Uptown Lovers-Book Two by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-seven


Sunday Morgana was thinking about this latest episode. She hadn’t spoken to Brad about his meeting with his former girlfriend. He seemed to be working harder and most evenings she left him in the office. She was still chuckling at what she had heard. She was going down to the pharmacy in the Constant Spring Mall. On reaching the stoplight at the corner of Shortwood Avenue and Constant Spring Road a man waved to her. To her surprise it was, Kelvin, one of the guards from Stewart’s apartment court. She dropped him in Half Way Tree but not before he gave her an account of something that had taken place in Stewart’s apartment. From Kelvin’s story, the woman, who had run out of the apartment fitted April’s description. The other one was the strange woman, her mother had seen him with in Gordon Town. Sally had phoned her about the girl and when Morgana broke the news to her, she said that she told them that it would have happened and it served him right.

Morgana had to wonder if her ears were playing tricks on her, when at about five o’clock that Monday evening Stewart phoned her.

“Morgan, how are you? Can we meet and talk? I want to give you back the ring.”

Morgana had to laugh.

“Stewart, you aren’t easy. I gave you back your ring so why are you trying to force it back on me?”

“It’s to show that I still love you, you know how April is. She loves to force herself on people. It’s because you weren’t talking to me why I took this chance with her. I swear it won’t happen again.”

“Your mouth sounds so sweet and you sound so penitent that if I didn’t know you, I would believe every word you told me.”

“So can we agree to meet one day this week?”

“Don’t go so fast. Who’s this strange woman, who you were out with in Gordon Town?”

“She’s just a new employee, who decided to go out with me for some dancing. She’s a country girl who wanted to experience going to a nightclub.”

“Was she the reason why April had to leave your apartment so hastily Sunday morning?”

“What are you talking about? I haven’t seen April since that incident.”

“Goodbye, Stewart, I don’t know who you are trying to fool with your pack of lies,” she said hanging up. She then took the phone off the hook until she left the office and turned off her cell phone.


Raileen Garth sat opposite Stewart at the Eagles nightclub on Old Hope Road that Tuesday evening. He was glad for Raileen, at least she took his mind off April, Treena and of course Morgana whom he was still hoping to win back.

“Look how long I’ve known you, Stewart and this is the first time we’re going out on a real date.”

“I was sort of tied up with a lot of work, but everything is okay now.”

“I suspected that it might be some other woman.’’

“It’s nothing like that. At the moment I’m single and don’t have a girlfriend.”

“So whatever happened to your girlfriends or should I say wife?”

“I’ve been engaged to two girls and never got around to marrying either of them.”

“So what am I doing here with you if I want to get engaged and marry the man of my dreams?”

“Clearly, I am not the man of your dreams.”

“I’m just twenty and I want to enjoy life, those things are the farthest things from my thoughts. What I want to ask is why did you want to engage those two girls if you had no intention of marrying either of them?”

“With my first fiance, I discovered that she was seeing one of my friends behind my back. When I confronted her, she admitted it, gave me back my ring and went off to be with him.”

When she continued drinking her energy drink he elaborated


“I hear that both of them will soon be married.”

“I suppose you wished them well.”

“I did, just to show them that I bear them no ill will.”

Stewart debated whether to tell her about Bobbette, April or Treena. He decided on Bobbette as her story might sound more plausible.

“I met her after Morgana and I broke off our engagement. We were never engaged as I didn’t want to go down that road again, remembering what had happened between me and my first fiancé. Then out of the blue she suddenly told me that she had met this rich businessman and he had asked her to marry him and she had agreed. I begged her not to do it but she ignored me and went off to marry her millionaire. I was so devastated, but I’ve recovered and here I am staring at you and finding myself falling for you.”

“I thought you would never fall in love again after seeing what happened before.”

“I can’t help myself and it keeps happening to me with women with your looks.”

“You know I don’t consider myself anything like what you’ve just said. You are quite good looking and I don’t believe a word of what you just told me about those girls. I think you’re to blame. I think you’re wild and that you have dozens of girlfriends.”

“What would make you say that? From my last girlfriend and I broke up, I haven’t been seeing anybody else,” he told her. He knew he had to be careful with names less he got mixed up.

