Uptown Lovers-Book Two by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-three


Bev was at home in her room that Sunday evening. She had already eaten her dinner and was relaxing. She heard her cell phone ring and she picked it up. Rory was on the line.

“I understand that you and Glen are living together now.”

Bev took the phone from her ear. She had to bite her lip to contain her anger.

“You lied to him about me getting pregnant for you and that you gave me money to take abortions.”

“That guy is lying. I never told him anything like that.”

“So why did you tell me that you and he had a fight and that you had beaten him up?”

“He called and threatened me and when I went to look for him, he hid from me.”

“I’m not ashamed to say that Glen is my boyfriend now.”

“I knew you were cheating on me with him.”

“What’s the meaning of all this? I’m not calling and badgering you about Brittany. I hope you’re sticking to her and not running all over the place.”

When he didn’t reply, she said.

“Rory, just own up to your responsibilities, at least I expect that of you. You would let me down if I heard that you weren’t standing by Brittany.”

“Brittany’s not pregnant and she’s not my girlfriend.”

“You called to criticize me for being friendly with Glen but you’re afraid to own up to the fact that a woman is having a baby for you. Goodbye, Rory,” she said and ended the call.


April was reflecting on her life in America for a second time. She had to return to American after less than four months in Jamaica. For the last couple of years her life had revolved around Stewart. She had come to the States and returned home after an eight month hiatus, all because of Stewart and here she was back in America because of him. She had gotten into a fight with that girl and had it not been for him she would have given her a proper beating and probably some stabs with her scissors. It served Stewart good to find out the type of person she was when she went after Treena with that pair of scissors. She had found Jose an attractive guy and had gone out with him a few times. She had steadfastly refused to go to bed with him despite his persistence. For one thing, he was Stewart’s friend and their method of operating as far as women were concerned was just about the same. She wasn’t looking to be used by another man. She felt used by Stewart. Jose had dropped her home from the clubs on the occasions they had gone out and they had spent a few minutes in his car talking. She remembered one early morning when he had taken her home and she had invited him in for a drink and to talk but that was all. Maybe Stewart had been following her and Jose around hence the reason for him knowing so much about her going out with that guy.

Melody had found a job for her in a bookstore. The store closed at six, but was a block away from her college. This would allow her time to attend night classes as she was interested in doing a degree in tourism management. Once she got her degree she would return to Jamaica and get a job on the North Coast as far away as possible from Stewart Brown.


Rick had come down to stay with Celia for the weekend. Mrs. Donaldson had gone to Montego Bay to spend the weekend. She told Celia that she didn’t want to get in the young people’s way. Celia had of course not told her of their troubles with Teddy lest it sent up her blood pressure. Actually the real reason for her mother going to Montego Bay was for a change of scenery from one tourist town to another.

They were sitting on the front porch planning their upcoming engagement party. Celia had her head in Rick’s lap as they enjoyed the cool evening breeze.

“Let’s draw up a guest list for the party,” Rick said.

“I saw a nice little place about a half mile from here and they look like they host these things. We could rent it and invite down our friends,” Celia said.

“What about accommodation?”

Celia laughed.

“Nobody would have to worry about having to book into a hotel as I have too many friends and relatives around for that to happen.”

“Almost everybody from my office, including Brad and Morgana plus some of the guys and girls from Randy Chin, my old classmates and friends from the club scene will be coming down.”

“It’s not as if we’re getting married. Engagement parties should be small affairs with a few family members and close friends. That’s why I said I could find accommodation for them, but your guest list would need a whole hotel.”

Rick burst out laughing and Celia joined him.

“Okay, let’s have about twenty people, you have ten and I have the same amount,” Rick said.

“Agreed, so, what form will the function take?”

“More like a dinner party, then I slip the ring on your finger, take you on the dance floor and invite other couples to join us. After that we just dance and enjoy ourselves until closing time.”

“I don’t want a long engagement or else I’ll be returning your ring.”

“It’ll be short and sweet and I’m going to surprise you.”

“Surprise me now, Rick. I can’t wait.”

“Celia, baby, I’m sure you can wait,” Rick said, drawing her up off the sofa.

“Let’s go get ready and go party,” he continued as they both headed into the house.


