Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Trumpet #3


Three months after the red mountain of fire fell into the Pacific Ocean, another huge fireball, this time a white one, falls from the sky.  Video from London shows that as it entered the atmosphere it split apart into thousands of pieces which then headed in all directions.  


By this time Jill was back at her anchor desk, having been released from prison after her original three accusers had died from a sudden illness which swept through the Citizen's Police Headquarters, and most of the surviving prison guards had fled to forage for food and water.  With no one left there to condemn her, she was released.  Also, her popularity as a well-known news anchor probably helped.  Her Producer Jack Ford had also been released.  So Jack and Jill simply walked out.  The metaphor was apparent to the pair.  They said to each other, "did you fetch that water?  We might need it."  After a laugh they thought how rare humor and laughter had become.  Just another victim of this period of Tribulation.


Jill begins her return to anchor duties just as news about the white fireball is breaking.  Producer Jack Ford looks at Jill and nods in agreement.  During his imprisonment he decided that what Jill had been telling her audience was real.  The Bible was right after all.  This is truly the Great Tribulation.  The Messiah had already come and would soon return.  He now believed it.  Jill starts out:


"Glad to be back.  Let's get straight to the disastrous news you all want to hear about."


Her news show audience now has even more viewers than before her imprisonment.  Reports that the Citizen's Police had put her in prison only enhanced her reputation for reporting the facts as she saw them.  That seemed odd to Jill since most of her audience did not accept her premise for why this is all happening.  But as she has said previously, she looks at the phenomenon as "moths to the flame."  They simply cannot help but look at the truth, even if they cannot accept it.  So she simply trudges on.  


Jill proceeds to cover the news of the white fireball.  She described how it had split apart into thousands of pieces, all still quite large.  Then the pieces went straight for many of the fresh water streams and rivers across the world, as if they had homing beacons.  The result was the poisoning of one-third of the world's remaining fresh water supply.  


Producer Jack Ford replays the video in slow motion showing the blazing white fireball as it split apart and sent pieces in all directions.  The fact that the pieces landed so perfectly in streams and rivers was amazing to the viewers, so the video was shown over and over again.  Video from specific regions showed the pieces landed in the rivers and streams, causing them to foam and roil as they rolled along.  Those dependent on these waters died within seconds of drinking from them.  This destruction of a large portion of the remaining drinking water supply would be devastating.  An already starving and thirsty world was about to experience a new level of misery.


After she described the event, and the details it involved, she begins to read from her book:


Revelation 8:10 “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.  A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”


"The third Trumpet Judgment is against the fresh drinking water of the earth in lakes, rivers and reservoirs.  An angel throws a massive burning ball of bitter tasting poison into the fresh waters of the earth, breaking up and landing in numerous regions, then spreading out from there.  It will be made of a bitter poison compared to the taste of wormwood, although wormwood is not itself a poison.  The poison is unknown to earth and there is no antidote.  The poison will spread out causing 1/3 of all fresh water to be poisoned, resulting in many deaths from both poison and lack of drinking water.  The ball of fire is not an actual star, but looked like one to John.  Again, these are literal, but since they are not naturally occurring events they must be compared to what John knows.  These are divinely caused, literal and real -- not allegory, not symbolic, but real.  Those who try to drink the tainted water die.  At this point there is very little food and now little drinking water available on the earth.  People are reduced to bare survival levels and extreme misery.  With very little fresh water to drink, the earth's unbelievers are not just starving, they are dehydrating to death.  Believers suffer, but God does not neglect His own, so most will survive unless they take the mark of the Beast."


In the ensuing weeks and months the world was reduced to a struggle for food and water.  The basest instincts of mankind were unleashed as people would kill for a cup of water, or a half slice of bread.  The world was starving and thirsting to death.  The death toll over the next several months was staggering.  Estimates were sketchy, but thought to be well over 500 million.  The world was reduced to basic survival.  There was no thought of the future.  No looking forward to retirement.  No wedding plans.  No hope for a family.  No hope of any type, except for those who trusted God with their lives.  Somehow they had food enough to survive.  They suffered, but they lived on."


Even though Jill's news is reported all over the globe, she thinks to herself that no one gets the real message.  She wonders if there is a better way to relay what is behind the disasters.  She thinks of herself as a failure since people are listening, but not accepting the reality of what is going on.  She heads home to her apartment after her news show and sits in her chair thinking about how people ignore truth and accept "the lie" so easily.