“How old are you?” she asked. “And don’t bother trying to hide it as I have a fair idea.”

“I am twenty six.”

“You’re too old for me. My mother said I should only talk to guys my age.”

“Women always date older men. I’m sure that your father is older than your mother. I always love women my age or a little younger, but then I once dated an older woman.”

“See, I told you that you’ve had many women in your life. You’re much too experienced for me.”

“Are you?” he asked and let the question hang in the balance for her to have no doubt what he was asking about.

“I won’t tell you and you shouldn’t ask. I know you have done it lots of times.”

“I am not a bashful person. Sure I’ve done it a few times. Maybe a dozen times as both of the girls I told you about wanted to wait until marriage and were only willing to do it now and then.”

“You want me to believe all that you’ve just said. You know what, let’s go do some more dancing,” she told him taking his hand.

Raileen was from St. Mary but living in Pembroke Hall with an aunt. Stewart dropped her home about eleven o’clock that night and she promised to go out with him again.


Monique and Morgana were sitting in the living room on Tuesday night. Morgana had worked late on a project, she was finishing for an overseas client. She had just finished a light meal. Bev was in her room on the phone to Glen and Darren was in his room watching television.

“Mummy, guess who phoned me yesterday.”

“I hope it wasn’t Stewart.”

Morgana laughed.

“He was so shocked when I told him that I heard about the incident between him, April and the girl. I just hung up the phone on him.”

“It serves him right. I wonder how April is feeling now.”

“I don’t think she’ll be feeling all that pleased with him. But Stewart will never change.”

“So how’s Brad?”

“He’s okay. Sometimes I wonder why Jenna was keeping the fact that she was married from him.”

“Knowing Brad, I believe she was fearful he would have left her or not want to talk to her.”

“She explained everything to him and I think he feels better now.”

“Are you helping him?”

“Mummy!” Morgana protested.

Morgana peered outside before replying.

“Brad’s a very strong person. He’ll get over it and he’s even working harder now.”

“I know how fond you are of him. You talk about him in the most glowing terms. Are you in love with him?”

“Mummy!” Morgana again protested.

Her mother looked at her and Morgana knew that she was waiting on her for a reply.

“Yes, I fell in love with him from that first time we went out for that drink, but I tried to block him out of my thoughts. Despite what I knew about Stewart, I tried a make it work out with him, but in my heart it was Brad I wanted. I couldn’t bear to see him out with Jenna. All the time I used to give her some nasty looks. I knew she must have complained to him about me but I couldn’t help it.”

“I know you’re a sensible girl, but if you’re in love with him, why not go for it? Brad’s a great guy and I’m sure that there must be lots of girls, who might be thinking of pursuing him.”

“I have to find out how he feels about me. We’ve sat and talked for hours, but it’s always about others. But I won’t be rushing him.”

“I’m going up now, but you know you can always come to me if you have any problems. There are also Sally and Eloise,” Monique said, taking up some sewing she was doing.

“I’ll turn off the lights and lock up. Do you know if Bev’s coming back down?”

“I doubt it, she’ll probably fall asleep with the phone in her ear,” Monique said as she reached the top of the stairs.

“Bye, mummy,” Morgana shouted as Monique disappeared into Darren’s room to check up on him.


Melanie was just about to go to bed that Tuesday night when her telephone rang. Linton was on the line.

“How are you, Melanie? Sorry to be calling you at this time of the night.”

“That’s okay, Linton.”

“I want to apologize for my behavior. I know you found it disgusting.”

“As I told you, I believed in you or else some of the things I did, I wouldn’t have done them and like I said I’m disappointed.”

“I know what I’ve done and I don’t like it. I’ve decided to leave the crew.”

“I think that’s the best thing for you. There were some good people in the crew, but I didn’t like the set up. Guys could easily leave a girl on some flimsy excuse and a new one was always willing to take her place because this was the glamour crowd.”

“I’m also returning to the States.”

“Why are you doing that?”

“I have a girl over there and I really did her bad, but now she’s told me that she isn’t willing to wait any longer.”