Stewart had just entered Clive’s Great Eats Restaurant in New Kingston that Friday afternoon for some lunch. He was dining alone as Meesha was working Downtown and Raileen couldn’t get off for lunch before two o’clock. He looked over and spied Treena Eastman. She was eating alone. He ordered his meal of country style chicken and locally produced food and came to sit opposite her. She looked up from her plate of curry goat and rice.

“Hi, Treena, remember me. I’m Stewart Brown.”

Treena looked at him and smiled. Stewart could be comical sometimes.

“Stewart, it’s been some time now. So how are you?”

“I feel all the worse for you not wanting to be with me again.”

“You don’t look it. You look as if you don’t have a care in the world. By the way, how’s that girl, what’s her name again? The one who fought me, April, I believe her name is,” she remembered.

“She’s away, but you got it all wrong. That girl was drunk. She goes around to the nightclubs and bars, drinks up a lot of liquor and then makes a lot of trouble. That’s why I refused to marry her. I asked her back for my ring but she refused to give me. I should have changed the door locks,” he said. They were now half way through their meal.

“She even encouraged a friend of hers to get drunk and then get into a fight with another girl over a guy.”

“In other words she’s crazy, but she ended up attacking me not you. You’re a really good salesman.”

“I’m glad I met you here. I’ve been thinking about you the whole time, baby. I want us to be friends again. I can assure you that nothing like that will happen again.”

Treena continued eating. She had a new boyfriend, a

guy, two years older than she. Stewart for his part continued eating.

“Can I order anything for you?”

“I already ordered a drink for myself.”

“You haven’t replied to my request for us to be friends again.”

“I can remember how I met you. I had this date with this guy, Jose Maragh and I came and didn’t see him, but I saw you and you said you had seen a guy fitting his description driving away with another girl. We got to talking and I went home with you,” she said. “I have a new boyfriend now.” They had finished eating and were having their drinks now.

“I’m glad for you but I’ll keep trying. I still love you,” he said and Treena laughed.

“I was a little girl when I met you, but I’ve grown up, thanks to you. But you can blame that girl for breaking up our relationship.”

“I still love you,” he said and Treena continued laughing.

“I have a temporary job doing and I have to be back at my desk before they fire me,” she said standing up. Stewart offered to buy lunch for her the next day, but she refused. They said their goodbyes and she returned to her work. Stewart smiled to himself, he didn’t really expect Treena to come back readily to him after that episode with April. But anytime he saw her he would put in a word. You could never tell if she would change her mind and time had a way of healing many wounds.


Glen and Bev’s engagement party was held the next week at Glen’s parent’s home. It was an all night affair and the rich and famous came out. All of Bev and Glen’s family members and several of their former university colleagues were there. Rick and Celia were there as were Dania and Leo. Brad and Morgana were therefore quite taken aback to see pictures of themselves dancing in the magazine of one of the Monday papers. They had the full details of the engagement party, including pictures of Glen and Bev and a picture of both families.


Morgana was at her desk that Monday afternoon when her telephone rang. Linton was on the line, Morgana was surprised.

“Hi, Morgana, surprised to hear from me,” he said. “I thought I’d call you up and congratulate you and Brad.”

“Thanks, Linton, really I never expected this. So is everything okay with you?”

“Couldn’t be better, Wanda and I are getting engaged in September and plan to get married in December.”

“I’m really glad for you.”

“I’m finished with crews. Far as I’m concerned, they’re no use and that may have been one of the reasons why so many girls were leaving me,” he said. “I want to send you and Brad an invitation to my wedding.”

“I’m not sure we’d be able to make it, but you can send it nevertheless because my little sister and her fiancé will soon be over there. I’m sure that they’ll be more than glad to represent us.”

“Bev is coming up here and she got engaged to Glen. I’m so happy for them.”

“So it’s goodbye then and I wish you and Wanda all the best.”

“Thanks and as I said I wish you and Brad the best,” he said as they both hung up.      


Wednesday when she reached home after spending some time up at Brad’s house her mother gave her a parcel addressed to her from Stewart. Morgana put her hand over her mouth when she opened it to find a marriage proposal. Her former engagement ring and a pro-forma invoice for a wedding band valued at one hundred thousand dollars were also enclosed. Morgana closed back the parcel and became angry. She knew she daren’t call Brad as he would be very angry with her.

“I can’t believe that Stewart would stoop to such foolishness. He must be going crazy or something,” Monique said when Morgana showed her the parcel.      

Bev was up at Glen’s house and Darren was in his room sleeping.

