Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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With the statue of President Antivon having been set up inside the Jerusalem Temple nearly a year ago, and reports of the idol talking, displaying amazing powers, and even healing a few who touched it, a steady stream of people are visiting the Temple simply to be close to the statue, and possibly even experience and benefit from its mystical powers.  Local Jewish leaders have lost control over access to the Temple, as people from all over are coming to see the idol which can perform wondrous signs.  Outside the Temple Moses and Elijah deliver their message of salvation to those who pass by, but very few listen.  Moses declares the statue to be an idol of the Antichrist, and a means of satanic worship.  "Demons are using this idol to perform fake miracles to promote Satan's own man as a god.  The one you are really worshiping is Satan himself."  Moses then quotes from 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day [Second Advent] will not come until the rebellion [Tribulation] occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction [Antichrist]. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple [Abomination of Desolation], proclaiming himself to be God."


Elijah picks up the message:  "This evil faker will have a short time to play out his deception on the world, and then his end will come, as the Bible declares:"

2 Thessalonians 2:8 "And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming [Second Advent]. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.”


Moses concludes: "Turn away from the lie and toward the light of the Truth.  Time is very short, and then eternity is forever."  Those walking by on their way to pay homage to the statue of Antivon just scoff and hurl insults at the two witnesses.


A crowd gathers every day to hear Moses and Elijah speak.  Many of them do not believe what the two are saying, but somehow they cannot stay away.  These two speak with such authority and wisdom, and it is difficult to ignore them, even for those who do not believe them.  Most do not even believe they are the true Moses and Elijah of old.  But somehow they know these two cannot be ignored.  So every day the two witnesses speak near the Temple, and every day a large crowd gathers to hear them.  At the same time a steady stream of visitors come to the Temple to see the statue of Antivon and experience its power.  Although it is a secular religion based on Antivon, his followers express a deep faith in his mystical powers to heal the earth.


Meanwhile, also near the Temple in Jerusalem, several Rabbis are arguing among themselves about the two witnesses.  Rabbi Shulman from Jericho argues that these two are indeed the Moses and Elijah of old.  He says to the others "The events of the past three years have opened my eyes to the reality that we Jews missed our Messiah.  We were blind to the prophecies from our writings, but finally I can see them clearly.  This Temple is spiritually bankrupt and is selling out to a worldwide satanic religion headed by the evil Antichrist dictator.  The Jews in Israel who were believers before the Midpoint departed for the mountains, as the Scriptures required.  Now only a remnant of Jewish believers remain in Israel, mainly those of us who did not see the Truth until after they had departed.  This Temple is a place of false religion, first apostate Judaism, and now the False Prophet has set up the statue of the Antichrist right here.  Look at it!  It is a lie!  It represents the worldwide satanic religion.  The New Testament reveals that many Jews will become believers in Jesus Christ as the spiritual blindness of Israel will be lifted as a result of both the Rapture and the ensuing events which unfold.  It also says that at the exact midpoint of the Tribulation a statue of the Antichrist will be placed in the Temple in Jerusalem as part of this worldwide false religious system headed by the Antichrist, who will be worshiped as a god.  Then the two witnesses will evangelize and teach despite the temple's use to promote both apostate Judaism and the satanic false religion of the Tribulation.  Open your eyes and see the truth!  We are now in that time period which Jesus Christ referred to as a “Great Tribulation.”  He will return soon, but not before things get much worse."


Others Rabbis argue with him and accuse him of being a traitor to Judaism.  Several tear their clothing as they renounce him.  But others stay to discuss the issues with him, as they have also been wondering if they were on the wrong track.


Many Jews are slowly realizing that a new holocaust against the Jews has been occurring, and it is growing every day.  Jewish businesses in Western Europe are being fire-bombed, reminiscent of the mid-20th Century era.  In Russia, Jews are being rounded up and thrown into prison for no reason except for being Jews.  Throughout the Western Alliance Jews have become the new underclass of citizens, scorned and treated as traitors to President Antivon, regardless of being believers in Christ or not.  In every corner of the world Jews are reviled, threatened, incarcerated, tortured, and killed.  All simply for being Jews.  This would ultimately become the worst holocaust in human history.