Melanie looked down at her feet and wondered if it was the same way she had treated Derwin.

“You should go to her and apologize for what you’ve done to her. My old boyfriend, Wilks, returned and wanted us to be together again, but I turned him down because I know that he has a woman over there who will soon be relocating to Jamaica. And just like you I’ve returned to Derwin and apologized to him.”

“Thanks for talking to me and I wish you and Derwin the best.”

“I wish the same to you and your girlfriend, although you didn’t tell me her name.”

“Her name’s Wanda.”

“Okay, bye, and you can always call me before you leave.”


Morgana sat transfixed as Brad finished explaining what Jenna had told him. They were at Loretta’s Place, an open-air bar off Eastwood Park Road. Morgana was sipping a fruit punch while Brad was drinking a malt beverage.

“So okay now that she has told you everything, I suppose you can forgive her and compete for her love with her husband. She and you must have developed feelings for each other during the period you were going around. Brad, there have been women, who have been married and have left their husbands for other men for one reason or another. If you love her don’t just give her up, fight for her.”

Brad drank some more of his malt beverage before replying.

“What are you trying to do, play matchmaker? Listen, don’t take me for a coward. I would be willing to get into a fight with that guy over Jenna, except that when I look back at our relationship, I realize that something wasn’t right. Now I know what it was and it was her secrets.”

“Now that she has literally bared her soul, there should be nothing to stop you now,” Morgana insisted but Brad shook his head.

“She was never comfortable with you around. Every time we saw you she complained to me that you were giving her some dirty looks. She felt that I was more interested in you than her.”

“Why would she? You only saw me in the office and sometimes in the clubs.”

“Dania didn’t want me to talk to you.”

“I guess Stewart was the same. Oh, I should tell you that he called me, wanting to return the ring. April caught him and a girl in bed Sunday morning.”

“What! Stewart isn’t easy. I wonder if he knows the type of person April is. But seriously though, since so many people are suspicious about us why not prove their suspicions right?”

“Brad! Are you asking me to start going out with you?” Morgana asked. “What will Jenna think?”

“What will Stewart think? But that’s a chance we’ll have to take. Morgan, if I went out there and looked another woman, she’d probably hate you because of what I’m going to tell her about you.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

“You don’t have to worry. If you say no that will still be okay with me and we’ll remain friends forever.”

Morgana took up her bag as Brad paid the waiter.

In the car park they shared a tight hug and both of them had to hold back the urge not to kiss each other.


Glen and Bev were at his home Friday evening. He had told her that both of his parents were at meetings. They were lying on poolside chairs near the swimming pool. Both of them were in their bathing suits. He had told her that his sister and brother had both gotten holiday jobs in the States so they wouldn’t be coming home for the holidays.

“I’m really sorry mummy dumped up our pool.”

“I suppose it’s quite understandable after what happened to Byron.”

“I don’t even want to think about it.”

“So have you told your mother of our plans to get engaged and then go up?”

“I told her, but she didn’t give me an answer. She probably wants to talk to you. I’m sure she would love to see us get married, but that wouldn’t work out because we would have to live together and we are both going to school.”

Glen knew that it would be no problem as he had money in a trust fund left for him by his grandfather and to which he had access. He could use some of it to take care of a wife and put it back when he started working. He would be finishing his courses within two years after which he would be getting a job over there. But he knew that Bev would have none of it.

“Yeah, like you said I think we should earn our way. I intend to get a job while I’m in college.”

“They’ve accepted me for medical school; I’m so happy. I’m sure I’m going to specialize in pediatrics,” Bev said as she sat up.

Glen drew her close and Bev waited for him to kiss her. They shared a light kiss.

She pulled out of his arms.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want us to go too far and if we continue this I’m afraid we might not be able to stop.”

“So what’s wrong with that? I think we deserve it. We might not be engaged or married yet but we are in love.”

“Let’s wait for some more time. You know it’s not because I don’t trust you but your brother is in the house. I’m not sure he’s not seeing us now.”

“He’s not that kind of person. Even if he sees us he won’t say anything.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

“That’s okay, I know you didn’t, baby.”

Bev came into his arms and they kissed again before she pulled away.