“Mummy, I’m going to return them to him in the morning. I know why Stewart is behaving this way.”

“He caught April with Jose Maragh and now she’s gone back to the States. I don’t have any sympathies for him. If April was around he wouldn’t be pestering me so much. If she returns to the island and wants him back he’ll go back to her.”

“For a moment I believe you’re tempted. Are you and Brad lovers?”

“I’m not tempted at all and yes we’re lovers. But it’s just that Stewart keeps pestering me all the time.”

“Listen if I were you, I would write him a polite note thanking him. Then tell him in no uncertain manner that you have no intention of returning to him.”

“I’m going to do that. I’m going to return it to him in the morning. I’ll leave it with one of the guards to give him.”

“I’m going up now, you make sure you do that. He has a nerve to be wanting you back after all that he has done to you,” Monique said as she started to ascend the stairs to her bedroom.

Morgana duly returned the parcel to Stewart that Thursday morning.

When Stewart received the parcel that evening he bowed

his head. He read the letter she had written him. Damned her, he thought before tearing it up. He wondered who could have told her about April and Jose Maragh. Maybe she was telling the truth about him and April but after what he suspected she had done with Jose he wasn’t sure about her anymore. He had a date with Meesha. He would have a bath before heading up to her house.


Glen was relaxing at home when his cell phone rang. Leona was on the line.

“Glen, I heard about you and Bev’s engagement and I’d like to congratulate you both.”

“Thanks, Leona.”

“I want to thank both of you for talking to Duncan for me. But I’ve spoken to my parents and they’ve agreed to support me so I’ll carry the baby. They were ready to turn their backs on me, especially my father, but my mother brought him around. I’ll take next year out of school and have my baby.”

“You know I’m still curious as to the baby’s father.”

“Duncan is my baby’s father. I only went with Liam once and I made him use protection, but after I saw how he behaved towards me and other girls I refused to have anything more to do with him. I went with Duncan because I wanted to get back at you for leaving me for Bev. What he said about me wanting to live with you because I wanted to have a baby and trap you in a marriage because I was afraid of Bev taking you away from me are all lies.”

Glen couldn’t believe that Leona had anything to do with Liam after she had expressed a loathing for the guy. He didn’t reproach her or anything about her action, nor did he believe what Duncan had said about her wanting him to get her pregnant and blame it on him. He didn’t think Leona could be so stupid when paternity tests were available.

“A child always wants to have his mother and father behind him so I hope that Duncan will soon change his mind.”

“I’m not holding my breath on that and I don’t really care. All I can say is that maybe I should have tried harder to hold on to you, but as I said all the best to both you and Bev and thanks.”

“Thanks and good luck with your baby,” Glen told her as both of them ended the call.


Brad and Morgana came down to Rick and Celia’s engagement party and rented a room. It was the first time that they were spending a night together and as a matter of respect Brad had gotten her mother’s permission.

Two weeks later Brad took Morgana up to Shanique’s place in Barbican.

“You know why I took you here?”

“I have no idea, except to have some good food.”

“I want to ask you to marry me.”

“Oh, Brad, what can I say. I never expected you to ask me, but yes, I’ll marry you,” she replied and they shared a light kiss.

“I’m on the moon,” Morgana said as their food arrived.

“Rick and Celia will be getting married in the next two months and then next February will be our celebrations,” Brad said as they started eating.

“Glen and Bev are going up next month, but they’ll be coming down for our wedding. When I tell her and my mother they’ll be happy for me.”

“My father and mother will be beaming with happiness,” Brad said.

“Where will we live? I certainly don’t want to live in that small apartment of yours. I wouldn’t like to get pregnant and live there.”

“It can easily hold the two of us, but there are some new apartments and townhouses being built all around town. We can explore the possibility of getting one of them to buy.”

“That would be lovely. Most persons, especially our colleagues are going to be disappointed that we didn’t have an engagement party.”

“We’re going to feast them at the wedding that they’ll forget that we didn’t hold an engagement party.”

“Where are we going to hold it?”

“I know my mother would love to do it but normally it’s the bride, whose parents get that honor so over to Monique.”
“Darling, I can’t wait,” Morgana said as they finished their drinks.

“It’s sooner than both of us had thought,” Brad told her, taking her hand.

“Let's go and dance this night away to show our happiness,” Brad said getting up.

“Yes, darling,” Morgana said, getting up to join her soon to be husband and headed for the dancing room. The End.