I still believe we can work things out.”

“What is there to be worked out, Wilks?”

“I’ve just broken up with a man I thought I wanted to have a long lasting relationship with. We weren’t together all that long. But I just couldn’t jump into a relationship with another man,” she explained.

“I’ll admit that I’ve been with other women, but since you don’t have a boyfriend at the moment we could try to sort out things between us.”

“Don’t lie to me that you don’t have a woman. What you want is to be with me and when your woman comes out you tell me thanks and goodbye and leave me for her.”

“You’re very stubborn. But I must tell you that although I said I couldn’t just jump into a relationship with another man I have a very good friend. We weren’t intimate or anything. I left him for the other guy, but we are talking again and I think I’m going to give him a chance.”

“So are you saying that I have no chance with you.”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

“I’ll keep calling.”

“Sure, you do that and when your girlfriend or wife comes out you be sure to introduce her to me.”

“I can’t believe what you’re telling me, Morgana,” Brad said. He had somehow suspected that something like this would have happened. Maybe if she had been more vigilant she would have caught Stewart in the act a long time ago.

“Believe me, Brad, I’m only telling you because we have always confided in each other. It was really awful, but I’m glad I found out because I would always be saying to myself, I wonder if I made the right decision when I broke up with him.”

“I’m going to be frank with you. I’ve known Stewart a long time and I was really shocked when I returned and saw that you were engaged to him. I mean I didn’t know you or anything like that.”

He saw the tears welling up in her eyes and was sorry he said anything.

“He was my first boyfriend. I broke up with him after I went away because I heard that he was going around with April. I was along with a guy over there and we broke up. I decided to go out with Stewart again, but I had already heard rumors about him and Bobbette but he has always denied them.”

“That guy is out here now. Did he follow you out here?”

“No, he couldn’t have, because it was last month I ran into him at Corners. He was with a girl about my age, but I understand that they’ve since broken up.”

“Maybe he’ll try to date you again.”

“Not a chance. I’ve now learned that you shouldn’t always try to repair what’s already broken. I’ve tried it with Stewart and it didn’t work out.”

Brad didn’t know why he felt that way. Maybe it was relief for her that she had refused to be led down the garden path any longer by Stewart. Still, he had always wondered. Jenna was always telling him of the hurtful looks Morgana used to give her whenever she saw them together. Both of them had moved on but were they slated to be where they had started, Brad wondered. Although to be fair to Morgana she hadn’t outwardly shown any interest in a relationship with him. Maybe she had been disguising it while continuing her failing engagement to Stewart and thus her attitude towards Jenna.

“So I’ll no longer see you in the club scene. I hope that you aren’t scared to go out because of what happened the other night. We aren’t sure it was the same guy who’s been threatening you. It could have been some car- jacker out to take advantage of a lonely female motorist.”

“That’s what I think too. But mummy, Aunt Sally and Bev all feel that it was him. They’ve all warned me that I should be extra careful.”

She looked at Brad and smiled.

“Of course you’ll see me and I’ll dance with you if Jenna will allow it. But at the moment I’m not looking a boyfriend. I’m going to take my time; I don’t want to get any broken heart.”

“I’m glad that you’ll be on the circuit, but Jenna won’t feel anyay if I dance with you. I don’t believe you can stay single that long. You are simply too good looking.”

“Brad, not again, remember you have Jenna. I wouldn’t want her to think that I’m intruding.”

Brad laughed and asked.

“Has Bobbette returned from her honeymoon yet?”

“No, I don’t think so. She would be bound to call me.”

“I think Jenna must be feeling pressured that Robert now that he’s married to Bobbette will no longer support Jaimie. I feel so and I see it now being played out before my very eyes.”

“Why should he not want to support him? Maybe Bobbette will try to stop him, but then there’s always the family court. I’m sure he wouldn’t want Jenna to haul him before the courts.”

Brad not wanting Morgana to suspect that he was having any problems with Jenna brought the topic to a close.