“Suppose we break up after we go over there. I mean both of us will be going to different schools and meeting people our age.”

“I’ll let all the girls on my campus know that I’m engaged to a woman with whom I’m totally in love.”

“We’ll get to see each other on weekends and during holidays but I’m going to make sure that you have no need to ever look at any one of those girls.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“After you get some of my loving you won’t want anything else,” Bev said and lay in his arms and they started kissing again before she broke away.

“I think you’d better drop me home before I get myself in trouble.”

“Let’s go change off and go to Corners,” Glen said getting up.

At Corners they partied until way past midnight before he dropped her home. They saw April there partying with Jose Maragh.


Morgana agreed to go to Corners with Brad on Saturday night. They noticed that security was now beefed up.The men were searched by a male security guard while the women by his female counterpart. She had heard that since the incident at Corners even those nightclubs who had in security had moved to strengthen it some more.

She danced the night away with him and to her surprise April was there with Jose Maragh. She got some cutting glances from her, but she was so happy to be in Brad’s arms that she paid her no mind. She was quite aware that April knew nothing about her that she could go to Brad with to spoil their relationship. Brad knew the two men she had dated before him or even if he didn’t know Linton all that well he had a passing acquaintance with him.

They were seated at their table having drinks when Brad said.

“There’s April over there with Jose Maragh, she must have dumped Stewart.”

“Dumped is the operative word. But he won’t mind. I can bet he and his new woman are at some other club partying away.”

“It wasn’t so long ago that I felt that I was stealing a dance with you, Morgana.”

“Yes, I can remember dancing with you and then there would be somebody there waiting until the dance ended and not even allowing me to have another dance with you and you’re such a good dancer.”

“What about you? You’re fantastic. You don’t know how disappointed I was sometimes to be only getting one dance with you.”

“Hush, Brad, let’s do some more dancing, darling,” Morgana said and they got up to dance again.

Brad dropped her home about one o’clock that morning and despite her protests, they spent a long time in his sports utility vehicle, kissing each other before she got out and went into her house.


Linton was at home relaxing. He was feeling a bit better after his talk with Melanie. He was sorry to lose her and she was all woman. But his talks with Wanda had made him realize the mistake he’d made in coming to Jamaica. Suppose Wanda hadn’t been that faithful and had looked another man? He was sort of getting used to living in Jamaica again and was sad to be leaving, but he didn’t want to lose Wanda.

He had heard that Waldo’s legal troubles were behind him now. After his company gave him that loan to pay the fine they had granted him other loans to reach the compromise settlement with the two sisters. After a few weeks of counselling plus agreeing to some more of the same, he had also been re-admitted to the crew. Good for them and good for Waldo, Linton thought. He was about to go for a beer when his cell phone rang. Kedija was on the line.

“How are you, Linton? This is Kedija.”

“I’m okay, Kedija. It’s strange to be hearing from you. You sounded so angry the last time.”

“I’ve gotten over it now. I heard that you and Melanie had broken up so I just called to say that I think you should leave the crew.”

“I’ve done that and am going back to the States. So how

are you and Alwyn and I’m sorry about you and Caple.”

“Caple couldn’t understand why I had left him for you. Alwyn and I, we’re doing okay, I guess. I didn’t know you’re returning abroad.”

“I’ll eventually return to Jamaica but I want to do some things over there that I don't think will be possible out here.”

“I won’t ask you about those things except to wish you good luck and good-bye.”

“Thanks and the same to you.”


Late Sunday afternoon Morgana was at home sleeping when there was a knock on her door. She woke up thinking that it might be somebody reminding her that she hadn’t yet eaten her dinner. She opened the door to reveal Sally.

Morgana came off the bed and hugged her aunt.

“Aunt Sally, what are you doing here?” Morgana asked as they found seats in her room.

“I came by to visit Monique and heard that you were still asleep after spending the entire night on the town with Brad.”

Morgana laughed.

“I can bet it was mummy, who told you.”

“So, can I ask if you’re an item now? Don’t be shy with me, Morgana.”

“We’re just good friends,” Morgana replied and Sally laughed.

