Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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In the mountains east of Israel the leaders of the Jews who fled during the Midpoint are gathered for their weekly council meeting.  They had been hiding in the mountains for over two years now, and it was wearing on the people in the camp.  The people were becoming restless.  Many began to wonder about why they were there.  Some began to stir up the camp with talk of going back to rescue their fellow Jews who were suffering intensely.  Others simply did not like being cooped up in one place.


Josh Simmons begins the council meeting of the twelve Camp Leaders by saying: "Discontent is growing among our people here in the camps.  They have heard all the reasons why we are here, but they do not fully understand their purpose.  Some are stirring up the people to break from the group and form their own council, and possibly even leave the camp and go back to Israel.  We must encourage the people, and also be steadfast in our resolve to keep good order in the camp.  We do not want a repeat of the incident from a year ago when many set out for Jerusalem and were killed."  The council discusses how they might keep the people from losing focus, and avoid discontentment that might lead to groups breaking off and going out on their own.  But there is not agreement among all council members.  Some even expressed sympathy for those who were discussing departing the camp, or possibly going back to Jerusalem to help their fellow Jews.


Josh continues: "The Tribulation is entering its final phase, which is characterized by a period of "the Woes," which are judgments by torturing demons who will inflict great pain and later death on the world's populace.  But we here in the camps are protected from the Woes as long as we remain faithful, mainly by staying where we are, and by refusing the Mark of the Beast."


Josh continues "The first four Trumpet Judgments targeted nature, and therefore mankind indirectly, especially unbelieving mankind.  Billions have been killed while the rest are starving, thirsty, freezing, diseased and mostly in the dark on a stinking, rotting, ugly planet.  Misery would seem to be at a peak, but it will get much worse.  And what happens during the remaining three judgments will be something the masses of unbelievers are not expecting.  In fact, the next Trumpet Judgments are called “Woes” for a very good reason.  Misery will now be taken to new heights.  They are described in Revelation


After Josh had finished one member of the council objected.  Noam Givan had not been happy with the leadership of the other council members, and he spoke for those in the camp who saw things differently.  Noam spoke to the council: "How long shall we sit here and let our fellow Jews back in Israel be imprisoned, tortured, and killed at the hands of these evil Goi heathen?  We must mount a resistance and go back to help them.  We sit here in comfort and have enough food and water while our dear friends back in our homeland are suffering.  A number of people in my part of the camp believe we are cowards to sit here and not help our suffering fellow Jews.  We must return to Jerusalem and fight with them."


Josh tries to reason with Noam.  "We must remain unified and encourage everyone to stay in place as the Bible commands us.  To leave the camp is certain death.  We have Divine protection here.  The enemy knows where we are but they cannot reach us because God has covered us.  But if any leave this place, that coverage will not go with them."


Matthew 24 says:

“At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. 26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”


Josh Simmons:  "The time to depart will be very clear to all.  Until then, we are commanded by the Scriptures to remain and wait patiently on the Lord."


Noam Givan simply shakes his head and walks out of the council meeting.  Josh and several others stay behind and discuss the issue further.  Another member of the Council speaks up to support what Josh has said:

"Satan will continue to try to lure us out into the open to be killed.  If we remain in the mountains we will be safe under a supernatural hiding.  But if any come out they will be killed.  We must survive to populate the Millennium, and we only need to wait another 18 months, which will be 3 ½ years from the time of our flight to these mountains.  We believers will be very tempted to come out of hiding to help our fellow Jewish believers still in Israel since they will be under attack and in great distress.  But any such intended heroism would be misplaced, since we would never get the chance to help, but would instead be killed as soon as any come out from hiding.  Sometimes hiding is the heroic act, if that is what God requires.  God has a plan, and it must be followed precisely during these difficult times.  Some must flee and wait, others must persevere and fight.  Misplaced heroism will not be rewarded.  We must remain until the Second Advent has occurred, and it will not be possible to miss that event."


The members depart for their sections of the encampments.  But they know this is not the end of the issue.  Patience is in short supply in the camps.


The following day a large crowd of Jews are gathered around Noam Givan as he speaks.  He talks of the suffering of their fellow Jews back in Israel, and how staying in the camp is cowardly.  The crowd becomes worked up and is ready to accept his message.  They want to be patriots.  They want to return and fight.  As Noam finishes his speech he yells "I am going back to fight the enemy -- who is with me?"  Cheers go up from the crowd as many shout their support for mounting a guerrilla action against the enemy in order to help their countrymen.  They are ready to return and fight.


Josh Simmons had been listening from a short distance away.  He knew that Noam would stir up trouble.  Josh jumps up onto the stage and shouts "Silence!  Silence!  Listen to me!"  The crowd shouts boos and jeers at Josh, but he continues" "Good people of Israel, we are here because it is the Lord's will that we must serve as a remnant of believers to populate the Millennial Kingdom.  The Bible says that if any leave this place of hiding and divine protection they will certainly be killed.  Their lives will be forfeited for no purpose.  We must remain here as the Bible commands.  We are not cowards to obey the Word of Truth.  We must obey or perish.  Anyone who leaves will be killed by the forces of evil and for no purpose at all.  If you think us to be cowards, then you think the Word of the Lord is nothing.  The command to us is very clear.  Remain and wait patiently.  We are being tested for our patience, and it is hard for all of us.  To leave is a useless death.  This is your final warning.  No one can leave here until the Lord Himself returns, and it will not be long.  He will provide for our fellow Jewish believers who are in Israel.  He does not want or need your help.  Choose wisely."


Many of the Jews calm down and accept that Josh has made a point.  But others refuse to accept his guidance.  Noam Givan recruits any who will join him to go back and help the Jews in Israel who are suffering and dying in large numbers.  They set a date for departure.  Meanwhile, they train for their mission.  They believe their mission will receive the Lord's blessing since they are seeking to help their fellow Jews in distress.  They see themselves as patriots.


Within a month the departure date arrives.  Noam and his group seem well trained and committed to fulfill their goal of helping their distressed fellow Jews.  They depart after sunset, with the goal of reaching Jerusalem by dawn.  All goes well as they make their way down the mountains and across the Jordan River.  As they approach Jerusalem, things go very badly.


The forces of the Antichrist are waiting for them.  Surveillance systems picked up their departure from the enclave as soon as they had departed.  They were tracked all the way down the mountains and across the Jordan River.  


The Antichrist forces are entrenched along a road just east of Jerusalem.  As the Jewish contingent made their way down the road, the leader of the Antichrist forces gives the order to open fire.  A massive arsenal is unleashed on the band of Jews.  Within two minutes all are dead.


Word of the disastrous defeat reaches the Jews back in Petra.  Josh simply relays the news without comment.  It is a hard lesson to the remaining Jews that they must remain in hiding, or face certain death for no reason.