“I suppose you’re right. I really don’t think Robert will risk it. So I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait, before you go, I thought you and Jenna were going to hit the town tonight.”

“No, not tonight, Jenna said she can’t make it, so I’m going to take it easy. I might give Rick a visit to see how he’s doing.”

“Is he all right? You know Rick and I were never that close. It must have been a shock to him when that guy came to fight him over Celia.”

“That guy is crazy, I’m only sorry that Rick never broke up some part of him.”

“How can you be saying that? Maybe Rick would have gotten himself in trouble.”

“Guys like that deserve what they get. He probably thought Rick was a push-over. You know the type of girl Celia is. I’m not saying she never had an affair with him, but that was a long time ago, at least a girl I know told me so.”

“Do you think they’ll get together again?”

“I think they love each other, so it’s only a matter of time before they start to miss each other.”

“I’m going to pack up and go home and have a nice bath. Then eat my dinner and curl up before the television,” Morgana said standing up to clear her desk.

“See you in the morning,” Brad said as he exited her office.


Morgana was in her office Tuesday afternoon when her telephone rang Bobbette was on the line.

“Morgan, how are you? How is Stewart? Have you two set a date yet?”

Morgana was taken aback by the girl’s questions.

“We’re no longer together, Bobbette.”

“I can’t believe it. I told him that he should hurry up and marry you. I really encouraged him. Oh I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve broken up.”

“I appreciate your concern very much.”

“I’m sure that Robert has given me a baby, I’m sure he has. I just have to go and do the tests. You should see him now; he’s taken off so much weight.”

“I have to go now. Thanks for calling me and congratulations on the fact that you’re making a baby.”

“Don’t go yet. I hope it wasn’t April, who came between you and Stewart. He brought her to my wedding reception. I was so annoyed and I know you were suspicious about me and him, but we were nothing more than good friends,” Bobbette said. But Morgana not wanting to hear anything more had already hung up.


Rick was in his office that evening when his telephone rang. Corporal Bayliss was on the line.

“This is Corporal Bayliss from the Constant Spring

police station. Am I speaking to Mr. Richard Graham? Mr. Graham, you gave a statement to us about a fight you had with a man by the name of Steadman Pryce. It so happens that Mr. Pryce reported the matter to the Cross Roads police. But as the area where you had the fight falls under our jurisdiction the complaint has been passed on to me. I need you to come to the station this evening as there are some discrepancies in both of the statements,” Bayliss said.

“He was the one, who came to fight and then ran when he saw that I was no pushover,” Rick said.

“Come down to the station, sir. We aren’t going to reach very far over the phone,” the Corporal said.


At the police station the Corporal told Rick that Teddy was preparing to file charges against him for assault. Rick balked and restated that it was Teddy, who had attacked him first. He gave the policeman the knife, he had taken away from Teddy. Mister Bayliss told him that he should have used a rag or handkerchief to handle the knife as Teddy could easily deny its ownership as both of their fingerprints were on it. Despite Bayliss’s easygoing nature Rick wasn’t fooled as he knew that this was a hard district to work in and some of these top cops were very tough. Bayliss excused himself and went to another office. Rick was left staring out of the window at Jack’s Hill and surrounding areas. The road was full of vehicles and already they were backing up at this time of the evening. Rick was glad to be going down Constant Spring Road as he wouldn’t be encountering the amount of traffic if he was coming up.

Bayliss returned with a file. He eased himself into his seat. Rick guessed his age to be about thirty-five.

“He didn’t want to come to this station that’s why he went to Cross Roads,” Bayliss said.

Rick could see that the file was quite thick.

Bayliss explained to Rick that he knew Celia and her mother and Celia had spoken to him about Teddy before. Teddy would be invited to the station so that he could question him about his statement. Bayliss said that Teddy’s pressing of charges against Rick would depend on the interview he had once he reported to the station. Rick thanked the policeman and left the station.


As soon as he reached home, Rick called Celia.