“I won’t bother you if you don’t want to tell me.”

“Aunt Sally, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. We went out and we talked. I think we have a lot of feelings for each other.”

“So may I ask what has happened to his steady girlfriend?”

“I thought mummy would have told you that Jenna is married and her husband is out here. Brad was so shocked.”

“Oh my gosh, how horrible that must have been for him. But do you think that he has recovered sufficiently to be going out with you?”

“You could say I was keeping him company. He has always been there for me so I have to do the same for him. He has confessed that Jenna was never comfortable seeing me around. I have to confess that Stewart felt the same way about him.”

“You know what I think, you two were meant for each other. Girl, if I were you I would hold on tight to him and don’t let any other woman come to take him away.”

“I think you and mummy are both giving me bad advice. If Brad breaks my heart, I’ll have the two of you to blame,” Morgana said as she got up out of the chair and followed Sally downstairs where Val, Vernon and Monique were having drinks. Morgana and Sally joined them. Morgana got a promise out of Sally that she would keep her affair with Brad away from the two men. Bev of course wasn’t there as she had gone for a drive-out in the country and Darren was asleep in his room.


April was in one of the chairs on her patio relaxing. It was the first time in her life that she had ever been so angry. With Bobbette and Morgana it had only been a shouting match, although she and the two girls had shoved each other but had never really come to blows. She blamed herself for going back to Stewart. Bobbette had found a rich guy to get married to, although Stewart often complained that he didn’t know what she saw in Robert. He was overweight and ugly, but he could provide for her needs much more than Stewart could and he wasn’t a womanizer. She wanted a man like that and she swore never to have anything more to do with Stewart. She was dozing off when her cell phone rang. It was him on the line.

“April, how are you? I want to apologize for the other night.”

“I promise myself that I’ll never talk to you again.”

“We were made for each other. No matter where you go, you’ll always come back to me.”

“Oh, so that’s why you feel that any little trash you can drag off the street and have them in your bed and I’m supposed to put up with it. Well, let me tell you something, I’m not that cheap.”

“Who said you were cheap? Have I ever treated you that way?”

“My mother always told me that I was wasting my time with you. If only I had listened to her, none of this would have happened to me.”

When he didn’t say anything she continued.

“Okay, I was there with you. We had partied, came home and were making love, when who should barge in on us but your fiancé. I don’t know what you were hoping to get from her why you didn’t ask her back for your ring and house keys. I forgave you for that and look what you did to me.”

“I’ve apologized and I know it won’t happen again.”

“Please don’t call me again and goodbye.”

Stewart was struck by her abruptness. He tried to call her again, but all he got was her voice mail. He’d try to reason with her and maybe she’d listen. ***

Monday afternoon Brad and Morgana went to lunch at Dodd’s Restaurant on Trafalgar Road. They were surprised to see Alex there with Jessica. The next morning Brad was having breakfast in his office that Morgana had cooked for them, when Alex, Maria and Jessica walked in.

“Why have you two kept it a secret from us? We were certain to find out one day,” Alex opined.

“What are you talking about, Alex?” Brad asked.

“Our spies have seen you two all over the place that we have to conclude that you’re more than just friends,” Maria said.

“What’s wrong if I agree to give Brad some of my breakfast?”

“That’s just what she’s doing,” Brad said, taking some more sips of his coffee.

“Pardon us for being so nosey but I’m sure that neither one of you’ll be willing to bet me that I’ll be at your wedding and it will take place this year,” Jessica said.

“Hold it right there, Jessica. Are you marrying us off because we’re having breakfast together?” Brad asked.

“I’m going back to my office, but I’ll be watching developments keenly,” Maria said.

“Morgana, I’ll open the dance floor with you,” Alex said.

“Alex, you behave yourself. When you and Jessica set the date I’m going to come and dance with you the entire night,” Morgana countered.

“What would he do?” Maria asked, pointing at Brad.

When neither Morgana nor Brad attempted to answer, Maria said.

“See, I told you, let’s leave the lovebirds to have their breakfast.” She pushed Alex and Jessica out of the office.

“You people are awful,” Morgana shouted after them.

“Let them go on,” Brad said, laughing.