“Celia, I want you to tell me the truth about this guy, Teddy. Why did you report him to the police without saying anything to me?”

“Oh God, Rick, I can’t talk to you over the phone, you wouldn’t understand.”

“I understand a whole lot better now. Why couldn’t you have come out and told me everything? You must have had something to hide.”

“We’re getting nowhere over the phone. Can I come up and we’ll talk it over and I’ll explain everything to you. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it last week like I wanted to.”

“Okay, but don’t expect me to gobble it up though.”

“Please don’t be like that, darling.”

“Okay, how about Saturday?”

“Agreed,” Celia said and they both ended the call.


Glen and Bev were glad that their examinations were over and they were waiting for their results. Both of them were hoping that they were successful as their colleges were awaiting their results before finally accepting them. They decided to pay a visit to as many clubs and functions as possible, finally ending up at a party in Aylsham. They didn’t reach back to the Canrieves until after two o’clock that morning when Glen dropped her off before heading home.


Brad was wondering what was wrong with Jenna. She had promised to call him on Tuesday, but didn’t and when he tried getting her on her cell phone it was turned off. When he tried her house phone he got a busy signal. He decided to drive down to her apartment. He had bought some snacks for both Jaimie and Kailen.

Brad had to look twice when he saw a car parked in her parking space. He had to guess that she was having a male visitor and maybe that was the reason he wasn’t hearing from her. He parked behind the car and got out. The car was a Mitsibushi Galant and he thought it was rented. He made his way over to her apartment.

The front porch was empty, so she must be around the back. He knocked on the grill and Jaimie came out. The grill was locked, he noticed.

“Uncle Brad, mummy is inside with my dad,” the little boy said and Brad looked at him. He knew from Jaimies’ expression that he wasn’t playing a trick on him.

“Tell mummy I want to talk to her,” Brad told him. Kailen must be sleeping or watching television he thought as schools were now on holiday.

“Brad, I’m so sorry I meant to call you from yesterday,” came Jenna’s voice as she made it to the grill.

“Is Robert inside?”

“Robert, what would he be doing here?” Jenna asked.

“Jaimie was just talking about his dad,” Brad said as a man came to the grill to stand behind Jenna.

“You’re, Brad?”

Brad didn’t reply, but he noticed already the resemblance Jaimie bore to this man.

“Who is this man, Jenna and why did Jaimie say that he’s his father?”

“The boy’s right. I’m Selwyn and Jenna is my wife and naturally Jaimie is my son.”

“What! I can’t believe what he’s saying is true. So where was he all the time?”

“Brad, I think you’d better leave. I’ll call you and explain everything to you one of these days.”

Brad stared at her in cold disbelief.

“So all this time you were lying to both Robert and me,” he shouted.

“I never told you a lie. Please, I’m begging you to leave. We can discuss this another time,” Jenna said calmly.

Brad backed away from the grill, feeling humiliated. He wanted to punch Selwyn’s face, but the man said that Jenna was his wife. He had returned to reclaim his woman and son. Brad knew he had to do a lot of soul searching. He should have known that something was wrong.

“I should have known from the beginning you never wanted to talk to me,” Brad said as he moved away from the grill.

“That’s not true and you know it too,” Jenna shouted.

“So how am I to take it that this guy just shows up and you’re in his arms and I find myself tossed out into the cold,” Brad shouted. “I thought we had something going. But maybe I was wrong. Goodbye, Jenna.”

As Brad retreated from Jenna’s flat he heard her crying, but he didn’t look around, only continued walking until he reached his car. He got into the car, but didn’t start it at once. He wondered if he should wait for that guy and teach him a lesson. But he would be only doing like Teddy, the guy, who was stalking Celia and had come to fight Rick. He would probably give the snacks he had bought for Kailen and Jaimie to one of those street persons he had always seen begging in Half Way Tree.

Realizing that nothing would be gained by fighting Jenna’s supposed husband, Brad started the car and reversed out of the parking lot and drove away. He would go up to Jimmy Chang and probably play a game of dominoes before going home.


The second social for the year at Newman and Graham Limited was on. They had agreed to treat the Easter holidays as one because of the number of staff who came down. Brad was there as was Morgana and although they came alone, they still managed to fully participate in the proceedings.


Morgana decided to go to Corners that Saturday evening along with some of her friends. She was wondering what was happening to Brad. She had heard about Rick’s fight with Teddy. It was a long time now since she had seen Brad out with Jenna and he wasn’t saying much.

She decided to have this little night out and if she didn’t see him and her she was definitely going to ask.


Stan was dressed in a suit he had recently bought in Spanish Town. The guard at Bishop’s headquarters told him that the boss was at the club. Stan fingered the gun in his pocket. Corners didn’t have a weapons policy.

After tonight they would have one. He would kill Bishop and then go to where the girl lived and kill her. She wasn’t important to him now and could stay until later. Now he was in his car going to Corners after consuming two patties and a soda at a fast food restaurant in Half Way Tree. He had a picture of the girl wedged in his brain. He had studied her face for hours and like Bishop would recognize her immediately if he saw her at the club. If it was her then she had been lucky the other night.


Morgana was in two minds as to whether to let the waiter return the note she had received or read it. She opened it and began reading.

‘Hello, sweet looking lady, I met you over the phone. If you look in the left rear corner you’ll see me staring at you. Why not accept my invitation and have a drink and a chat with me? It could be beneficial to both of us. I’m the man, who warned you about the stalker.’

As she took a look at the slightly balding middle aged man she saw when the front door of the nightclub burst open and a man enter. The man dipped into his right-hand pocket and pulled out a gun.

“Bishop, I’ve come to kill you. You set me up for the police to kill me. You’re a wicked man,” Stan shouted and as he looked around Morgana caught his attention. No, there could be no doubt that this was the girl, who had pointed out Talbert. He pointed the gun in her direction.

Morgana’s whole body went numb on seeing the man pointing the gun at her.

“Stan, don’t do it, don’t do it,” Bishop pleaded, but he

went for his gun believing that Stan had been distracted by the girl. He managed to drag it out of his pocket, but Stan

had seen Bishop’s move and turned the gun back at him. Bishop on seeing Stan about to press the trigger of his gun fired from the hip hitting him in his right leg. Stan went to his knees, but managed to fire twice at Bishop hitting him in his neck and in his belly and he went over backwards, his second shot flying into the wall at the far outer corner of the nightclub. Stan began turning the gun in Morgana’s direction, but Bishop’s bodyguards had already started shooting. Stan took two bullets in his belly knocking him completely off his feet, his gun going off and the bullet flying into the ceiling. The two bodyguards rushed to where he was and kicked away his gun.

Patrons awoke from their paralysis and pandemonium broke loose as they rushed for the exits.

“Murder, murder,” a woman shouted.

“That man over there just suffered a heart attack,” a man said. Other patrons rushed over to where the man was.

Brad rushed over to where Morgana was as she had flung herself on the floor to get out of the line of fire.

“Are you all right, Morgana?” he shouted, drawing her up off the floor.

Morgana was still trembling. She was brushing off her clothes as police and other security officials began to enter the building.

They made their way outside through the crowd, many of

whom were also trying to leave too.

They counted at least three ambulances on the scene with siren wailing. Ambulance workers were now going into the nightclub with stretchers.

They saw Jessica, Raquel and Alex. They came up to them.

“Are you guys all right?” Alex asked. “I heard that a man suffered a heart attack.”

“I am but I’m not too sure about Morgana. That guy was threatening to kill her. He is the same guy, who has been stalking her and probably tried to run her off the road the other night,” Brad told them.

Things had happened so fast, that they hadn’t seen the man threatening Morgana.

“Morgana, I’m really sorry,” Jessica said and she and Raquel came and hugged her in turn.

“That guy’s bodyguard shot the guy after he killed their boss. Where were they when he was threatening the man?” Alex asked.

“I saw one of them coming out of a room. I don’t know where the other one was,” Brad replied.

Morgana again came into his arms.

Raquel agreed to drive Morgana’s car for her and she would go in Brad’s vehicle. Alex would drive his car with Jessica and they would all follow Brad’s directions to her home. Raquel’s boyfriend would drive behind them.

Nobody except Darren was home when they got there. Monique was spending some time with Val and Bev was with Glen at a party in Russell Heights.

Morgana thanked them for helping her home and assured them that she was all right. Brad helped Raquel put the car into the garage and then left for his home.

Morgana decided not to wait for her mother and sister, but to go to bed. She knew now that she had to find out what was happening between Brad and Jenna. As she lay in Brad’s arms, she knew that was where she wanted to be. She was now prepared to fight Jenna for him. She was glad that Stewart was out of her life. As she prepared for bed Morgana knew that something was wrong between Brad and Jenna. If they were breaking up, she wanted to be there for him. She fell asleep and didn’t know what time her mother and sister reached home.


Several crew members had made it to the beach party over at the San San beach in Portland. Music was playing and a stage show was taking place. Some of them were discussing Waldo’s case as well as the shootout at Corners and thanking their lucky stars that they weren’t there. The majority of them were at other clubs or at house parties in upper St. Andrew. Waldo had been fined two hundred thousand dollars or six months imprisonment for malicious destruction of property. His bosses had loaned him the money to pay the fine. It was also being strongly rumored that he and the two sisters had agreed on a compromise. Waldo would pay them the million dollars that he was being sued for plus an additional two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to each of the sisters for inconveniencing them in the use of their living room. Crew members agreed that even those atonements on Waldo’s part wouldn’t lead to his re-admittance to the crew unless of course he could show that he had curbed his almost insane bouts of jealousy.


Morgana was asleep that afternoon. Her mother, sister and aunt were all upset over what had happened at the nightclub, but were relieved that she hadn’t been hurt. The police had requested that she come to the station to give a statement. Bishop’s two body guards wouldn’t be charged as they had shot in defense of their boss. In fact, they stood to share the reward if it could be proven that it was in fact Stan Lubsy whom they had killed.

Brad was at home that Sunday afternoon. Normally he would be at Jenna having dinner with her, Jaimie and Kailen. Sometimes they would come over to his place and they would have a big cookout and he would take them driving either up in the hills of St. Andrew or St. Catherine.

He decided to call Morgana and find out how she was doing.

Morgana picked up the phone and Brad asked her if everything was all right with her.

“I’m doing fine, Brad. I have to thank you and the others

for making sure I got home safely.”

“That guy was crazy. It seems as if he did some murders for the man he shot, but felt he was double-crossed and came gunning for him.”

“I don’t know why he was after me. I just pointed out his brother at this parade.”

“You know how these things are. He probably felt, but for you not pointing out his brother he might have been alive today.”

“I read the report on his brother and he was a robber and murderer. But, Brad, I have to ask you about Jenna. Don’t say I’m inquisitive now.”

When he hesitated, Morgana regretted that she had asked and was about to retract the question when he said.

“She’s married and her husband is out here now.”

“Jenna is married! I can’t believe it. Are you sure you aren’t putting one over me?”

“No, I’m deadly serious. You could cut off that guy’s head and put it on Jaimie and you wouldn’t see a difference. Well, maybe the age difference, but that’s all. He’s not Robert’s son. I don’t know what to make of it all.”

Morgana knew that Brad was hurting; he couldn’t understand that something like this could have happened to him. She refrained from asking about any future course of action on his part, but she could feel her pulse racing.

“I can’t understand why a woman would be married and keep it a secret from her lover unless of course she felt that you would have dumped her.”

“I’m the one who feels used and dumped.”

“Oh, I’m sorry for saying anything.”

“You haven’t said anything bad. You know you’re the best friend I have. I know I can always talk to you and you to me about anything.”

“That’s true. Both of us